

Bo Young has finally returned to South Korea. Her dream is what is keeping her going and not give up. To make it come true she joins her dream school. The people she encounter and memories she create are so much. Things are not going really normal. She doesnt and cannot open up about her past to people. But slowly things are starting to change. Is it changing her future or is it things from her past?? Read to find out! I also upload in wattpad! You all can check it out :]

Black_Wolf_3 · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs


"Precious one? What if I'm gonna lose my precious one?" Ji Ae said, tears flowing down like a waterfall. She just kept looking at the flower while crying. Bo Young's and Yu Ah's eyes widened and they were confused. They knew something was wrong and rushed to her. "Why are you like this? What is the problem?" Yu Ah said while holding Ji Ae looking really worried. Bo Young knew that the place they were in wasn't the right place to talk. "Let's talk outside. Let's go." Bo Young said and helped Yu Ah and Ji Ae stand up and went outside the garden. They saw a bench and went, sat there. "Here, have some tissues. Wipe your tears, now tell us what exactly happened to you." Bo Young said. "My dad wasn't feeling well for the past few days.*sob* He kept on coughing and vomiting. Today he finally accepted to go to the hospital. They took all the tests they needed.*sob sob* Now they are telling that he is diagnosed with cancer." She said and cried out. Yu Ah's eyes widened. Bo Young was utterly shocked but still wanted to make Ji Ae confident.

"But it's not sure that you are gonna lose him one day. He is gonna get cured one day and return back home safe." Bo Young said and squeezed Ji Ae's hand. "No...no. He isn't going to get cured." Ji Ae said. "Don't tell like-!!" Yu Ah was interrupted by Ji Ae. "No!! He isn't going to cured because he is in the 4th stage now! There is no way he is going to get cured!" Ji Ae said and broke down to tears even more. Bo Young hugged Ji Ae as soon as she said that. She then pulled back and wiped her tears. She then again started to zone out. Bo Young knew how it felt to lose her precious one. Bo Young thought: "I wish I could tell her 'I know how it feels too. Everything will get better soon.' Well, Yeah everything does get better but sometimes you will feel empty, as if something is not there in you. Sometimes you will feel as if they are there with you, like even right next to you, wherever and whenever. You will start speaking as if they can hear you, but who knows whether they really hear?" She then snapped out to the reality. "It's alright, there are many people who have been cured from the 4th stage too, we will wish for the best to happen. Now don't cry and have some hope and confidence in yourself and your dad. Tables might turn. Now wipe your tears." Bo Young told while patting Ji Ae.

Ji Ae then sat back and straight. "You are right. I will have some hope and confidence. My dad won't leave me. I know him." Ji Ae said and wiped her tears. Bo Young's headache increased all of a sudden. She held her head in pain. "What is wrong?" Yu Ah asked. "No no...nothing." Bo Young said, her voice trembling. Bo Young thought: "Why is this suddenly increasing? It shouldn't be like this, they shouldn't know it too. Let's hide it." She then became normal even though it was paining. "Okay, now...." Yu Ah said while smiling ear to ear even though she didn't want to and looked at Bo Young. "It's.....TIME TO INCREASE YOUR BRIGHTNESS!!" Bo Young and Yu Ah yelled happily. They told this every time when one of them felt down. "Now, shall we go for lunch?" Yu Ah asked. "Yeah totally! I feel so hungry after crying." Ji Ae said and sniffed. Bo Young nodded. They all left to the cafeteria. "What is today's menu?" Yu Ah asked. "I don't remember." Bo Young said. "It's bibimbap* today. And they will be serving fried chicken today too. I'm so excited and hungry." Ji Ae said. "They usually don't give fried chicken on Fridays right?" Bo Young asked. "You didn't know? They give fried chicken in the second Fridays of every months. I know everything about food here." Ji Ae said. She looked like her normal self, for the girls it looked like as if she had forgotten it. "Oh~~ after all its Kang Ji Ae." Yu Ah said. They all laughed. Yu Ah and Bo Young looked at each other and smiled in a relief.

