

Labeled as a traitor by his own father and his people, Prince Liam has been stripped of his titles and was buried unnamed under a willow tree. He lost not only his throne, but also his family, his reputation, and his dignity. The clock turned back and gave him another chance to change the course of his life and avenge himself to those who oppressed him and show his father that he is the rightful heir to the throne. Now, he's known as Mevious: The Bastard of the North.

Ruche_Spencer · Fantasía
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15 Chs

The Cavern

Neon lights. Blustering sound. Strippers grooving. Patrons shouting. Drinks everywhere. Quite a normal sight in any strip club around the world. What made this club special was its location. It was in a cavern deep under a mountain covered in a kilometer thick glacier.

Using the latest development on thermal insulation, the owner was able to design a rare kind of night club, which most of his elite patrons came from all over the world, from renowned celebrities to millionaires, most importantly, royals--- blue-blooded species.

"Excuse me, ladies!" Mevious told the group of women happily intoxicating themselves as they chat at the bar.

The lady wearing a skimpy latex dress turned to him and was very much pleased with the sight of this gorgeous man.

"Well, hello! What's your name?" she flirted. Mevious smirked as he squeezed himself to get near the bar but she didn't move, causing Mevious' biceps to touch her bare shoulders as he leaned over to his bartender friend.

"One shot of the house's finest drink. I'm quite thirsty," he told the bartender as they fist-bumped. Both men laughed. Then he turned to the woman who deliberately pivoted to show the full glory of her cleavage peeking through her low neck dress. He smirked.

"Hi, handsome! I live just down the road, the third cabin from here," she whispered with her slutty voice. In Mevious' mind, he was well aware of what she wanted. In fact, that's pretty much how most women react in his presence.

He was no stranger to women from teenagers to matrons, flirting with him, and most of the time, he just went along with it. Watching how she flirted from his peripheral view, the bartender chuckled and shook his head as he mixed a cocktail of alcohol. In his mind, "Another woman, another victim! He! He! How to be you, Mevious? Ha... I wish could have any woman in my palm."

"Hmmm?" Mevious flirted back and leaned over, making his face just inches away from hers. She bit her lower lip sexily as he moved even closer. She gasped. Her friends were screaming in excitement, especially when she threw her arms around him, pulling him closer, and feeling his chiseled body with her hands. Mevious grinned, showing his dimples that melted the ladies down. Her hands explored more, snaking further down.

"Naughty," he chuckled, catching her hand before it touched his crotch. "Do you know what I do to naughty girls like you?"

The lady gulped as he cornered her on the counter. "Why don't you show me?" she said in a sensual voice.

"Here?" he teased. She became more aggressive. She caressed his leg with her knee and thigh. And in every move she made with her legs, her tiny dress rolled up, exposing her flawless inner thigh.

Mevious' hands pinned on either side of the lady made her look like helpless prey. Excitement grew as his hands casually explored the wonders of her body, squeezing her butt, feeling her breast. Neon beams were the only source of light, making anyone play a little. "What do you want? Tell me what you want," he whispered.

Then before his lips even kissed hers, the bartender came with his drink, much to her disappointment. Mevious raised his drink to salute his mate and they clinked their glasses.

"See ya around," he said before walking away from them. He could hear the sighs of disappointment as he left. He smiled. For him, it was all part of his scheme. Never will he fall in love again. Never will he ever be deceived by a woman and lose everything he had built--- his reputation, his empire, and his dignity.

Through a tunnel, he went straight to his VIP room away from the noise, a place where he can be alone and contemplate. There, he started working on his computer, feeding data, searching and trolling.

After a few hours of working, Mevious decided to go back to the club to refill his drink. Then he met that woman again. But at that time, she was smooching another guy that made him smile wickedly.

"Oh, yes! She could be a perfect diversion, the slutty assistant," he thought. "One question left, is she smart?"

Mevious walked straight to the bar. "One more of this," he told the bartender, who gestured his head towards the lady. They shared a grin, having a tacit agreement between them.

Mevious decided to stay in the club for a couple of hours more. He danced with the ladies, swarming at his charm.

"I think you owe me a dance," the lady said, catching Mevious's attention. He just raised a brow. Without a warning, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him to a torrid kiss. Everyone around them was shocked for a moment by her bold move. Then, some cheered while others smirked, especially jealous female patrons.

"I think you owe me more," Mevious whispered as he nibbled her ears. His stubble touching her delicate skin made her shudder. He smiled wickedly when she whimpered in ecstasy. He left her on the dance floor, disappointed and wanting more.

"Bitch! Ugh! No shame. No shame at all," one lady said to her friend. Both women were sitting at a table not so far from the dance floor so they had the best seat for the "show" a little while ago.

"Agree. Why does Ana always make herself look so cheap?" her friend replied.

"Well, like mother, like daughter. Always the social climber! Always the whore of the town!"

They giggled. "Did you hear about her mom?"

The lady shrugged.

"She's marrying yet another business mogul after splitting with husband number 3."

"What?! What the hell! Shameless whore!"

"I think so, too. Well, exhibit A is coming back. Act as if you don't know."

Ana went back to her so-called friends with a winning smile on her face. Both women suddenly transformed from wolves to sheep, meek, sweet, and kind. Mevious quietly listened to their conversation and grinned.

"It's time to execute my plan!" he thought as he approached the bar and whispered something to his friend. They exchanged eye contact. Then he left.