
Chapter 5 "My Jane?"

The large man's body tensed at the words spoken by mom.

"Do you have any idea who you managed to piss off?" He asked.

"Not that it really matters, but enlighten me", she replied quite arrogantly.

He straightened his tie and took a few imposing steps towards her, then smiled so maliciously it sent shivers up my spine.


Her eyes widened at the new information, in fact the terror she displayed was almost tangible. Her slender form looked ready to topple over. This Trigon must be something truly horrifying to inspire that much fear at the mention of his name.

"Shit, shit who is this girl to him?" mom asked.

"His niece", he answered in a smug tone.

At this point, she was pale with terror as she shank down onto dad's chair looking like the world could end as we know it.

What was going on? Was this Trigon really that powerful?

"Lo…..Look I really can't get a hold of him right now. This is how it's done, once he's off with a shipment we don't contact each other. It's more secure that way", she explained.

Then suddenly there was red smoke coming from him now. I start to fear for mom's life as well as mine. Something was very off, very wrong about him. Like he changed into something sinister.

"Who exactly scouts the girls Mrs. LaGrange?" though he said this with a calm tone, his voice sounded dark and echo like.

As if there was a hollow void within the smoke that surrounded him.

"Me" she practically squeaked out.

"I see and do you remember a petite 23 yrs. old blonde with dark brown eyes and a rectangular smile?" he asked.

"Yes" she responded with a gulp.

"Did she come of her own will or did you...hmmmm how should I put this? Persuade her", he said as he grabbed her chin roughly.

"I don't know you mean by that, of course she came willingly, I never take anyone by force".

"Really now?" he said as he placed pressure on her chin.

She yelled out in pain.

"Now answer my question and I want the truth?"

"O….Ok I drugged her, that girl was a walking gold mind in this business, but she was playing hard ball so I did what I had to ".

"You monster!" he shouted as he back handed her leaving a large red spot on her face.

I started crying but covered my mouth to prevent myself from being heard. Why isn't daddy here to protect her? He turned to the two men behind him.

"Search this place for any clues as to where he's taken the girls", he instructed.

He then turned back to my mom. More red smoke started to surround him, I could only see the disgusted smile he directed at my mother she trembled under his gaze. He grabbed her by the throat.

"P—please I have a son that needs me", She pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah I know, cute kid. Too bad he has a monster for a mother and a heartless trafficker for a father".

"P-ppplease", She begged.

"Did you think that maybe that girl had family of her own? Had responsibilities to take care of? Did you know she has a little brother to feed and clothed?"

"No I'm so sorry please".

"No you just saw her as money nothing more. So I just see you as a monster nothing more nothing less".

With that he crushed her throat, blood flowed from her limp body like an unearthed spring. He threw her to the floor and watched as blood pooled around her drenching her clothes and hair in crimson red.

He removed a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and wiped his hands clean of the blood, then turned to the direction of the closet and proceeded to walk over.

I was so terrified at this point that my heart felt like it was beating in my stomach. My brain screamed for me to run but my limbs wouldn't respond. He opened the closet door and stared down at my frozen form, perhaps it was terror that blurred my vision or the red smoke, either way even at this close proximity I still couldn't see his face. Only his ice blue eyes, they seemed to peer into my horrified soul.

"I guess I'll be seeing you real soon….."He leaned down to my ear and placed his hand on my chest.

There was a burning sensation radiating from it which gradually stared to feel like my chest was engulfed in flames. I screamed out.

"My sweet little Jane".

Were the last words I heard before darkness too over.

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