
Another try?

After spending hours thinking about everything that happened in the previous nights I fell asleep. However I had a very strange dream, in it I was in a dark place, I couldn't recognize where it was, and a voice was calling me in the distance.

"Lou...ie... Lou...ie..."

Who... Is calling me? Even looking around I couldn't see anyone.... The voice got louder and louder and I could recognize it was a female voice, but I couldn't recognize who it was.

I was startled awake... There was a figure in front of me, that after my eyes got used to the clarity, I could recognize that it was Nita, who with a worried face, seemed to try to wake me up... I look to the side, looking for who could be the other voice I heard, but I see no one.

She turned the jar she was holding into the bowl filling it almost completely and put a small towel she was carrying on her arm at her side, while smiling gently.

"This is Gerd village. My name is Nita. You arrived here in the village yesterday very dazed and ended up passing out. If it wasn't for my son bringing you, I think you would still be face down in the mud. Hehehe."

"Good... Day, Miss Nita. I am... Louie... D'Ayllanor?" - I was trying to adjust my hair as I watched her reflect the same gestures.

The same lines and expressions... It had been 3 days and I felt like watching the same cheap theater for days on end.... Without the option to leave. And well, I couldn't leave. I tried, I tried to change the path a few times.

The second time I changed the route, I took the north exit, towards Rudebruck County. I left early that day, before even repeating my usual breakfast, maybe that's why I was feeling more tired than usual.

After a long day of walking, I was able to enjoy a warm sunset. The ground was curiously damp, with several puddles and a lot of mud, almost as if it had stormed during the night, which it certainly did not.

I stopped in a drier area, to rest for a while near the river that flowed ahead, I must have been close to Gunnison forest by now. Luckily I had not encountered any dangerous animals on the way. In fact, there were no animals around or on the way, not even birdsong could be heard, which was a very unnerving feeling, by the way.

I was feeling tired, and while resting I took a piece of that dry bread that the innkeeper had given me and which was still in my bag. Although it was dry and unappetizing looking, I had the sensation of satisfying a hunger that had lasted for days. All right, I had left before eating, but... Why was I so hungry? Was I exhausted by the whole situation? Or maybe... It was just me.

After drinking some hot tea, which I took the opportunity to make while resting, I felt relaxed enough to close my eyes while thinking about it. I had finally left that city... But my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of knocking. On the door?

I opened my eyes in disbelief. I was in that room again and Nita was banging on the door. I'm sure I wasn't dreaming. I look at her half frightened, and almost like a snap, the thing that could confirm my departure comes to mind: my boots! If I had really gone that way, they would be muddy.

"My boots?" - I asked a little tense.

"Ahhh, they were very muddy Mr. Louie, so I left them outside, but I've knocked them off, so they're almost clean." - she said smiling.

The day repeated exactly the same as the previous one, even though I changed the exit routes, I still returned to the city, and so it went on the other days... Repeating the same days... Until the fourth day, I was so exhausted from this repetitive routine, that I almost didn't notice something that was strange: Riff didn't show up in any of these days.

I got up and heard the knocking at the door, told Nita to come in and she did her usual thing.

As soon as she left the room I sat on the bed and watched the room, nothing different, everything was like the day before.

"Okay, okay... I have to find a way out of here, but... How do I do that?"

That was when a sudden memory came to me, why was Riff different that day? And why was he looking seriously at my bag? And why did he come from the same direction as the monster that was chasing me, but didn't see any monster?

"My bag!"

I opened it and took out the pendant again, it was less bright than yesterday, but still seemed to emit a different luminescence, almost as if it was... Magic?

I clearly remembered that there was no sender on the letter that sent me this pendant... Was it really addressed to me? My head was bubbling with doubts, when suddenly my stomach rumbled loudly. The smell of food penetrated through the cracks in the room and stoked my hunger... Maybe I would think better after eating... I put the pendant away again and got ready to leave.


I went into the kitchen and felt myself having a deja vu again, it was very distressing. Everything was repeating itself, the lines, the actions, everything was exactly the same as the day before, except for something strange...

Riff didn't show up for breakfast again... In fact, I had not seen him since that night, when he was acting very strange.

I look at everyone at the table, no one seems to be surprised by his absence.

"So... uhmm, Riff isn't coming for coffee today?" - I ask somewhat reluctantly.

"Ahh, he already ate and left early. I was in a real hurry." - Nita smiles as she offers another bowl of soup.

"Uhmm. Got it."

"I don't remember mentioning that my brother's name was Riff..."

I look seriously at Randell, almost choking on my juice.

"hu, ah yeah, before I passed out.... I remember ... Introducing myself and asking your name. Hehe... Could you reach me for another piece of meat?" - I disguise as I eat as fast as I can.

Randell smiles and reaches for the plate, while eating again. Finishing eating, I say goodbye and go to try to leave by another route using a tactic I should have already tried...