


Noctis watched as Goblin Slayer quickly took care of the baby goblins killing them. He looked around for a bit and noticed a small pouch in the corner of the room he went over to it and saw the small pouch had over ten gold coins in it. He quickly stashed it away for later use. He mumbled under his breathe "Surprised I don't have a luck perk."

He then saw that Goblin Slayer walked around the room and picked up the girl who was made into the goblins play thing. He started to walk out so Noctis and Ruri followed him. There was no conversation on the way back. Goblin Slayer was not much of a talker. Ruri was trying to get her thoughts together as the events that just happened started to get to her. Then Noctis saw them both not saying anything decided to be quiet as well. He did feel a little bad because he had some advance knowledge but he had already decided that he would do whatever he wanted to do. He had no grand goal of saving every person. After all his knowledge only went up to the anime in this world. He had no idea what would happen after. He also figured that even with his minor presence right now he had already effectively made micro changes to the timeline. He was going to live his life without thought of making sure everything is perfect. This is his life now and with life nothing is ever perfect.

Halfway through the woods back to town Noctis decided to say something to at least lift their moods or just to start a conversation in general since the silence was killing him. "Hey guys I was going to wait to tell you once we got back to the guild but inside the cave I was able to find a pouch of gold coins there is exactly twenty four so we can split it if you want."

Ruri was shocked "There was that many gold coins in that cave. How?"

Goblin Slayer spoke "There was probably a village near by that got pillaged. We can discuss it back at the guild."

With that Noctis's talking point ended an a little chibi version of himself in his mind fell to his knees saying "He knows how to stop a conversation so easily."

Once they cleared the forest and made it back to the city. Noctis had actually found out from asking Ruri that this was Cobalt city. They followed Goblin Slayer to the local church where they dropped off the poor girl so that she could receive divine healing after the incident. They then made their way to the guild to give a statement on what happened as well as collect the reward. The reward total was only one gold coin. They all decided to split the gold coin pouch where Noctis would get ten gold coin pieces since he found it leaving Ruri and Goblins Slayer to each get seven pieces.

Noctis then shook Goblin Slayers hand "Well it was nice meeting you. I'm going to head out to find an inn to stay at. If you ever need anything let me know."

Goblin Slayer simply nodded not saying anything. Noctis then turned to Ruri "Be careful. I would stick around him for awhile to try and learn some things."

Ruri nodded "You be careful too."

Noctis smiled under his mask as he walked away. Waving at them as he exited the building.

A Couple Weeks Later

Noctis was heading back to the adventurers guild. It had been two weeks since his first adventure with Goblin Slayer. He has been grinding quests for the past two weeks. He took as many quests as he could at his rank. From monster hunting to finding herbs in the forest. After two weeks he went up two ranks and made it to Steel rank level. He also found out that the promotion interviews are for past Steel rank promotions. So he had not yet needed to partake in the interview process yet.

He had minimal contact with Goblin Slayer over the last two weeks. Noctis would say hello to him and Goblin Slayer would give him a simple nod. Noctis would talk to Ruri more as she was enjoying learning from Goblin Slayer and seemed to develop a similar need to kill goblins as him. But her desire was more about helping other people.

During these couple weeks he had only spent money on food and lodging. Never finding anything that interested him or even came close to peaking his interest. Nothing even seemed to be close to the same level as his weapons an armor.

Later Noctis had ran into them again today. He was a little late into getting into the guild as he overslept. So when he came in everyone was gone but Goblin Slayer and Ruri. They were having a conversation with Lucy in the front. Noctis looked over at the board and saw a Steel rank monster quest for killing a pack of wolves numbering in eight with the possibility of more. It was for two gold coins.

He grabbed it and started to head to Lucy coming up next to Goblin Slayer and Ruri. He heard Goblin Slayer ask about the rookie team that went after the goblins in the northwest. After some back and forth between Goblin Slayer and Lucy he said "It's a balanced team I'm sure they can handle it. I need to get to the goblins who overtook a fort."

Ruri then quickly said "What do you mean they were like my last team. We need to help them."

Goblin Slayer then said "We can not help everybody."

Noctis then interjected "He is right you know."

Ruri looked over and hanged her head down a bit. Noctis then said "However the Goblins they are going for are in the northwest and that so happens to be where I need to go for my quest. It's a village over but once I'm done with mine I can check on them."

Ruri had a bright smile "Thank you Noctis."

Noctis shrugged "It's no problem. Near me anyways. I'll either help them, finish the mission for them if they can't or I will do nothing because they were able to handle it."

Noctis then looked over at Goblin Slayer and saw that he was now a silver rank. Noctis patted him on the back "Congratulations on making silver. You probably got lucky though during the promotion interview. After all Lucy likes you."

Lucy's face got a little red "What do you mean Noctis I would never show favoritism."

Noctis started to laugh a bit "I know I know but your face right now was priceless."

Noctis then turned back to Goblin Slayer and Ruri "Anyways good luck you two, be careful. I have to go do my quests and make sure the kids make it home safe."

With that Noctis left and started to make his way north west out of the city. He easily moved his way through the northern forest. Unluckily he had not received any new items or powers in the past couple weeks however what he did receive was knowledge. He knew this area much better now and could quickly get to places that would normally take a little longer to get to.

He made it into a semi clearing. There were some trees but it was mostly open. According to the quest the wolves took home on a hilly area near this forest. This clearing he had just entered looked like the place. Noctis knew he was greatly out numbered so he decided to go for the trap route. He rigged ten different lassos in the ground putting grass and leaves over them to make sure they were covered. He then in the middle had some branches and dry bark to start a fire when he needed it.

