
part 2

Freddy knew that the Thomas from before would never act like this however to him Thomas has

never seemed happier so after much deliberation Freddy decided maybe it was time to quit and so

he writes a resignation letter to give to Thomas.

Thomas looks at Freddy then at the letter and thinks, he then takes the letter and tears it after which

he says "fine Freddy before you decide to quit there's something I have to tell you" he tells Freddy

to sit and explains what happened the day he tried to see his son and hands him the envelope saying

"do this one last thing for me and if you still want to quit after then you have my blessing" he then

says "find this pilot and use all the resources you need,this envelope has everything I was able to

find out about the pilot Rob and paradise island" Freddy graciously accepts this final task and


Thomas sits down and calls Doctor Kim Rogers for another session Doctor Kim Rogers listens

attentively at the dilemma Thomas is currently suffering she then asks him if he has been taking the

medication to which he answers that he started taking them after the blackout incident and says that

he sleeping well he also tells her that he wants to give up his quest to find out about his past and

move to where his son is with Alex to which Doctor Kim Rogers commends him, he then tells her

how none of it would be possible without her and invites her to have a meal with him and Alex.

A few days later Thomas wakes up with Alex next to him and just looks at her he slowly moves

her hair of her face and admires her beauty ,Alex wakes up and Thomas looks at her and tells her

that she filled Thomas hole in his heart he then holds her hand and tells her he loves her.

Thomas gets up and heads to the kitchen where he makes some breakfast for the women he loves all

the while with a smile on his face as he walks to the room he notices his office door open which he

hasn't entered in almost 2 days he thinks nothing of it then closes it and heads to the room to give

Alex breakfast in bed ,Alex sits up and begins eating they start talking and laughing

Thomas seems happy even with everything that has happened the only thing on his mind for the

moment is Alex.

Thomas then kisses her and says "he has a meeting with Jane to speak about their relationship

and his feelings" then tells her not to forget that they have dinner with Doctor Kim Rogers

as Thomas is about to leave the phone rings and they both look at it ominously then laugh in sync

Thomas then picks up the phone and sees its Doctor Kim Rogers "she must be calling to confirm

dinner" he says then answers the call and hears some struggling and then the phone cuts Alex asks

him what's wrong as he redials Doctor Kim Rogers with no answer he calls again and still no

answer, he grabs his jacket and heads out in a rush as Alex chases after him he tells her that its

probably nothing and she should rest.

Thomas tells John to go to Doctor Kim Rogers office and to rush while he calls again with still no

answer ,he tells John to rush as they pull up to the doctors office and the place is swarming with


Thomas jumps out and runs over in feeling a sense of worry for Doctor Kim Rogers ,he is stopped

by the police from entering ,the police officer says "this is a crime scene sir please stay behind the

lines" Thomas yells and says "who is in charge" the police officer blatantly ignores him until the

captain comes out to see what commotion is going on .Thomas looks at the captain and asks

"Doctor Kim Rogers is she" the captain looks at Thomas sympathetic way and he realizes that she

is gone Thomas falls to his knees then stands up and asks what happened the police officer says

they cannot disclose then the captain cuts him of and brings him to the side and says "don't you

know who that is" then says "that's our departments biggest benefactor" the captain then walks

Thomas in before they enter he warns Thomas that its a gruesome scene as they head to the office

the captain says "apparently one of her patients attacked her then started stabbing her with a pen

then killed himself" Thomas enters the room and sees blood everywhere then pukes and pukes

again then leaves because he needs to get out of there ,he jumps in the car and tells John to start

driving as he starts having a panic attack John asks if he is fine but Thomas just tells him to drive

Thomas curls up in the back-seat crying.

Thomas sits up and tells John to stop the car ,Thomas then climbs out and gasps for breath he then

walks to the front of the car and tells John to take a taxi and drives off ,this is the first time Thomas

has driven since the accident.

Thomas finds himself at the airport he contemplates taking a flight to see his son but decides

against it.

The last time he tried to see his son he almost died at this point to Thomas things seemed clear there

was someone who was trying to control his life, he then starts crying again and blaming himself for

Doctor Kim Rogers dying as if he were the one to kill her himself.

Thomas hears his phone ringing he looks at it and sees its Alex he thinks how can he let her hear

him like that so he just ignores it ,he sits and thinks why now after all this time "why" he

screams,the phone rings again he looks at it then answers he says Jane where are you right now Jane

answers "I was just about to say I'm going to be late, I'm still at the office" Thomas pauses for a

second then says "ill be right there" then cuts the call.

