
MHA fighter will

A story of a man who died and got a chance of living again In the world of heroes and villains. Follow him as he decides his martial path, having a quirk or not is not on his considerations. The cover isn't mine, nor is the story of mha. I'm still discovering the publishing process in this app, of you see an novel with the same name in the novel category is because of that, I'm gonna post it in here now. I'm happy with tips and constructive criticism. I posted this on Scribble hub, for those who asked about to post it somewhere else.

Paulo_D_Manoel · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
43 Chs

Entrance exams

It was a sunny day in the city of Musutafu. Today is the day of the entrance exams of the biggest hero school in the nation. Making the youth exited and nervous to participate in a test that will decide their fate and the outcome of their dreams. Various familiar faces are looking at the magnificent building of the UA, admiring it's grandness with smile on their faces and praying to do a good job in the exam. All but one.

Standing at 1.90 m (6'3for you Americans) tall was a man, you can notice with a glance he was different from the rest of the youth gathered in this place. His wild and fluttering red hair following the movement of the wind, his chiselled and sharp jaw, his body, that even with clothes on cannot hide the powerful and dense muscles who mold his shape. Across his arms there are scars marking the gruesome training that he must have taken. And in his hands, hands that sport thickened fingers and protuding knuckles with darkened skin on the most used two knuckles. Showing the amount of time he spent using them.

Our protagonist, Scarlatti Sekizan,stand there menacingly. He was simply dressed. Sporting black linen trousers for ease of motion, with a black polo shirt. On his feet a pair of martial arts slippers for comfort.

He observed the place the he trained all his life to enter. It was a lifetime ago that he saw this same place as the setting of a shounen anime. He doesn't even remember the story, so many years of grueling training almost erased his past life of his mind. But seeing now he involuntarily thinks to himself.

' This is indeed MY hero academia. My history begins here.'


The written test was easy for him. Even though he spent all his time training his body, his mind was dragged along for the ride. He trained it as well to keep a balanced lifestyle. Now he is in the auditorium waiting for the explanation for the practical test, he hopes that the test would pose a challenge to him, he wasted the morning doing tests and that was a morning that he could spent training.

A popular hero begins the explanation, he did not pay much attention. He just understood the premise of the test, destroy robots. Well, he never destroyed robots before, there are 4 types of robots, but only three of them give points. A simple premise, but he understood that to judge a person you cannot complicate things to much.

He boarded the bus and got to the training city n° 3 and exiting the bus a crowd was formed at the entrance of a giant gate. Sekizan was at the end of the crowd waiting for the green light to begin.

Seeing the giant gates opening he ran and jumped up at the crowd, with a proficient use of Geppo he passed all the people, getting in the front. Touching the ground he immediately used Soru, widening the distance with the rest. And then from there he began to run at high speeds through the gates arriving at the mock city in a instant.

Right at the beginning he spotted a robot, a 1 pointer, immediately he began to approach it. But even with him running straight at it, the robot did not detect him. His steps were silent and he unconsciously moved through the robot blinds spots.

Quickly arriving at his back he willed his hand to make claws and with assassin like precision cut at the robot joints and neck. It was unnecessary to perform any special moves such as Shigan, as he was attacking a weak spot of the body of the machine.

Having finished the robot he used Geppo the jump at a roof of a building and began maneuvering through the city. Concentrating his senses to detect sounds of machines. Every time he found one he would jump down the building, softening his landing with a well placed Geppo, and proceeded to tear apart the robots as if they were made of paper.

He honestly expected more of this test. Having destroyed 30 robots in this manner he soon lost interest in continuing. If someone get more points that him, he would congratulate them in their perseverance.

Sometimes during his hunt of robots he found people having trouble or in danger while trying to destroy the robots. He was surprised at how weak this people were. He saw ones with solids quirks that would make it easy for someone like him to destroy those machines with. But they were having difficulty doing so.

Having decided to take it easy for the rest of the exams he seated at the ledge of a building and began to wait the clock to tic to zero.

*1 minute left for the exam*

As the announcement was made he began to hear the sound of destruction spread through out the city. He remember that there was a zero pointer left. So moving in the direction of the destruction, as one does, he spotted the massive beast that was the zero pointer.

'hm, The UA is famous for housing one of the best healers on the planet. It's time to test that move.'

He jumped of the ledge and gained air until he was in the same level of the head of the giant robot. Maintaining altitude with well placed Geppo's he began to concentrate.

*Puhh*( sound of him kicking the air with Geppo.)

He willed his endocrine system to release adrenalin and endorphins in his bloodstream.


He willed his heart to increase his blood rate. Making it so the hormones he released were spread to all of his body.


Taking a deep breath he absorbed the maximum amount of oxygen possible. And his veins began to pop out, his skin began to redden. Vapor was floating from the evaporated sweat that was forming in his skin. His eyes were bloodshot.


Sekizan begin to use Geppo to spin around, gaining momentum moving like a blur. And finally he uses all this momentum In a single leg to perform what the people of this world consider a super move.

"RANKYAKU: Amane Dachi!" He screams just before dishing out a giant air sickle in the for of a crescent moon at the giant zero pointer.

*Shinghhh* (SFX of cutting)

The robot did not have time to react, and the giant air sickle cut its head out of its neck in a clean slice, proceeding to cut the building behind of it as well. Making the giant and rumbling machine to tilt and fall in the opposite direction of the move.

Sekizan observed his work satisfied. His right leg was torn and bleeding, but this was absolutely badass on another level. All his training paid of.

He began to fall, but he stopped with his left leg, looking for the medical booth, he gotta find the miracle doctor now.


Hearing the announcement of the end of the exam he ignored and spots the healing booth. With his left good leg he dashes there at high speeds using gravity to accelerate.

Softening his landing at the entrance, he got stares all around. But he doesn't care about it to much.

The healing lady comes to him and inspect his injury. And proceeds to peck his cheek. Surprised, he begin to speak, but stop right after, noticing his body automatically rapair itself.

Sitting in a meditative position he began to take control of the healing process. Taking advantage of it to rebuild his leg muscles stronger than before.

He observed the healing energy and spread in a way just enough to heal the worst injuries and uses the rest to reconstruct his leg muscles in a more efficient and resistant way.

His actions made is so that not all of his injuries were healed. But he can heal himself of the rest of the injuries easily, it just takes time and a f*CK ton of food. But he could not lose the opportunity to get stronger because of meaningless injuries.

Finishing the process he proceeds to get up and go home. Taking the return bus to the front of the school he takes a cab to return to his house. In the cab he thinks.

'It was a good day today. Tested a variation of Rankyaku, and got stronger because of it. That lady can help me in awesome ways when I enter the academy.' He was satisfied with the day, and was ecstatic to know that there are ways to get stronger still waiting for him.

All the way home he was sporting a savage grin. The cab driver got spooked when he saw it.