
On The Way....

We're currently in the parking lot of U.A waiting for Aizawa sensei to come and explain to us what the summer camp is all about.

Tokoyomi who's been beside me said "Did you know?"

"Know what?" I asked him confused

"Midoriya met that Shigaraki guy from the League of Villains, in the shopping mall." He said.

"What?" 'How the heck did I forget about that?' "What happened?"

"Don't know, he spoke with Midoriya that's what we know. The details are kept secret for the benefit of the students."

"Like hell that is benefit to us." Saying that I went towards Midoriya.

Reaching him I asked "Midoriya, what happened at the shopping mall?" 'I'm pretty sure that I've caused some changes in the story, so what could have Tomura ask Midoriya?'

"Kageyama, it's complicated and the police told me to keep my mouth shut." He said to me.

Looking at him I sighed and said "Look Midoriya, if you don't tell us, you might be putting our classmates in danger."

"How?" He asked me with his eye's wide open.

"Say, that guy got some info while talking to you, like some of our weakness for example how dark shadow will be hard to control in the night. Things like that." I just spouted some bullshit that may come convincing. When the rest heard that they looked at Midoriya adding some peer pressure.

Seeing this he started to explain what happened there. It was pretty much same but, now Shigaraki thinks that I'm the successor of All Might. Even though it was not in the conversation between Midoriya and Shigaraki, I could read between the lines. 'So that means my family will be in trouble too. Luckily my Shadow Teleportation technique has increased the range, so if they're in danger I can be there in a nick of a time.'

"Thanks for the info Midoriya." I said to him. And the rest sighed as he didn't tell him anything related to our quirks.

Right after that Aizawa arrived and said "U.A high has finished it's first semester and started summer vacation." Pausing there he looked at us and said "However. Those of you trying to be heroes will not receive day of rest. At this summer camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights--- for " Plus Ultra"! "

""Yes Sir."" Everyone said that in unison.

Suddenly, in an irritating voice Monoma said to us "What? There are people in Class A taking extra classes? Does that mean you had people who failed the finals?

What? Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? Even though they're supposed to be way better than Class B?

How can that be?.. " But his ranting was stopped by Itsuka knocking him out cold.

Looking at us she said "Sorry." Then started to drag him to the bus. Looking at that we sighed.

The rest of the Class B wished us luck in the training camp and got into the bus. Momo who is the president of our class asked us to get into the bus.

Getting in, me and Shoto took a seat and Fumikage sat behind us with Mezo, Momo and Jiro sat together nearby us.

A couple of minutes into the ride Denki said "Hey. Let's put some music."

And the other's started to join in with him. Aizawa who was about to say something shut himself up after seeing them playing around.

Shoto who's sitting with me said "I tried what you said but I still couldn't make that sword you said."

"The fire sword?"


"Well if you can't then get an equipment to help with that. After getting a hang of it, it'll be easy for you."

"I did think about it. But I want to make it without the help of a equipment."

"Then train that I'm the camp. I'm sure that they will give us time to improve our quirks, so I would say that you should utilise that time to train that move."


"Hey have you heard this music?" Momo asked us.

After hearing the music Shoto said to her "First time. Who made this?"

"It's Kyoka. She have a talent in it." Momo said that while pointing at Kyoka who looked like want to escape from this situation.

I didn't comment on it and we started to talk about things we do when we're free, like how Momo likes to read books and have tea, Shoto likes to train with his brother, Fumikage likes to play guitar, how Kyoka write and perform music and how I like to cook etc.

As we were talking about all of this time passed quickly and an hour after we boarded, the bus stopped and Aizawa said "Everyone, get off now."

Getting out of the bus Kirishima said "Finally taking a break huh?"

"Anyway, does this even count as a rest area?" Sero asked Kirishima.

Looking around Denki said "Huh? Where's Class B?"

"There's no point stopping without a reason. " Aizawa said.

"Huh?" Hearing this everyone was confused.

Suddenly the car that has been there opened the door and a voice called out "Hey Eraser."

"Long time no see."

Aizawa hearing this bowed as a greeting.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!"

"Stingingly cute and catlike!"



"" Pussycats! ""

Mandalay and Pixie Bob said in a rhythm and stood in a pose at the end.




-----------Chapter 56 End----------

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