

Bo Young has finally returned to South Korea. Her dream is what is keeping her going and not give up. To make it come true she joins her dream school. The people she encounter and memories she create are so much. Things are not going really normal. She doesnt and cannot open up about her past to people. But slowly things are starting to change. Is it changing her future or is it things from her past?? Read to find out! I also upload in wattpad! You all can check it out :]

Black_Wolf_3 · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs


Thank you." Bo Young greeted the last customer of her shift.

She sat down and took out her phone after hearing her notification ring.

It was from the trio's chat room.

"Bo Young, did you get back home?" Yu Ah asked.

"Not yet."

"Isn't it going to end?" Ji Ae entered.

"It is, but I'm not home yet."

"Now, send us your location. You are tutoring us, remember?" Yu Ah said.

"Yeah, I will send it now.." She shared her location.

"It's here! We'll be there!" Ji Ae replied.

"Me too! Get back home safe, Bo Young."

"Got it."

She put her phone aside as soon as she heard the door bell chime.

"Wel- Oh sunbae, you're here." She smiled at his presence.

"I'll take care of it from here. You worked hard." He said as he went inside the counter, whilst Bo Young passed the store vest to him.

"I'll go now, sunbae! Take care, bye." She said as she smiled and went towards the door.

"Bo Young," He said, "You're rushing to leave today. Anything, good?"

"The girls are coming in today."

"That's great. What's the reason?"

"They have some issues in solving problems as we have maths exam tomorrow. So, I had to offer them help."

"Wow, you're really kind."

"It's nothing, they are my friends. Then, I'll leave now. Bye!"

"Be careful on your way! Bye!"

She stepped outside the store and found two similar figures standing outside folding their arms.

"Oh? Ji Ae and Yu Ah? What are you both doing here?"

"We came to wherever the navigation sent us."

"Huh? I sent my house's location, why did it send you to the store?" She said as she took her phone out to check. She sent the wrong location.

"Oops, I sent my current location instead of my house's location. Sorry."

"It's fine." They giggled.

"But how did you guys reach so soon?"

"We came in our cars and our house is a little bit close to this store."

"That's right. This store is like a landmark to get to our houses."

"Oh, that's interesting."

"Now, shall we go to your house?"

"Sure! Let's go!" She said and she started walking. She didn't hear any other walking noise beside her. She turned back to look at those two, who were standing in their own places, without moving.

"Why..? Is there any problem?" She asked.

"Are we going to walk?" Ji Ae asked.

"Of course."

"How long will it take?"

"8 to 10 minutes? That's it." She said.

"Wow. Can't we get a taxi? I can't walk. I'm not used to it."

"Me too. There are times that I walked to my house, but is till not used to it."

"Oh my, you spoiled rich girls. Work those legs! Why would they give legs if you can't walk. Stop sulking and let's go."

"We are totally spoiled, aren't we?"

"Yeah totally." Bo Young smiled.

"Fine let's go!"

They started walking.

"Bo Young," Ji Ae started

"What is it?"

"Previously, in the store, what were you and Hyun a Wook sunbae, talking about?"

"Me and him? Nothing, I just said bye and came back."

"I don't think so, you both were being all smiley."

"I was leaving hurriedly to welcome you guys home, so, he asked why I was rushing. I just told him you guys were coming."

"Fine fine. Ji Ae, do you find anything strange? Two people who don't smile often, kept smiling, at each other. What do you think is going on?"

"Hmm..? There is something really going on in between."

"N-no way! There is nothing going on! I was just happy that you guys were coming to mine. That's the reason I smiled." She argued.

"Okay, but that doesn't give him a reason to smile back."

"Oh come on, anyone when the person with them smiles at them. Smile is contagious." She replied without adding 'duh'.

"Just think about it, we already told you that someone who doesn't talk to girls at all, talked with you and all those, now this too!" Ji Ae added.


"I am not listening." She put her hands on her ears, closing and opening them.

"This girl really."

They laughed their way to her house.


"Is this how you do it? And is this the right answer?" Yu Ah asked after she finished writing the solution for the question in their book. It's been an hour since they started doing these problems, without any rest.

"Oh! That's right! Good job!" Bo Young high fived Yu Ah, who was really happy getting the question right. Ji Ae was working on the next question. The next minute she completed it and got the question right too.

"You guys told me, you were bad at this. But you both are insanely better than what I thought!"

"What were your expectations?"

"I don't know what my expectations were. But you guys are insanely better than Ha Sang."

"Why? Is he that bad at it?"

"Sigh, that guy is a pain in the butt. He is really bad but once he understands the concept, he tries it but gets the wrong answer. But today he was really focused."