"Oh right. Ji Ae, Yu Ah didn't know that there was a garden in the school." Bo Young said. "Yeah I didn't know it. How do you guys know?" Yu Ah asked. "You didn't know it?" Ji Ae asked Yu Ah. Yu Ah nodded. "This is weird. I thought everyone knew it." Bo Young said. "Actually, there is, a kind of backstory for this garden. So no one knows there is one place like that in our school." Ji Ae said. "What is it?" Yu Ah asked. "The garden actually is place where people in the school, whether it maybe teacher or student, place a flower pot in the garden, somewhere they like, as a memory of something. Whether it maybe a good or a bad memory." Ji Ae explained. "Wooooaaaahhh, I never thought about this. But why don't people know about this?" Bo Young said. "How will they discover a beautiful place like this when all are just trying seek attention from people.  Some even wants to enter just for taking pictures and posting it in their social media accounts. And it's better when they don't know it too. For your info, the garden apparently belongs to Ha sang, and he doesn't allow people enter it." Ji Ae said. "What?! What kind of justice is this? So, people literally have to get permission from him, if they want to place a flower pot. How complicated." Yu Ah said. "I know right. And I don't go to the garden too much too. I have heard some students story of trying to go to the garden. Those make me tired. We might get caught by him." Ji Ae said.

"Why? You definitely asked him right." Yu Ah asked. "What are you talking about? Whoever maybe in my situation wouldn't have the thought to ask permission. So, I definitely sneaked in!" Ji Ae said while laughing. "Well, it's not like he is checking though." Yu Ah said. "You got it wrong. He checks the cctv camera that he has set just r that, everyday." Ji Ae said. "Wow, now that's some real work there. But I've gone to the garden twice, if we add this event it's thrice. But he didn't ask me anything." Bo Young said. "Two times without us!?" Ji Ae asked. "Yeah, once on the first day of school, sigh thinking of that makes me tired. The second today morning. He even saw me inside today morning. Are you sure he cares about that?" Bo Young said and looked at them. Yu Ah and Ji Ae both stared at Bo Young confused. "I suppose, you guys want me to tell what happened right...?" Bo Young asked. "That's right, but how dare you don't tell us what's happening." Ji Ae told and glared at her. "Hahaha, sorry. Should I tell the first day thing or what happened today?" Bo Young asked. "For now tell what happened today." Ji Ae said. "No no wait. Only if I tell you what happened on the first day, it will be connected. But, the first day of mine was so hectic." Bo Young said and started to tell what happened. She finished telling it only after they got the food and sat. Yu Ah and Ji Ae couldn't close their mouth. Their jaws dropped. "*takes a deep breath* So, you just went for a school tour in the search of a desk. These HF brats are getting on my nerves. So, when u went to the garden on the first day he didn't mind?" Ji Ae said. "Yeah, he might've let me because I was new to school. And what happened today was, remember I said that I wanted to water the flowers? I went there today for that. That time he was already inside and I didn't know that, I went inside and was looking at the flowers. That time too he didn't tell me to leave." Bo Young said.

"How come he left you alone? And adding to that he picks on you all the time." Yu Ah said. Bo Young nodded. "But I'm sure he won't let us go easily." Ji Ae told very surely. They all sighed and started eating. Bo Young was deep down in thoughts: "I didn't tell them the full details of how I felt the first day and how I felt when I saw the flower. The flower looked so beautiful and I felt like this flower was even special to me. Even though this flower is special to anyone who have that, that particular flower which I saw in the garden felt special to me but now that is not the problem. I hope Ji Ae's dad recover soon. I wish the best for them. I don't want anyone I cherish the most also to go through the worse like I went through. Damn, this headache is getting worse." She kept the chopsticks aside and held her head tightly. Ji Ae and Yu Ah definitely noticed that, cause Bo Young was sitting opposite to them. "What's wrong?" Ji Ae asked. "You were zoning out and then now held your head tightly. Something is definitely wrong. What is it?" Yu Ah asked. "No, it's nothing. I was zoning out too much that made me have a blackout, nothing else." Bo Young said while smiling. "No, there-" Yu Ah was stopped. "Shall we go?" Bo Young asked. They both nodded.

"Okay, I will go to my class now. See you guys later." Yu Ah said. "Ok bye!" Bo Young said and waved. Ji Ae just waved. Bo Young was still worried. "Let's go in." Bo Young said. Ji Ae nodded. They both went inside. Bo Young was filled with thoughts: "Ji Ae is looking sad now too. I don't want her to feel worried. I hope her *thud thud* dad gets better and comes back for Ji Ae. He shouldn't leave *thud thud* her alone. Even though *thud thud* she isn't alone, she will feel empty. I have gone through it. *thud thud* Sigh, I have people who care about me to-!!" Bo Young was agitated. Ha Sang was continuously kicking the desk. "Tch, What the heck do you want?" Bo Young whispered to him angrily. "Take notes for me." He whispered back. Bo Young just rolled her eyes and got back to what she was doing. She thought: "Who does he think-" Ha Sang did it again. She got really annoyed. "Do it." He muttered in a stern tone. "I. Won't." Bo Young did the same. "I will will take it as a gratitude if you do it." He said. "I already thanked you yesterday." Bo Young said glaring at him.

