
Chapter 24: Plus Ultra

Alex's charge looked wonky and flippant, but Kirishima knew what he was going to do.

He stood in front of Aizawa immediately and covered his ears, preparing for impact.

Alex suddenly stopped before reaching the Nomu who roared at him in defiance and he finished sucking up a huge breath.

With an earth-shaking roar that blew tons of rock in front of him, an oscillating blast wave was released from his maw.

Melissa and Izumi arrived in time to shield Kirishima's ear and their boots anchored them to the ground as impromptu tower shields.

Nomu's body vibrated violently and its brain in the clear case on its head exploded.

Alex then ran at it with a bellowing roar, whacking it with his tail after changing forms. Imparting deadly poison as much as he could.

"Who the fuck is that cheater!?" Shigaraki screamed.

Alex transformed back in to his tigrex form and he went for the full form.

This time, his charge was much more powerful and destructive as he wasn't preparing for a destructive roar.

Reinforced concrete and claws sparked as he ran amok. Nomu wanted to clobber him, but Alex suddenly returned to his anthropomorphic size and leapt.

Befitting the title of absolute power, his clawed paw crashed right above its head. Popping its brain again as his claws gripped it.

Alex got hit by a backhand and he felt like he was ran over by a freight train.

"You're the one giving orders to that thing, right?" Melissa asked Shigaraki who was getting angrier and angrier.

"Yeah, I guess I'll fucking kill you mys-" He was suddenly hit by a repulsor blast to the chest.

"Kill him!" Melissa roared. Shoko touched the ground and a semi-circular iceberg trapped Shigaraki as he crashed onto it.

Izumi then tried to blast his brains out, but Shigaraki dodged with his life.

"Turn into goop you handjob fucker!" Mina viciously attacked with her acid.

Shigaraki went wide eyed. "You're heroes! You can't kill me!" He yelled, but he suddenly got hit by a repulsor blast again.

"Who said we can't do that?" Melissa's repulsors whined.

"Kurogiri! Some help over here!" Shigaraki yelled and before he was toast, a vortex appeared in front of him.

"Sorry Shigaraki, I was almost done in by one of them." Kurogiri hid because his real body almost got sniped.

"Fucking cheaters! We will be back!" Shigaraki's eyes were bloodshot.

"Diiieeeeee!" They heard a husky voice above them scream like she meant it.

"Now! Kurogiri! Leave the Nomu!" Shigaraki roared and they warped before Katsuki divebombed on their location.

All of her scales and stored sweat suddenly exploded. And it shattered all the windows of USJ.

Tremors were felt all over UA and even Alex and the Nomu were blown away by the shockwave.

"Fuck, that was insane Katsuki. Too bad, I can't smell them anymore." Alex got distracted and he was hit by a haymaker on the face.

He didn't let it be just like that though and the absolute might of his jaws bit the Nomu's arm.

Like a hydraulic press, his sharp teeth cut through its arm like butter. Ripping it off clean with his razor sharp pearly whites.

It began to regenerate, but it was slowing down.

'Its brain must take a lot out of it when it regenerates that.' Alex squinted his eyes.

The Nomu absolutely went apeshit crazy and began releasing blows with as much fervor as it could muster.

Alex felt his ribcage shatter at its savage blows and it held him down while trying to snap its jaws on his face.

"How about a little help over here too!" Alex shouted and the two armored girls shot it off of him.

"Sorry!" They shouted and Shoko froze it in a massive iceberg.

Alex threw some vitajuice at them and he drank one from his other hand.

Mina caught it and made Aizawa drink some immediately. He was in rough shape.

"You wanna do this the hard way? Then let's do this how you want it." Alex glared at it as he turned full monke.

Transforming into the real size of the rajang. It was not that large at all, only being four meters in height.

But its savage strength wasn't messing around.

With a roar, he was enraged. His hackles on his back stood up on attention as they turned golden.

Electricity sparked around him and Alex ran at it with the same ferocity.

Their fists clashed and Nomu's body shook like jello. A shockwave exploding throughout USJ.

"Don't forget about us! Ora!" Kirishima appeared behind it as he sparked with red lightning.

He suplexed it again on the ground. "Let him get up! Let him get up!" Katsuki waited a bit.

"Pussy boy!" Alex enhanced his fists as it turned red and he slugged it right on the face.

Kirishima went for a hook and the two of them took turns slugging it as they held on to its arms.

"Fight back! Bitch! Fight back!" Katsuki went ham on its back, releasing concentrated explosions on its torso that blew holes every time.

Izumi and Melissa were in the air and they shot its head, locking onto it.

It stumbled and roared, but it couldn't move due to the vicious jumping it received.

"Kirishima! Plus ultra!" Alex roared as he winded up for a hook.

"Youth!" Kirishima went for a left hook as well and their fists crashed onto the sides of its head.

It popped like a watermelon as its brains exploded.

"I got this!" Mina washed the Nomu with her strongest acid and it started melting. Its regeneration that got slower couldn't keep up.

"Dieeeeee!" Katsuki released her bomb scales on it, peppering the thing.

"Shoko! Box it in!" Izumi shouted and Shoko touched the ground, trapping it in thick ice.

The dome it was in suddenly shattered into a million pieces and Alex released a lightning cannon from his mouth, decimating everything in front of him with unadulterated electricity.

Izumi and Melissa then scanned the area, checking for any life signs. But it was just twitching around now.

Melissa and Izumi shot it again with their repulsors. Then it finally stopped moving.

"What the hell is that shit? It definitely had multiple quirks." Alex frowned.

"Whatever it was, that thing was dangerous." Izumi sighed.