Jane, Thomas thinks what is she is behind it all how well do I even know her , as Thomas rushes as

fast as he can to the office he wonders if she will even be there almost as if he already decided that

she was the mastermind behind it all the accident the plane crash he knows that if anything happens

to him she would be the one to benefit the most

Thomas pulls up to the office and heads in as the security tries to stop him but notices who he is

Thomas heads straight up to Jane's office and with a smile on his face he knew he was right and that

Jane left out of fear of getting caught ,the receptionist quickly goes to him and says "Jane is in the

conference room" Thomas changes his facial expression once again confused he thinks to himself

no this is all a ploy to buy time so he heads to the conference the receptionist runs after him saying

"you're not allowed in" as he barges in Jane turns to look at Thomas along with the rest of the

people at the meeting as the receptionist comes in and says that Thomas barged in and she didn't

know what to do Jane looks to the people then says "I guess that concludes the meeting, would you

please excuse me" she then walks over to and grabs him by the arm and pulls him to her office,

Thomas sees the disappointment in her eyes ,Jane then asks him what was so urgent that he had to

interrupt such a important meeting.

Thomas quickly realizes why he wanted to see her but could not speak instead he started tearing up

Jane heads over to him and gives him a hug and Thomas just cant stop crying while Jane continues

to console him.

Thomas lays on Jane's lap and says "its all my fault that Doctor Kim Rogers is dead",Jane

surprised says "Doctor Kim Rogers is dead" then follows up and asks "how did she die" Thomas

explains what happened and how he saw her with punctures and blood everywhere and Jane

continues to console him and says "it was out of your control and you are being paranoid by

thinking that it had anything to do with you" she then follows up with saying "the world is filled

with crazy people and only they can be responsible for their own actions"

there was something familiar about the way she consoled him, he never felt safer then he did in her

arms and he slowly drifted of to sleep.

Thomas wakes up about an hour later still laying on the couch he sits up and looks around but

cant see Jane he walks out the door and the receptionist tells him that Jane is on her way back and

that she just went to get them some food ,Thomas heads back in the office he realizes that he will

never get a better opportunity to find out if Jane is in anyway involved with the death of Doctor

Kim Rogers, he heads to her desk and starts rifling through her things at exactly that moment she

walks in and catches him she looks at him and smiles then says "are you looking for something"

Thomas slightly defensive says "no nothing" Jane just ignores the matter and places the food on the

desk then says "eat I got your favourite" Thomas feeling powerless to her walks over and picks up

the sandwich he is about to take a bite then stops still feeling suspicious of her , Jane sees this and

walks over to him takes the sandwich and takes a bite then says "hmm yummy".

Thomas once again not knowing what to say begins to eat. Jane sits down and asks Thomas if

there's a problem or if he is unhappy and if she can get him anything or even if only he wants to

talk .

Thomas decides that maybe he was being a bit harsh on Jane after all she was the mother of his

child and that is important so he decides to open up a bit by telling her about the safe he found after

which janes laughs then apologizes and takes a piece of paper and writes some digits on then hands

it to and says this is the pin .

Thomas smiles and says "of course you would know" Jane then says "you wouldn't remember but I

was there when the safe was put in" and then follows up by saying "I don't know if the pin is still

the same but I hope you find whatever you are looking for and if ever you need me don't hesitate to

call" then leaves for a meeting.

Thomas rushes back to his home and calls Alex with no response he takes out his phone and calls

her she answers and he sighs with relief he asks her where she is and he rushes there and sees her

across the street as she waves at him then runs towards him and in a flash Thomas sees a car speed

up and knocks her then drives away .Thomas runs after the car then turns around and runs to Alex

who is bleeding out he then holds her hand and she mutters something he goes closer to hear what

she says but its too late and she dies.

Thomas jumps in the car and drives off he drives for an while with no intention of stopping his

phone rings and he sees its Jane he looks at it then throws it out the window he thinks for a second

not knowing what to feel as he feels empty once more, he then turns the car and heads back

home ,he goes straight to the office and opens the safe what he sees shocks him and leaves him with

no answers he grabs a bag then takes out everything from the safe , he then copies the files from his

computer to a flash disk after which he destroys the phone and the computer then heads out.

Thomas decides that he cant be around anyone not one person and so he will seek out the answers

that he's looking for himself, he opens the bag containing passports,cash and credit cards and looks

at the piece of paper he found with co ordinates.