"Whatever. Just do it now." He said rolling his eyes. "Why would I do it? I'm not your maid." Bo Young said clenching her teeth. "I want to sleep." Ha Sang whined. "If you want to sleep, then sleep. Why are you bothering me?" She said in the same manner. "Argh, I just told to take-" Ha Sang said. *Rrriiinnngg* The bell rang. "Shall we go see Yu Ah?" Bo Young asked Ji Ae as she was walking towards her. "Nam Bo Young! Stop right there. Can't you do what I told?" Ha Sang called and asked her. Bo Young got frustrated. "I won't do it. I'm not your slave to do whatever you say." Bo Young said. "I had something to do, that's why I asked." He said. "Something? You wanted to SLEEP. I can't take notes for you just because of that and above all of that, I can't do anything just because you told." Bo Young argued back going closer to him. "Wo-woah there. Slow down, stop arguing." Ji Ae pulled back Bo Young. "Don't stop me Ji Ae. This guy is spoiled." Bo Young said. "*scoff* Spoiled? This one really is getting on my nerves. You know what, you are really lazy. You can't even take notes when I told you to do so." He said. "What did you say? I'm lazy??? Think of it, you were the one who wanted to sleep during the class and asked me to take notes for you. That is called being lazy. You are the one being lazy and telling me that I'm lazy. You must be crazy." Bo Young fought back. They both were arguing continuously. Ji Ae thought: "This is going too far. I should call someone. Oh let's text Yeong Hyun." She then texted Yeong Hyun, "Yeong Hyun, Ha Sang and Bo Young are arguing now. Can you come here?"

     "Arguing? Ok we will come now."

She then kept the phone back and tried to stop them fighting.

"You can't even take notes by yourself. How pity!" Bo Young said. "You're talking about it. Even you weren't taking notes and zoning out. I don't know how you were in top ranks of the school." He said. "I had something in my mind, so what? I'm better than you. I had something that was more important so I didn't have the motive take notes, rather than sleeping and wanting somebody to take notes. And I study way better than you, so zip your mouth." Bo Young said. "NOW BOTH OF YOU ZIP YOUR MOUTHS! I'VE HAD ENOUGH." Ji Ae yelled. "Are you both elementary school students, arguing over little things." Yeon Joon said while coming through the class. "You don't know anything about it, so don't involve." Ha Sang said. "Bo Young Why are you wasting your energy arguing with him? Let's go." Yu Ah also came inside. "Yeah, you're right. Why am I wasting my time and energy. Let's go." Bo Young said a glared at him mockingly. "Woah woah, am I missing something? The atmosphere here is totally different!" Seong Seop entered the class while sipping chocolate milk sachet. "Oh, Hello mr.nothing, can you please take your friend away, he is wasting my energy and time." Bo Young smiled ironically and started walking away. "Mr.Nothing? Hey, stop calling me nothing! This girl!" Seong Seop yelled. "Stop leaving! I didn't finish talking!" Ha Sang yelled. Bo Young made the blah blah movement in her hand and went with her friends.

They went and sat on the bench near the cafeteria. They had chocolate milks in their hands, slurping the milk in a silence, like the calm after the storm. "But why were you guys arguing in the first place." Ji Ae asked. "You didn't even know that and called us?" Yu Ah asked. Ji Ae nodded. "I didn't even have a clue of what they were talking about." Ji Ae said. "Argh, don't talk about it. That guy has been getting on my nerves lately. How can someone be this annoying?!" Bo Young said in frustration. "Was it that annoying? What is it? I want to hear." Ji Ae said. Yu Ah also nodded and looked like an eager kitten waiting for its food. "Alright. I will let you know." She said and started telling. "That's it." Bo Young ended. Ji Ae and Yu Ah didn't give any reaction. "What's with this reaction?" Bo Young asked. "That's it?" Yu Ah asked.  Bo Young nodded. "I thought there was another reason. He was a little bit annoying to be honest. But you guys really argued like elementary kids. And you both have great ego." Ji Ae said. "Sigh, just leave it." Bo Young said. "Ah, I almost forgot. I received a message from the hospital my dad is admitted. They said I will have to be there for a while. He is getting treatment now." Ji Ae said clenching her hands. "Are you okay? I'm sorry for not asking much about it, I didn't want you to worry about it. I wanted to see you smile again. I'm sorry." Bo Young said holding her hand. Yu Ah agreed to it. "You guys don't have to worry about me. I gained confidence after hearing guys talk about it. I have a hope that my dad will recover soon. I had a great time though. Don't be sorry either. It's not like you guys did a mistake. You guys only wanted me to not worry and be my normal self. I'm alright. And you know one thing? You guys are one of the special people that have been with me through my hard times." Ji Ae said while smiling. Bo Young and Yu Ah smiled.

