
Merge and Assemble: Book 1

Autor: Alchamy34
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What is Merge and Assemble: Book 1

Lee la novela Merge and Assemble: Book 1 escrita por el autor Alchamy34 publicada en WebNovel. Mistress Death and other gods and mighty spirits make a decision, only realizing later that they have caused chaos by merging their worlds together. As the mighty immortals discuss how to mend their m...


Mistress Death and other gods and mighty spirits make a decision, only realizing later that they have caused chaos by merging their worlds together. As the mighty immortals discuss how to mend their mistake, the mortals on earth are attacking as the benders of the four nations literally appeared in a world where everything operated differently. The native inhumans try to maintain control and discover the cause of chaos. This would be the perfect time for the new Avatar to appear.

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