Then as he was still preparing he saw two rabbits. He quickly threw two throwing knives at them killing them instantly. He set the fire up and started to roast the rabbits. He then quickly hid up in the near by trees holding the lassoes as best he could. After a couple minutes he saw one wolf peek over. The wolf disappeared but then after a couple more minutes he saw ten wolves coming and slowly walking up to the fire. Once they were surrounding the fire and Noctis saw they were each in the right spot he jumped off the tree with the ropes causing all the wolves to get one or two legs caught as they went up in the air. He used all his strength to tie the ropes around the tree by the time he was able to he was sweating and his muscles were burning.

He leaned back against a tree as he saw the wolves flailing in the air trying to escape from there predicament. Noctis then heard a howl. He looked over and saw a wolf that was bigger then the others coming over the hill. This was clearly the alpha of the pack. Noctis pulled out his war axe and got ready.

The alpha wolf started to charge and Noctis started to charge as well. While charging he threw a throwing knife at the wolf that got embedded into its shoulder. This caused the wolf to slow down and limited it's movements a bit. As they got right in front of each other Noctis quickly stopped and side jumped and swung his war axe. The same side where the wolf was already injured. Noctis cleanly cut off the wolfs forward right leg.

The alpha wolf rolled on the ground and tried its best to get up. Noctis slowly walked over and when he was over the wolf he brought his war axe over his head and slammed it down easily decapitating it. Noctis then looked over at the other wolves who seemed to have lost their spirit. He quickly killed the other ten and started to throw the wolves bodies in the fire just to make sure they were dead. He then heard a ding from his phone.

Mission Complete: Kill one hundred monsters

Reward: One Loot Box, Title Given Monster Slayer

Description: Loot Boxes will give you three items or abilities. F Tier one hundred percent D Tier eighty five percent C tier fifty percent B Tier twenty five percent A tier ten percent S tier one percent EX tier .001%.

Noctis's eyes went wide and he immediately clicked on it to open it. The loot box started spinning on the phone and three lights of varying colors lit up on his screen. He then saw his new rewards.

Loot Box opened. Tiers given: One D Tier Power, One C Tier Power, One S Tier Power.

Rewards: D Tier Low Grade Acrobatics, C Tier Low Grade Sneak Skill, S Tier Magic Null.

Descriptions: D Tier Low Grade Acrobatics the host becomes more agile and flexible. Also allows the user motions to flow more smoothly. C Tier Low Grade Sneak Skill The host gains information on how to move around better undetected. Hosts footsteps also become quieter. S Tier Magic Null Host is given the Magic ability to cancel out someone else's Magic this move comes at the cost of the hosts stamina using it too often causes the host to black out.

Noctis could not believe his luck. He had not even checked the benefits from his title yet and he was already elated. He then looked at the title given to him.

Title: Monster Slayer

Monster Slayer powers given: B Tier Kill Point B Tier Mob Hesitation.

Descriptions: B Tier Power Kill Point allows host to find easier killing blows against regular or weak monsters. B Tier Mob Hesitation When fighting any opponent weaker then the host their movements will show slight hesitation or slowness.

Noctis had a bright smile under his mask he could not believe all the luck he was just given. While this by no means made him the most powerful person or monster on this world it was definitely a good start. Many people were still more skilled then him but his last two weeks of work have started to pay off. He must have taken at least ten quests a day to get to where he is currently at.

He wanted to celebrate right away but he still had a quest to finish. Noctis then went in search of the wolves home to make sure there were no pups or others lying around. Once he found a small hollowed out area inside a mountain with lots of bones and wolf shit he knew this was the spot.

He waited in this spot for about an hour an after searching around one more time he knew he had taken care of the problem.

He got up and dusted himself off "Now it's time to check to see if those kids are still alive."

Noctis started to walk west in the direction of the nearest village. Apparently the quest was to protect the village from a likely goblin raid. If the village seemed fine when he arrived that meant either the goblins had not attacked yet or the kids already took care of it. If the village was on fire though those kids were surely dead.

It took Noctis about an hour but he was finally able to see the village. He luckily did not see any large amounts of smoke. He walked through the village and found a farmer on the side. "Excuse me sir did three young adventurers happen to walk through here and take care of your goblin problem."

The farmer began to have a bright smile "Why yes they did. One of the younger boys got knocked up a bit but he will be fine."

Noctis nodded "Where are all the goblin bodies?"

The farmer pointed to a house with smoke coming through the roof "We are burning all the bodies in a crematory. Making sure they are all just ashes."

Noctis looked over and then back at the farmer "Well then sir have a nice day."

The farmer waved as Noctis left "You as well sir."

With that being done Noctis saw how it was going to start to become dark soon so he started to head back to the city.


World 1: Goblin Slayer

Name: Noctis Prince

Age: 18

Race: Half-High Elf

Titles: The Reincarnate, Monster Slayer

Title Powers: C Tier Athletic Physique (The Reincarnate) S Tier Tongue Knowledge (The Reincarnate) EX Tier Next World Locked (The Reincarnate) B Tier Kill Point (Monster Slayer)

B Tier Mob Hesitation (Monster Slayer)

Powers: C Tier Low Grade Weapon Master. D Tier Proficient Melee Throw. D Tier Low Grade Acrobatics, C Tier Low Grade Sneak Skill, S Tier Magic Null.

Items: EX Tier Indestructible Phone, A Tier Black Mask C Tier Well Made Leather Armor. C Tier Steel Dagger. C Tier Steel War Axe. D Tier Three days of Rations. C Tier Healing Potion. C Tier Antidote. C Tier Instant Weapon Cleanse Cloth. C Tier Steel Throwing knives.

Word Count: 2543

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