"This is a declaration of war. If those punks think they can get away with this, then they're dead wrong." Katsuki bristled as she remembered Shigaraki's features.

It was ingrined in her brain now. And they all had one thing in mind.

"Kill on sight, whoever those guys were. If they appear, try everything you can to kill him." Alex furrowed his brows.

"Y-you crazy ass kids." Aizawa healed up enough to stand up.

"Aizawa, the future is now old man. You should rest." Alex hit him with a vitajuice throw and Aizawa got much better.

'Hah, this is going to be a PR nightmare. These kids killed a lot of those guys.' Aizawa sighed.

But now he knew. That he was not just dealing with a bunch of kids. They were practically supersoldiers that aren't afraid to go wild.

"Have no fear! For I am here! I heard from young Iida!" Allmight suddenly appeared.

"You're too late old man." Alex sighed. "Well, I didn't think that villains would be attacking." Allmight sighed.


"I'll leave you a couple more of these, Yagi. They"ll make you perk up right after." Alex gave him a thumbs up.

Yagi looked at the ball of vitajuice he gave him and it had sticker on it named viagra.

"Young Alex..." Yagi deadpanned at him and Alex shook his head wistfully.

"My work here is done, when you're nice and virile again. Go to USJ so you can show the kids what you're made of. Oops, I could've worded that better." He smirked at him.

"Alex!" Yagi shouted, but he already flew away and was on track to USJ.

But when he was flying towards the place, he smelled something.

Dropping to the ground and using his tigrex form that can smell more keenly than the rathian who has better eyesight, he could smell Katsuki's explosions.

"Weird... She shouldn't be using that much in USJ which is supposed to help with search and rescue lessons." Alex frowned and he sniffed again.

"There's dozens of scents in USJ." He immediately jumped in the air and flew towards the place with his maximum speed.

Seeing the large dome, Alex glided with his tigrex form and swooped in with a bullet dive.

Focusing on Aizawa who smelled of blood. And not just anyone's blood, his blood.


"Mina, dispose of all the evidence." Alex squinted his eyes.

"Eh?" His group went wide eyed. "This is UA, we can't drag the place into the mud. Collect all the corpses and melt them or let Thirteen use her blackhole to get rid of them." Alex ordered.

"He's right... It might sound villainous, really villainous actually. But we can't let people see this. The sheep you call the masses will lose their fucking minds." Aizawa snorted.

They nodded and everyone that was left there began to collect the corpses.

"Hey, Alex. Can't you like eat them? Human corpses have like more than a 100k calories right? That's like going to help a lot with bulking!" Kirishima had a bright idea.

Everyone stared at him weirdly. "Kirishima... That idea isn't as genius as you think it is." Alex deadpanned at him.

"But it's free protein." Kirishima got sad and Aizawa immediately put him on a watchlist.

"Young Alex..." Yagi looked at him and he nodded.

He made a call. "Nezu, I would like you to hire therapists and delete all the footage in USJ for the whole day if there still are. We don't know if the villains used radio wave jammers or emp's." Alex requested.

"So it's that bad huh? Any casualties?" Nezu furrowed his brows as his hackles rose.

"No, not on our side." Alex assured him and Nezu sighed in relief.

"Okay, request granted." Nezu ended the call as he started finding the best therapists.

"Come here young zygotes, you have been through a lot." Yagi hugged the teens and even Katsuki went pensive.

She was resolved to kill the villains who have unsavory desires, but it was still a shock for a teenager.

"I think I'll have nightmares of their faces." Izumi was shuddering a bit with Ochaco.

"It won't get any easier. I too have killed villains." Yagi nodded at them.

And they had a sudden realization that being a hero isn't just fun and games.

__After a week__

Aizawa's still wrapped by bandages, but otherwise. He was already fine.

"Sensei, are you alright?" Iida looked at him with concern.

"I am just peachy. You on the other hand, your fight is not over yet." Aizawa said cryptically.

"So Nezu didn't postpone the sports festival huh?" Alex already read through the whole syllabus.

"Tch, ruin the surprise will you?" Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"Oh! It's a normal school event!" Ochaco didn't want action all the time.

"Back in the past, the olympics dominated the television and streaming services when it was being played. But now, it's just a shadow of its former self." Aizawa sounded melancholic.

After all, besides his quirk. He's just a normal dude. And people forget that all the time.

The whole world is so focused on their quirks that they neglect their physique and skills.

He doesn't erase quirks to dismantle people. He evens the playing field for a one on one. And Aizawa relies on his technique to defeat villains.

"Millions of people will be watching. And your careers will be on the line. Pros will decide on who they will take in to their agencies depending on your performance." Aizawa pressured them.

"So train like you mean it. You have two weeks before the festival begins. Be rational and spend your time wisely, that is all." Aizawa left them behind.

After he opened the door though, a lot of students were there to check them out.

"Mon ami! They must be here to check out my sparkliness!~" Aoyama started doing hip thrusts.

"Heh, here to check out the competition? Losers?" Katsuki stood up and she towers over most of them.

Like Melissa, Katsuki is a solid 5'11. Her diet and training with Alex enhanced her phsyique to the limit.

A gloomy looking kid then challenged her. "We're here to scope you out. Then take your places in the hero course."

"Spoken like a true extra, get out of my way small fries." Katsuki snorted as she walked out of there with her signature strut. Her posture, impeccable.

"There she goes, making enemies left and right for us." Izumi sighed.

"It is true, Izumi. NPC's are everywhere. Just smile and wave, girls, smile and wave." Alex followed suit as he had a date with Mitsuki.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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