Thomas knows that he shouldn't leave and that he should first find the driver , he also knows that

whoever killed Alex will probably never be found and even if they are found it was definitely

clearly a planned murder and going after the killer would be the hardest way to uncover the truth,

there was clearly a bigger game at play and sitting in his office and trying to find the truth would

have the same result as trying to find someone who does not exist.

Its clear that whomever is behind these events knows him and knows how he thinks, he feels like he

is always 10 steps behind from the beginning all he sees is shadows and lies ,he cant even protect

the people that he cares about.

Everyone who was close to him is now dead ,Thomas thinks poor Alex she didn't even do anything

wrong except love him and look what that got her and Doctor Kim Rogers who only ever helped

him had to die in such a gruesome way.

Thomas had finally had enough ,he has to act unpredictably, he has to go on the attack

he looks at the piece of paper with the co ordinates on and says this is a good place to start

maybe after finally knowing what the old him was hiding everything would eventually fall into

place the only thing left is to do before he leaves is to get an update from Freddy ,before Freddy left

they created a secure line to establish contact as the phone rings Thomas wonders if he can trust

Freddy after all Freddy could be working for whomever is out to get him the phone continues to

ring as Thomas continues to doubt Freddy when Freddy finally answers.

Three weeks have passed and Thomas has been to 4 of the locations so far its clear at this point

that once again he was chasing ghosts ,every location so far has only been safe houses and every

safe house was empty,unused and stocked with weapons, the further down he went into the maze of

his past the more he realized that there was much more to the old him than the information he was

given was all just a front he wonders what else was he hiding and why.

Thomas cant give up now,giving up now would be accepting defeat and allowing himself to be a

puppet that's being controlled ,all that's left is one more location Thomas's final hail mary,his

chance to get ahead 1 out of 5 is still not bad odds ,and what else does he have so with confidence

once again he heads to the final location.

Thomas looks at the paper then calls Freddy he asks him if he still has eyes on the pilot Rob then

says that it will take him a few days to reach the island and to prepare everything.

Thomas finally feeling one step ahead makes his way to the island ,the ocean sprays on the ship

as Thomas looks at the horizon he knows that he has to be prepared for anything if he has learned

anything from his past experiences is that he cant let his guard down ,the last time he did that a

woman got killed he thinks of Alex and her beauty but the feelings for her have disappeared instead

all that's left is regret and self blame he finds it amusing how he came full circle from feeling empty

to happy and back empty again and wonders if he will ever be happy again he remembers what

caught his attention when he first saw her and knows how easy it would be to blame the other him

but knows that it was him who was unable to protect her just as he was unable to protect Doctor

Kim Rogers the captain knocks on his door then enters the captain and tells Thomas that this is as

far off course as he can go and that the speed boat that Thomas had brought is ready for him

Thomas gets his things then gives some extra cash to the captain and leaves without saying another

word the captain sighs as he counts the notes and tells the deckhand "that is one weird rich man"

and laughs.

Thomas looks at the horizon as the island appears almost as if floating from underwater and says

to himself "so this is paradise island" as he gets closer he decides to dock at a deserted beach and

says "for being an island in the middle of nowhere this place is busy" as he pulls on to the beach he

looks around then reaches in his bag for the satellite phone and sends a message to Freddy for a

location for them to meet up ,he then puts the phone back and waits while he waits he reaches in the

bag and pulls out a semi-auto 9mm pistol with a silencer attached and looks at it while he thinks

what he is going to do and if he would be able to pull the trigger and end the life of someone, he

puts the gun back in and shrugs Freddy replies to his message with a location and time .

Thomas looks at the phone then decides to rest a while he puts his head back and for the first time

since he had a blackout he finds himself once again in the darkness of his mind as he looks around

for the flashes or the mirror or the door but finds nothing he tries to wake himself up but cant he

screams as loud as possible but who could possibly hear him in the depths of his own mind

soon after he hears a ringing sound and snaps back awake gasping for air as if he had been

underwater , after he gets a hold of himself he looks at his phone and sees the time he estimates that

he had been sleeping for almost 4 hours then stands up and heads towards the forest and looks at

the map following the directions to the island town.