"That guy was focused? That's unlike Ha Sang."

"I know right."

"I'm tired now. Should we take a rest?" Ji Ae was so tired now.

"I'm hungry now. *looks at the time* it's nine already? Shall we eat?" Yu Ah asked.

"Of course!" Ji Ae said. "Yay! Then, wait I'll cook." Bo Young said.

"You..can cook?" The both asked.

"What can you not do?" Yu Ah asked. "You're right."

She smiled and got up to go to the kitchen. "Wait here, I'll go cook something."

"Wait, wait." Yu Ah stopped. Ji Ae knew what she was upto.

"Why cook when you have door delivery?"

"Take a seat and calm down."

"Fine, but I won't pay." Bo Young said.

"Deal!" Yu Ah and Ji Ae replied with their thumbs up in the air.

"From where are you going to order?"

"There is this restaurant me and Ji Ae visit often, that place's food is really delicious! We couldn't visit the place after you joined us, you should come with us next time too!"

"That's right! Let's get our food."

They ordered whatever they wanted and now were talking about things.

;-;-;Minutes later;-;-;-;-;

"That actually happened?! Now way!" Ji Ae laughed after she heard a silly fight between Yu Ah and her sister.

"I never knew you had a sister!" Bo Young laughed.

"Yeah, I have one. Her name is Yu Ri Jo."

"Ohh..that's nice."

The door bell rang. "I think it's the food. I'll go get it." Bo young rushed out. She returned back with the food.

"Wow, it's already smelling good!" Bo Young was impressed.

They got ready to fill their stomachs.

"Thank you for the food!" They enthusiastically started their feast.

After the first bite, Bo Young's face lit up. "So..GOOD!" She turned her volume up for the last word.

The sounds of chewing and constant repetition of the word "delicious" was filling the room.

"Oh right! Ji Ae, did you talk to Yeong Hyun?" Yu Ah asked. Bo Young nodded vigorously after getting reminded that it happened.

"Yeah, I did. I stopped not talking to him."

"You what?! You stopped talking to him?!" Yu Ah asked.

"No, I said, I stopped NOT talking to him."

"Oh, sorry."

"What made you do that?" Bo Young smiled.

"How can I resist talking to him? You guys know how much I like him, and he wouldn't stop asking sorry, listening to all his apologies made me feel sorry. He apologised apart from being in school, he would call me non stop when I'm at home, he would text me. But to be honest, it was bit bothersome. But, I just can't ignore him. You do know how it feels, right?" She looked at Bo Young. Bo Young was confused.

"Oh right! You don't even like anyone. You know how that feels, don't you?" She now looked at Yu Ah.

"Hey! That was rude!" Bo Young was sulking. Yu Ah was on the floor laughing at Ji Ae's comment. Looking at Yu Ah, Ji Ae joined her.

"So funny, Huh?" She started to shove her food into her mouth, pretending to be really angry.

"It's true though. Wait, do you actually start liking someone?" Yu Ah shot her question.

Bo Young thought : "I should NEVER tell them! Until, I get the confidence to."

"Ji Ae, what else happened though? How did he react to it?" Bo Young diverted them.

Ji Ae blushed at this question.

"What's going on, what's going on? You're blushing?!" Yu Ah was shocked. Bo Young smiling proudly after diverting the subject.

"Umm..it's nothing! And I'm not blushing!"

"Then, do you have a fever? I don't think so." Yu Ah said.

"Fine..I'll tell."

"What happened?"

"After I said that, he..Umm..hugged me." Ji Ae said. Bo Young dropped her chopsticks after hearing that but Yu Ah let out a disappointing sigh.

"*sigh* I thought something else."

"Oh my god! What the hell did you think!"

"Never mind."

"Oh, right! Bo Young, where are your parents?" Ji Ae asked.Bo Young choked.

"Woah, woah. Drink some water." Yu Ah passed the water.

"So..where are they?" Ji Ae asked after she saw Bo Young getting back to her pace.

"Umm..they...um..yeah! They w-went to my grandparents house, they won't be back home for a few days."

"Ohh..so, that was why you are alone now?"


She thought: "Damn! Thank mom, I escaped the question."

The rest of the night went on like that. They forgot that they had to practice their problems.

"I was actually confused about one thing." Bo Young asked.

"What is it?"

"You guys said that-" she was interrupted by a call. Her phone was ringing. She looked at the caller ID, it was unknown. But she didn't care about that and attended it.

"One second." Bo Young excused herself but she didn't move away from them.


"Hello! It's been a long time, is it?" It was him, the threatcaller.


Chapter 41 end.
