
Mega gene

In this story, sanctuary becomes upgraded and becomes plasma sanctuary and genogenics become more powerful and humans don't able to kill them now because Ordinary changes into common, primary changes into basic, mutant changes into distorted, sacred-blood changes into holy-blood and Super changes into legendary.All the relationship between sanctuary and xeno universe has lost and xeno universe is collapsed and all are killed there. A normal boy is sent to plasma sanctuary. He rises widely and become the most powerful humans of the Earth. In this Story, we will see the journey of that normal boy.

rebel_knight_ · Ciencia y ficción
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48 Chs

One punch victories.

Suddenly someone appears on the stage in a black armour who looks like a devil came from hail. Samuel and Brian sat back from David Augustine and says that sir I told you about a man who killed 50 invisible grasshoppers and ends the terror in smoke valley. David Augustine asks that what is his name. Samuel says that he says that it is not important for us to know about him but we will know his name when he will win or lose into this bout. AI of FAMAS shelter organised this bout. After some time a bell rang and everyone starts fighting with each other. In this last fight all fighters are medium ranged. A girl with a basic dagger ran towards Mark but Mark catch her hand and give a punch on his face. Because of the impact of that punch, that girl flies off the stage. That girl try to stand up but bleeding started from his mouth and he left the bout. Everyone in the arena shocked because they never expected that anyone's Punch has this level of power and potential. Some fighters surround Mark from all sides and attack on him with their weapons. Mark uses bullet punches and bullet kicks and counter all within fifteen minutes. Now only two are left on the stage one is Mark and second is Rudy. Rudy is best friend of Evelyn and caretaker of Evelyn's gang. Mark tell her to go back but he tell Mark that she will never be defeated. She ran towards Mark with a sword but Mark disappears and appear in front of Rudy and Punch on his face and again she also flies off the stage but she stand up. But the pain is so high and she is not able to fight as any more. That's why she go back from bout and AI announce Trade as a winner. After listening the name Trade everyone remembered that this is the guy whose fitness level is more high than most powerful elder Drake Johnson. AI announced that next rounds will be tomorrow. Everyone has to fight 5 battles in a single day. Actually Mark uses there the combination of Diamond-flex and Blood power. That why he sends a huge amount of force into their body that disturb their body's ability and they are knock-off from bout. Everyone want to ask about Trade but suddenly Trade disappears from there. Actually he used his invisible plasma soul and get back into his room. Mark go for a hunt nearby and kill a common creature to maximize his common core points.

"You have consumed the flesh of common squirrel. You got 1 common core points."

"You have consumed the flesh of common squirrel. You got 1 common core points."

After this Mark calls his pet tetra-eyed dog and give him the whole remaining flesh. The evolution process of that pet is so low. That's why Mark send him into his plasma sea of soul. Next day the first battle of Mark is with a girl nicknamed Lazy cat. Her hyper Geno art Thunder pulse is too powerful. That's why she can be considered as a tough opponent. That girl enters on stage but Trade is not there. Lazy cat shouts that Trade is timid and he has afraid of me. That's why he left from this bout. Before she could finish her sentence, a man appears on the stage and tell Lazy cat that Trade never leaves the field in front of a weak like you. If the question is of a spirit then I might left. Lazy cat is feeling so insulting and transform into a cat and jump on Trade to kill him. Mark runs blood power and punch her. She flies off the stage and falls 100 metres away. She again come in her human form and try to wake up but she left the bout. Mark easily won his next three matches and last one is with Marconi. Marconi is a playboy of FAMAS shelter he always switch his girlfriends more than 15 times in a weakened. He is the most valuable person in Max's gang and caretaker of his gang. On earth, he has many cases of murder, rape and kidnapping but he always comes out by using the name of Max. Almost every girls in FAMAS shelter is annoyed of him. One day, he beated Mark when Mark doesn't give him any plasma soul. That's why Mark decided to kill Marconi and finish his terror from FAMAS shelter. Marconi is the valuable gang member of Max that's why Max give him his distorted armour plasma soul. Marconi enters on the stage and waiting for Trade to come. After a while, a man with black armour enters appears on the stage. Marconi starts smiling loudly and says that Trade your name is very classy and in this armour you looks like a devil came from hail. Trade says that I know children but you are here to fight with me. Then what is your plan to alive in this battle. Marconi again smiles and call his blue armour and tell Trade that if he has the capability then defeat me. David Augustine is so curious about Trade because he has doubt on him that he belongs to Hanson's. But he doesn't know that who is Trade and how he looks like. David Augustine thinks that if Trade will defeat Marconi in single shot then his doubt will clear that Trade really belongs to Hanson's. Marconi bring out a thin sword and ran towards Mark to kill him. Mark disappears from there and appears in front of Marconi and give a punch in the middle of Marconi's hand. A loud crack voice spread into the arena and Marconi starts crying in pain. But he again attack on Trade by his other hand. Again a crack voice spread into the arena and Marconi is now unable to use his hands. Mark catch his head into middle of his hand. After that all the girls sat in the arena started shouting that please kill him Trade. Marconi is so shocked because his terror is at the peak in FAMAS shelter. Any girl cannot go against Marconi. Trade tells Marconi that I was thinking of leaving you alive but your work is so bad that no one here wants to see you alive. Max stands up and tells Trade to leave Marconi otherwise he will be brutally killed by him after this bout. Trade held Marconi's head and broke his head by turning it. Marconi's head with his armour broken and Marconi died there. Mark comes at the end of the stage and tells Max that nobody is borned in alliance or this plasma sanctuary who is able to kill me. After saying this Trade disappears from there.