The school came to an end. The trio met up in the entrance. "Yu Ah isn't going anywhere today I guess?" Bo Young asked. "Yeah." Yu Ah said. They all started walking "Since all the three of us are here...shall we go hangout somewhere?" Yu Ah asked. "I don't think I will be able to come." Bo Young said. "Me neither." Ji Ae said. "I know the reason for you but Bo Young...?" Yu Ah said and looked at her. "Yeah, you always told that you got something to do or have somewhere to go, what is it?" Ji Ae asked. Bo Young hesitated al lot. They got suspicious of her. "You are hiding something." Yu Ah said. "Al-alright, I will tell. I have to go to a part-time job and I can't hangout somewhere with this condition of my leg either." Bo Young said. "You go to a part time job? You are studying in a very luxurious school...I don't get it." Ji Ae said.  "My circumstances are different than you guys. Ok I have to go now! Bye!" Bo Young said as she reached the path she had to go to her house. "Bye.." Yu Ah said. Ji Ae waved. "Am I the only one who thinks that she is hiding something?" Yu Ah asked. "What are you talking about? I don't think she is hiding something tho. But aren't you supposed to have gone long before to home?" Ji Ae asked. "I want to go with you. You're going to the hospital right?" Yu Ah asked. Ji Ae nodded. "Then let's go. I want to go see father too. Let's go." Yu Ah smiled. Ji Ae smiled feeling heart warmed. They started leaving.

Bo Young was reaching her house. "Sigh, I opened about a thing which will lead to a whole story which is a great content for a short film. I don't want to talk about it to them." She said these to herself and when to her house. She thought: "Yeon Joon isn't here. Why am I caring about it? I will just leave. I don't have much time left." She thought while looking around. She then gave up and started leaving. "Wow, did I see right?" Someone spoke. Bo Young thought: "That voice. It's Yeon Joon." She then turned around. "You looked for me right?" Yeon Joon asked. "No I didn't." Bo Young lied. "Aye, you lied. Ok, Can I ask you questions today?" He asked. "You won't leave me if I said no." She said. "You got me. Ok, do you live alone?" He asked. She looked at him in disbelief. "What?!" She asked. "No no, don't think in a wrong way. I just wanted to ask." He said. "Why the heck would you ask that?" She asked not being able to escape from that shock. "I told you already, I was just curious." He said. "Why would someone be curious about that? Anyways, I'm not going to answer that. I'm leaving." She said and started going. "Ok let me ask another question and you can leave. How is your leg now?" He asked. Bo Young stopped walking. "You are not limping now." He said. "Really? Even I didn't know I wasn't limping. I guess I'm fine. You know what, I don't know how it's actually. Thanks." Bo Young looked at him finally after looking down for a long time. Yeon Joon being confused looked at her too. "Thanks for asking. Bye." She said and left. Yeon Joon waved. He then smiled.

Bo Young entered her house. "So many things happened in just one day. I'm so freaking tired." She said. "I should get ready soon." She said and started getting ready. She left her house. She kept walking to the store. "He was right, I'm not limping anymore. That's a relief, I can practice more. Let's check if it pains." She said and tried to touch the place that aches. "Ouch! It hurts when I touch it, I should apply that medicine for a while now." She said. She reached the store soon. Everything happened like it usually happens. She spoke with Shin Na and started her work soon. It was time those guys came. They came bought things they want. Yeon Joon And Bo Young just looked at each other and just did a small greeting. Her work was going to end. "Welcome." She said. She thought: "Sigh, it's the last customer. I wish it ends soon." The customer came soon to the counter. "It's 4,000 won." She said. "Here. Oh! Aren't you Bo Young?" He(the customer) asked. "Yeah, I am, but....who are you?" She asked. "She didn't tell you? I am...."