After 45 minutes he reaches the town then sticks to the shadows and makes his way to the meet

point he sees the store he where he will meet Freddy and heads in as he heads in he looks around at

what seems like some kind of clay shop,he then heads towards the desk and sees no one he wonders

where Freddy is but what he finds really odd is that the store was open and there was no one there,

he quickly pulls out his gun and slowly makes his way to the back room , he opens the door slowly

and as he peaks in his face goes pale and he pukes he tries to get a hold of himself and enters the

room to see Freddy lying dead with a bullet hole in his head and next to Freddy was the pilot who is

also dead and at that moment the police barge in with their weapons out he looks at the police men

and sees them point their guns at him he realizes what it looks like then lifts his hands and starts

shooting as they head for cover he quickly makes his escape out the back door and runs as fast as he

can he continues to run straight into the forest even though he had already lost them he runs until he

trips and hits his head and falls unconscious.

Thomas once again in the darkness of his mind sits and curls up he says "why me" and cries ,

at that moment the other him appears through the mirror and looks at him then laughs at the sight of

him crying he gets up and just like that, he wakes up and looks around with a blurry vision he then

rubs his eyes and sees the forest trees around him he hears some sounds approaching him he quickly

stands up but its too late as he sees a man who has what looks like a spear pointed at his throat he

looks at the gun on the ground and tries to make a move but the man holding the spear knocks him


Thomas wakes up to the sound of island traditional music and finds himself locked in a bamboo

cage and tries to push against it but is too weak he then tries to ask for water and knocks against the

cage as they walk past him, he thinks to himself what savages they must be as he continues to make

noise until a man shows up the same one who knocked him out he then asks for water the man looks

at him and laughs then says something in the island language then laughs and everyone laughs with

the man.Thomas then replies saying "you cant eat me if I'm dead" the islanders are shocked and the

man asks Thomas while pointing his gun at him if he understands ,Thomas nods yes the man turns

around and laughs then says good and throws him a flask and walks away ,Thomas starts to drink

he spits it out realizing its some kind of alcohol then continues to gulp it down, quenching his thirst

was more important than worrying about being picky he then sits up against the cage and looks at

the island people dancing and preparing for some kind of feast which he has no doubt that he is

going to be the main course he thinks for a second about his situation and feels better that at least he

the island police didn't catch him he looks at the leader as he holding the gun and decides to make a

plan he looks around and realizes that he is clearly outnumbered.

Thomas continues to stare at the gun knowing that it is his only means of escape he looks in his

boot and sees that his hunting knife is still there he mutters to himself by saying "idiots" he looks at

the situation and notices how the leader keeps looking at one of the women he then decides to make

his plan he starts cutting the bindings for the bamboo cage not completely but enough to to kick it

down he then notices a small kid walking around and signals him to come to him. Thomas has no

idea how he knows this language but is thankful that he does he tries to put together the words to

tell the kid to go tell the leader that that women is calling him to the forest in exchange for the knife

and then shows the kid the knife then puts it back in his pocket ,as he looks at the kid running to the

leader perfectly timed as the women walks in a hut,the leader listens to the kid then looks around

and smiles ,the leader stands up and walks toward the forest with the gun as soon as Thomas loses

sight of him ,he quickly cuts the rest of the binding and he slowly lets down the cage then leaves the

knife in the corner of the cage then slowly makes his way toward the leader as Thomas gets closer

he notices how drunk the leader is and how he is walking around calling a name which is probably

that woman's ,Thomas slowly gets closer and finally close enough for a sneak attack and gets the

leader in a headlock and squeezes until the man passes out, he grabs the gun and starts to run all he

has to do is make to the boat from there he can make a plan.

Thomas continues to run with no sense of direction but somehow knowing exactly where to

go,Thomas makes it to the boat and looks to find his bag still there he thanks god for that he grabs

the bag and pushes the boat into the water and starts it he puts it on full throttle and it goes slowly

going away from the island,the island forest people after tracking him come to the beach as the boat

leaves they start to laugh and say that he will die out there.

Thomas watching the island people from behind a tree looking at them laugh while looking at the

boat he then turns and starts heading towards the town where he can find a map and get to the

runway he decides that he needs to get of this cured island as soon as possible.

Thomas smiles at his narrow escape almost proud of himself ,he holds the gun and slides out the

magazine and sees four rounds and one in the chamber he reaches in the bag and takes out some

rounds and begins filling in up he then twists off the silencer and puts it in the bag he now knows

that there is someone that wants to stop him from finding out the truth, someone who knew where

he would go and when he would be there someone that wasn't trying to kill him but instead trying

to stop him from finding out the truth.

