
Chapter 25: UA Entrance Exam pt.2

(Toru POV)

Arriving at the testing ground I quickly scouted out the competition. Originally I was a little sad that me and Ayah had to separate as it meant she wouldn't be able to see my new moves I'd developed for this test. However, I quickly realized that it was for the best as if both of us were together there might not be enough robots for everyone.

After thinking about it, it's likely that Nezu made sure we'd be separated. He knew our true strengths after all and probably had similar thoughts to me.

After hearing Present Mic say start I quickly dashed out leaving most others behind as they stood there in a daze. Rushing out as fast as I could I quickly made it to my first robot. Looking up at the bright sun I controlled my quirk and made a large lens in my sternum before creating a smaller series of lenses directing the light out of my fingers.

As the light began to focus out of my hand I started using the ability I had recently developed, controlling light outside of my body. Using my limited control I shaped the light into a two meter blade beginning at my hand. The light was so focused and hot that the gases within the blades area started to super heat and become plasma essentially creating a light saber. Running at the bot I used my second ability I'd developed for my close combat style, clones or mirror images. I essentially just reflected the light around me to create an illusion of my self.

(After a solid two and half hours of googling and getting in contact with a friend who's studying to be an optician all I can say is that lenses and how light reflects and refracts is some scary shit if you can get it small or big enough, don't even get me started on heat energy in focused light and all that shit. From this point on imma just make shit up and take guesses as to how light works because it's all very complicated and the only resource I have is an optician in training, who isn't the best at answering questions about the combat applications of light)

The blade sliced through the robot, which I know recognized as a three pointer, with extreme ease. The robots attempt to counter attack simply hit a light clone leaving me free to get my hit in. Satisfied with my new abilities first real combat test I quickly dashed away to get more points, just because first place was already reserved didn't mean I couldn't take second.

(Ayah POV)

To be honest this test was quickly becoming boring… while the fun of playing sniper had been enjoyable at first I was starting to lose it. The only respite was figuring out fun ways to save people using arrows, most of the time a simple enchantment on the arrow resolved the situation but I'd take what I can get. Let me tell you, watching an injured student freak out over a permeable green arrow going through their chest, only to get shocked as their wounds heal was some of the funniest stuff I'd seen in a while.

My only remaining hope for having fun was the zero pointer, since I wasn't with the little green haired cry baby I could take the thing all by myself. Which I'm sure will be entertaining for a least a moment. I mean, just thinking of how I want to take it down was already pretty entertaining. I was currently debating between summoning my armor for a few seconds and punching a hole in it or just casting disintegrate on it and watching it turn into dust.

I was leaning more towards disintegrating it as the would be a show of force while still keeping some mystery to my ability. But if I was going to disintegrate it then I was going to make a show of it, no tearing paper or any of that nonsense.

Breaking me from my thoughts an alarm started to sound throughout the testing ground. With a small earthquake throughout the area the zero pointer rose over some buildings. With my decision made and my target in front of me it was time to disintegrate a robot.

(Nezu POV)

Viewing the monitors in front of me I had to say that this group of applicants had quite a few good quirks in it. Of course All Mights little successor was underperforming which wasn't ideal, but having just received his quirk and the low self esteem that he surely developed due to being quirkless I wasn't too surprised.

The little monster and her prodigy were performing exactly as expected. I had expected her to realized that there would be a second scoring system so then both going out of their ways to save people wasn't surprising in the slightest.

With the zero pointer coming out as the test came to a close I realized a little too late that I was going to lose the one in Ayah's testing ground. Possibly even in Toru's ground with how powerful her laser attacks had been getting recently. The cost would sting a little but nothing that couldn't be dealt with.

Looking at the monitor with Ayah on it I saw her summon a… cannon? It had the same design as the very old artillery piece, the flak 88, but with glowing blue runes running up and down its length. Looking as large intricate magic circle began to form around and in front of the barrel I quickly realized that the zero pointer was definitely not going to survive what ever magic thing she was trying to invoke.

As the circles began to glow brighter and brighter I heard the door open behind me. Turning around for a moment I saw All might walking in, truly his appearance was saddening when compared to his prime.

"Here to ask about your little successor?"

"Yes, is he doing well?! Is he going to pass?!"

"Hold on a moment and watch this with me, then I'll tell you."

Directing his attention to the main screen that was now showing Ayah's cannon I watched as the charging sequence seemed to come to completion. With a loud buzzing noise a bright blue beam burst (Hah 4 B's in a row!) forth and hit the zero pointer dead center.

All Might and I watched on in both shock and slight amounts of fear as the zero pointer disintegrated starting from the initial point. Quickly turning into dust that drifted down into the fake city streets.

"T-that was a student?!"

"Yes, it was the girl I was telling you about. The one I believe could become the next Symbol of Peace."

As we both stood there in silence, All Might in shock and me reevaluating Ayah's true danger level two other monitors lit up. Quickly focusing on both of them I witnessed as two other zero pointers fell. One had been entirely cut in half and the other had a large chunk missing as if it had been blow out. Rewinding slightly I watched as Toru fired a beam of light out of her hand slicing the zero pointer in half. That was expected, what was unexpected was what happened to the other zero pointer.

The boy who had inherited All Mights quirk had jumped up and punched a shockwave that blew a chunk out of the zero pointer… before promptly plummeting towards the ground. Luckily another student had saved him before a safety bot had to get involved costing him the already meager points he'd earned.

All Might quickly left the room, likely to go check up on his successor, while I remained focused on the two video feeds on the main screen. One, a smiling Ayah sitting on her cannon and the other, a slightly winded Toru. Two people that would bring Japan into a second golden age even without All Might's successor.

Okay, I’m still mobile only so this doesn’t have any real editing done to it. Be gentle lol, I’ll go over it when I’m back to my computer.

FallenVoidcreators' thoughts
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