1 The Beginning

Merlin's P.O.V

I was walking by Captain to the Grand Master's office with the rest of the crew.

Meliodas~Dragon sin of Wrath

Diane~Serpent sin of Envy

Ban~Fox sin of Greed

King~Grizzly Bear sin of Sloth

Gowther~Goat sin of Lust

Escanor~Lion sin of Pride

And then there's me Merlin~Boar sin of gluttony

Together we are The Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas is the Captain of the sins. When we got to the Grand Masters office we went in to find him dead and the knights of the kingdom blamed his death on us, we became criminals and split up. I don't know where the others are, I went to Camelot neighboring Kingdom to Lioness where I met Prince Arthur of the realm. He's a major prat and a spoiled one none the less. This is how Arthur's and My story begins.

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