Thomas makes it to the town and decides that he needs to blend in so he breaks in one of the

homes to look for some clothes and a map which by luck he finds

he is about to leave when the home owner enters he hides behind the door and pulls out the gun he

switches the safety off and waits to strike as he hears the voices of 5 or 6 men laughing outside the

house one of the men tell the rest to wait as he heads inside Thomas comes out of the shadow with

the gun pointing at him and the home owner quickly lifts his hands and tells him to take whatever

he wants.

Thomas shushes him and asks him where he is from stating that he does not sound like a islander he

responds by saying "I am not from there" and then one of the men outside knock on the door and

Thomas tightens his grip and tells him to get rid of them, the home owner walks to the door and

opens it then tells them that he is not feeling well and they laugh together while the islanders call

him foreigner in they language the men outside still waits and with a questioning look the home

owner then says "oh right" and heads in to get something from his cupboard .

Thomas gets ready for a bloodbath starting with the home owner until he sees the home owner take

out a bottle of whiskey. Thomas settles down a bit as the home owner gives the bottle to the men

outside and Thomas hears the men cheer and the home owner tells them to save him some to which

they laugh and again say foreigner after which they leave.

The home owner closes the door and Thomas once again points the gun at the home owner who

then walks to the kitchen and takes out 2 glasses then turns to Thomas and asks him if he can lower

the gun Thomas having no reason to distrust the man lowers it the man then tells Thomas his name

is Noah and he is on the island looking for treasure then starts pouring whiskey in the glass and

Thomas tells him water for him, he then closes the bottle and pours some water and gives it to

Thomas which he gulps down.

Noah then asks what is he doing in his home Thomas tells him "by chance" Noah then takes a sip

and raises his glass and says "to chance then" and asks Thomas why hasn't he left yet Thomas then

looks at him and tell him that he could use his help to get to the runway.

Noah then says in a peculiar tone the runway is not an easy place to get to and that on a island like

this its probably the most guarded place he goes on to say that it is owned by the owner of the island

and will be no easy task, Thomas stops him then looks around and says "ill pay you" Noah responds

by saying "what do you take me for" and that Thomas thinks he would risk his life for a few measly

notes he then curiously says "just how many measly notes" Thomas reaches in his bag and pulls out

all the cash he has left and noahs eyes get big then says "of course I will help and I was going to

help any ways" hearing this Thomas begins to put the cash back Noah quickly says "but the money

can help to pay for a car" Thomas looks at Noah and sees how much the money means to him he

then splits the cash in two and tells Noah that he will get the other half after they get to the runway

then gives him half Noah sniffs the money and pockets it.

Noah sticking to his word gets a van and picks Thomas up and they head out as they get closer to

the runway Thomas notices a huge mansion Noah then says how he is going to buy that mansion

when he finds the island treasure and goes on about what all he would buy Thomas thinks to

himself and hopes that there is a plane he can steal and escape of this cursed island he wonders what

the old him liked about this place and to him it feels like hell as Noah continues driving then stops

abruptly and tells Thomas that this is as close as he can get ,he tells Thomas to follow the path

through the forest until he reaches the runway Thomas reaches in his bag and hands Noah the rest of

the cash to which Noah gives Thomas big smile and says be careful of wolves and laughs then

drives of. Thomas starts walking until he reaches the runway but sees no plane he then notices a

hanger on the far edge and makes his way towards it, he looks at the guards patrolling and sees no

way in he takes out his gun and knows that its his only way he mutters to himself by saying "no

mistakes one mistake and I'm dead" he readies himself and just when he is about to attack he sees a

van driving fast and crashes near the guards post and all the guards rush toward the crash giving

him a perfect clearing he looks at the crash and says "thank you Noah" he then rushes to the hanger

and jumps in the plane and starts it this time he is prepared he learnt everything he could about

flying and hopes that its enough and sure enough he pulls out as fast as possible as the guards chase

and start shooting but by then he is home free.

Thomas wonders what happened to Noah but then he wonders about a lot of things chief among

them he wonders about how everything turned out this way he once again is left with no answers

the only people who knew about the meeting point was him and Freddy ,poor Freddy he thinks just

another person on his long list of victims ,maybe he should have let Freddy leave instead of sending

him after the pilot Rob ,the pilot Rob who was now dead another lead vanished it seems as though

who ever is doing this knows what he will do before he even does ,so many questions and so little

answers but now its time to head back and take another approach he reaches in the bag and pulls out

the flash drive and looks at it then puts it back in the bag he flies towards his home to and requests

to land which he does moderately well after all it was a small plane he lands and is greeted by the

airport authorities whom he shows his identification to he then asks to borrow one of the cell

phones and calls his company to speak to his wife ,Jane answers and with no questions tells him to

hand the phone to the man in charge and they talk for a few minutes then the man escorts him to a

car with no security checks and tells him that he will get rid of the plane and for some reason thanks

him ,Thomas now being driven home tells the guy instead to take him to the hotel ,Thomas is not

ready to go home and he feels it will be good to catch up with his wife he remembers the last thing

she told him and more than that he had no one else and felt lonely.

