
Mencoba berdamai dengan keadaan

Autor: Altamis_Al
En Curso · 7.8K Visitas
  • 9 Caps
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What is Mencoba berdamai dengan keadaan

Lee la novela Mencoba berdamai dengan keadaan escrita por el autor Altamis_Al publicada en WebNovel. Apakah kita cukup sampai disini saja mas?pertanyaan yang selalu di ulang setiap kali mereka berdebat.ya Vanni seorang istri pekerja keras, ibu dari 3 orang anak.yang selalu sabar menghadapi sikap Rayy...


Apakah kita cukup sampai disini saja mas? pertanyaan yang selalu di ulang setiap kali mereka berdebat. ya Vanni seorang istri pekerja keras, ibu dari 3 orang anak. yang selalu sabar menghadapi sikap Rayyan sang suami, Rayyan yg mempunyai sifat acuh terhadap keluarganya, dan lebih mementingkan kebutuhan nya, sifat itulah yang terkadang membuat Vanni ingin Menyerah.

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Meddling The Omniverse

Short synopsis: A man was unexpectedly confronted by a random omnipotent being. It claimed that he is now God, powerful and mighty like those in mythologies. The catch? He now works under said omnipotent being and was tasked to lead a motley group of characters, each with their unique talents and quirks, to deal with anything across the multiverses, or in other words, the omniverse. This might sound troublesome, well it is. But since he is now a bonafide god, he could wade through it, right? --- Author's Note: -This is my first time writing a novel/fanfic, I apologize for the inconsistency in both writing and chapter releases, I'm still learning the ropes and wrote this as a hobby. -This novel/fanfic will be more episodic and slice of life. I intend to write as if you are reading the misadventures or day-to-day shenanigans the MC encounters throughout his journey. -I intend to make the MC overpowered from the start because I don't want to turn this fanfic into the typical weak-to-strong story. If I do, the story would be too focused on the MC's growth and not his adventures. -The MC doesn't have any system, because you know, he is a god. don't think a system would be useful to those kinds. -The MC would most likely have a harem, but it will not be the main point of the stories, just the background or running gag of the MC. -NO R-18 AND/OR LEMONS!!! don't want to dedicate entire chapters to the MC's 'romantic nights'. They don't add anything to the story other than fanservice. occasional affectionate moments like kisses are fine, but 'lovey-dovey' scenes will either be omitted, briefly mentioned, or remarked casually like, "Oh yeah! the Mc did it yesterday." -This fanfic includes various media like anime, cartoons, comics, movies, and TV shows. -each chapter has a word count of around 1.6K to 2.4K -I have also posted this fanfic at fanfiction.net and archieveofourown.org -I don't know about Patreon or Discord servers, may create them if this goes well.

Prapr · Cómic
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21 Chs

「agora〢coming soon」

❝a heist whom torch burnt like an ash to flame, yet stood an enigma who hid as dame.❞ it was a citadel of annihilation, eradication and obliteration. terra was neither the earth ancient civilizations knew aside a castaway, lost and martyr past; forbidden nor forgotten. lustful appetite beyond entrailed soteira. a legend of unbeknownst grimoire turned numerous worlds upside-down. it enkindled an asleep alarum fueled with carnage, ferocity and savagery like a craft. the mutineers buried in folklores revoked its hunger upon rebels born thwart apart. an aerie of mankind fallen erst left obscene scars onto hearts, minds and souls which foresaw lavish ire. a new era resuscitated from cessation to mutiny across abridged aeons. the deathbed wherein hope declined beneath houses. it was everything, but a nothing worn through fearful fright by invincible demise. the qualm breathed society until miracle fought against an uneven odd. a capricious feeling, murmur and vision arose from depths of kerfuffle. an antre for honor emerged along crepuscular epoch whose austere luster reigned amidst fire. it was damnation damned through dismantled kinship. a bashful, preternatural and stray triad of unconnected lineage collided with unquestionable reason. the conundrum riddles enshrouded each ephemeral vagued embodiment like a mask. an upend to yearn every missing remnant on ones' memory was bleak cage encaged behind lost times. unremembered memoir obscured underneath lachrymose crevasse. once a wingless dreamt its everlast last. a cavernous venture began within an awry, inscrutable and unearthly quagmire inside dubiety of lies. frumpish demonic frontline ascended to arise. any coward meant to die, yet one fact was certain: the forthcoming must arrive. 「graphic(s) by」 @SOLIVARIISM- (Wattpad)

xamihanx · Fantasía
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