
Meet my Sleep Demon

Jim wakes up in a world unfamiliar to him. He lost all his memories and the only person by his side is a demon. Togheter they try to get his memories back and him back to the world he came from. New chapters 3-4 times a week 9pm (GMT+2)

SeNovels · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Waking up

Jim opened his eyes. He didnt know where he was. when he tried to remember there was nothing exept his name. Questions where running through Jim's Head but one thing was clear this wasn't his home. He ran to the window and looked outside but all he could see where these ugly grey Buildings. Before he could do anything his legs gave out and it all went black again.

After some time he felt the warm sun on his skin, as he opened his eyes he was under a tree in the middle of a big field.

There was no one nearby. With no where to go he decided to sit up and think of what he should do now.

After some thinking he figured that it would be best to just start walking.

'There can't be nothing nearby, right?' He thought to himself so he just started walking and thats when he noticed that he was wearing different clothes now and they felt way more like his own.

He couldn't know if those really where his because he had no memories apart from this strange situation.

"So it really was a dream." He said to himself. 

"What was a dream?" He heard a young sounding voice say.

"Wha- where did you come from and... who are you" He said a little startled over the sudden interupption of what seemed to be a girl his age.

But when he took a closer look he noticed this 'Girl' wasn't a girl or at least not a human one. She had all the characteristics of a human. She had long black hair and light skin, she was a little smaller than Jim and she wore a black dress in the same style as his own clothes. Only his had a different colour.

He was wearing a white shirt with dark pants and brown leather boots. He also had a dark teal colored vest and a brown bag wich was hanging of his side.

But there was one thing different between Jim and her. She had red almost gloving eyes and horns on her head that where emitting a weird energy that he had never felt before. 

"You dont remember me? I Ophelia Nocturna am your Sleep demon." The girl said a little confused.

"What the hell is a sleep demon?" Jim said a little annoyed. He didnt really know what a demon was. It was a painfull reminder that he had lost hsi memories.

"Dont talk like that. We demons are a higher form of being so speak with respect.

But after you lost your memmories i really owe you an explenation so lets go somewhere where we can talk a little better."

She said as she started walking. But Jim was still hesitating he didnt know the girl.

He didnt even know where he was.

He had lost all his memories and had only the clothes on his body. He had no home or family. Atleast none that he knew of.

'I guess if i dont have annything i can't loose anything either.'

With that thought in his head he started to follow the strange girl.

They walked past fields, crossed some bridges and entered a forest.

After what felt like the better part of an hour he finnaly arrived at a small house,  it was made out of dark wood and stone, it looked pretty old and run down.

"Here we are make yourself at home" She said as she sat down in a big comfy looking chair and gestured he would do the same. He sat down in the chair across to her. The chairs where made out of leather, it looked as old as the rest of the place. He noticed that there where no cobwebs not even a singe bit of dust. 

"Before i start to explain what i am and what my connection to you is. Do you have any questions?"

"Actually yes, do you know who i am?" Jim said. He tought that maby  if he talked to her he would get some memories back.

"You are Jim Chase. You are 17 years old, and an Orphan i dont know who your parents where but you lost them young. Also there is one more thing" She paused slightly hesitant to say the next sentence.

"You are not from this world."

"What do you mean im not from this world" Jim said shocked.

"You are a human. Your kinf belongs to the human world.

We sleep demons are the people that transport your souls to the dream world and back we watch over you.So you Wont die in your sleep. Wich would mean death in your world.

Your soul would turn into a monster.

The being hunting humans in their dreams. You would become what the humans call nightmares.

Our job as Sleep demons is to not let that happen and we are also here to hinder you from dreaming to long wich would end in you either disappearing, becoming one of us or becoming one of them."

"Who is them?" Jim said. He was wondering what else this weird place contained.

"To be honest i dont really know either. The elders dont tell us much they only say that they had a great war against them centuries ago. We demons won and we executed every single last member of them, the elders dont even tell us what they are called." She said

"Sounds great, so what you are saying is that if i dont leave this place that i dont know soon then i will turn into them" Jim said. He couldnt believe what he heard. First he lost his memories and now he would turn into a weird monster or an evil something that no one knows what it is.

"Thats not what i said. The chance of you becoming one of "them" is very small also you are not in the dream world. You are in the demon world and i dont know how you came here or what will happen if you stay."



3-4 times a week

9pm (GMT+2)