Thomas about to enter the hotel is stopped by security he cant blame the guy for doing his job

after all he didn't look like someone who had money much less the owner of the hotel so instead he

takes out his passport and tells the guy to take it to the desk then waits as he sees people staring at

him as they walk past he sees his reflection in the glass and feels a bit out of place the guard rushes

back and clears the way for him straight to the penthouse lift ,Thomas looks at the guards name tag

as the guard apologizes for not recognising him right away ,he heads up and as he then enters the

penthouse and looks around at the wide open spaces and the clean white carpets then looks down at

his shabby clothes he takes them off before he goes in and heads to the bedroom he opens the closet

and sees lines of clothing, he walks through until he can find something to wear but finds nothing

he then heads to the bathroom and then takes a shower and wears a shower gown he looks at

himself in the mirror and thinks back to everything that happened, he then exits the bathroom and

out of nowhere Jane comes and hugs him then asks him how he is and where has he been then

pauses and says you must be cold she walks to the phone and calls up some clothing and food for

Thomas then gives him another hug and asks him why didn't he go home and that she was waiting

for him over there to which Thomas tells her he wanted to see her.

Thomas gets changed and sits down to begin eating and he gobbles down his food so fast that

Jane gives him hers, he asks if she's sure and she just smiles ,he then finishes up it all and sits back

then sighs Jane all the while still looking at him for the first time since the accident she seems

interested in him and he wonders why ,Thomas then says " I know you have some questions but I

am feeling tired right now" to which she responds "of course please get some sleep" and she walks

with him to the room and tucks him in and just as she is about to leave he holds her hand and asks

her to stay just until he falls asleep, she pushes him a bit to move over and lays right next to him ,

Thomas smiles and closes his and slowly drifts off into his forever darkness where he once again

finds himself alone except this time instead of searching for himself he closes his eyes and drifts

further away.

Thomas opens his eyes and sees Jane still laying there next to him still holding his hand he feels

bad for ever doubting her and starts to admire her beautiful face as she slowly opens her eyes and

sees him she then tells him in a mellow voice to stop staring to which he throws his hand over her

and holds her tight she then asks him sweetly what has gotten over him and he just holds her and

tells her that he didn't realize how much he missed her she then hugs him back and they just lay

there for few minutes after which Jane gets up and calls for breakfast which arrives shortly after

as they are eating Thomas asks her if they can do something today just the 2 of them she then picks

up her phone and cancels all her appointments for the day which makes him smile, she then asks if

he would like to visit the zoo or aquarium he responds by telling her that he is tired of making

decisions and that she should decide she replies by saying "in that case get ready we have a long

drive ahead" and Thomas is intrigued.

They head down together and Thomas grabs Jane's hand in the lift she looks at him then smiles

and they walk out of the hotel and into the car that's waiting for them as Thomas enters the car he

sees John and smiles, Jane then says that she thought he would be comfortable with John, he sees

and he appreciates the gesture, Thomas tells John how good it is to see him again and John replies

with a smile and says "its good to see you too sir" Jane tells John where to go and they leave, he

looks out the window and is reminded of the first time that John drove him and thinks how.

everything seems the same and yet is so different if only he had taken the advice Doctor Kim

Rogers gave him all that time ago as he notices Jane looking at him with sadness he turns to then

lays on her lap and looks up at her then asks her "where are we going" she smiles and says "its a

surprise" he then tells her to wake him and she quickly responds by telling him not sleep to which

he smiles and tells her not to worry and that he is going to be dreaming of her, she then says "no"

then asks him "who was Alex" he opens his eyes then sits up and replies by asking her where did

she hear that name and she tells him that he muttered it in his sleep he then tells her that its no one

important just some woman who died because of him then says that he does not want to speak about

that any more and looks forward to John and asks him "how far" to which he replies "almost there

sir" Thomas then looks at Jane and tells her that he just wants to spend the day with her and not

think of anything else to which she smiles and nods obediently ,Thomas feels bad about lying to her

but strengthens his resolve by thinking how he cant change the past and losing Jane would then

leave him all alone.

Siguiente capítulo