
MechA Shark

A Galaxy far far away there was a civilization far more advanced and intelligent than that of the normal human race, it was called Stugs they were human... With a bigger brain. They ruled over many stars and allied with many more races, but big power means big problems and for Stugs's people is living Dark matter, it was different than your normal 85% of dark matter in the universe it had a indestructible physical body. And so Stugs and all their allies joined to stop it from growing. It has been decades and hope was looking grim, but one light, one Stugs, the hope of the emperor of the Stugs, his daughter Voxen Elizabeth XVII(17th) was born a steam saint. This is the story of Voxen Elizabeth XVII in her adventure of purging the galaxy from living Dark matter.

Shiro40404 · Ciencia y ficción
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 Stugs Empire’s Light

In the planet Flagnis 6 light years away from earth, in the center of the world a center piece, something that brings all other races and kingdoms together, a Nexus called Center Light, it is the biggest construct in the universe, in fact it is so big the planet shifted gravity and made the solar system revolve around Flagnis and caused anyone living on Flagnis to get 10% faster mental process for each year till 10 years that caused no more improvement.

That's why entering the planet Flagnis is hard but enough money can get you living there for 5 years, no one was allowed to stay more than 5 years, except important figures such as duke households and generals and the royal family of the races.

But there is the academy at Flagnis that only rich kids go to the Colhys Academy, it is a place to train researchers, students and teachers how to fight back the living Dark matter.

Each generation they find more and more about the living Dark matter and pass it on in a ceremony on the last day of the year meaning 1460 days and 35,040 hours, it may be a long time for a normal human but to Stugs people its normal, just like how for humans eating food is normal.

Everything is advanced instead of cars they have flying cars but that does not mean they have no roads but they have them floating in the middle of the sky, and most of all there is no pollution, the air is so pure it lengthens one's lifespan by 4 times the nor mal human that is 75~80 years, but that is not counting the difference in time, so both humans and Stugs live to identical ages.

*Ding Ding* "Ah, thats it for today's information class, Have a nice vacation." the teacher tells the students.

"Woo~!" All the students were ready for it, they rushed out the classroom leaving only the teacher and... a student that just woke up cuz of all the noise.

"Elizabeth? Where you sleeping though my class?" The teacher asked in a nice manner, she does like her life after all, even when teaching is a bit hard.

"Ahahah... Sorry~. Teacher Koko" Elizabeth responds and rushes off out side the school, don't want to stay for the hour long nagging that teacher Koko is most popular for.

And a nice long vacation started for Voxen Elizabeth XVII who is the princess of the empire, and her father Emperor Voxen Gran and his only wife the empress Voxen Flanka.

The emperor is a peace loving man but that does not make him harmless he beheaded his son for the act of rape, drugs, information leak and much more, and so to quench his anger for his son he beheaded his son with no trial and beheaded him in the throne room... And dotes on his daughter Elizabeth more after the death of his son. And for achievements he did non and just got the crown passed down on him like most emperors.

Though his wife empress Voxen Flanka was different, she was what every man wanted in a woman, beautiful, loving, loyal and most of all good in bed, by no means was she a whore, she was respected by everyone for her efficiency at war times and political troubles, truly the back bone of the empire. Some even say she is the reason the empire is still alive this generation.

And Voxen Elisabeth the 17th the princess of the Stugs empire but she likes to be referred to as mechanic Elis or Elis, she likes to build mechas ever since she read a book about the steampunk era, it was a era of clean steam powered mech, she was so fascinated by the thought of building one, but when she asked her dad she got the hard no for the first time in her life, she was so sad she did not leave her room until her dad the emperor told her she could but on two conditions. one being she had to attend the academy and second was that she was not allowed to do it on the planet.

So she waited, but the wait ends now, as she was in front of the emperor with papers telling her she had learned everything the academy can give her with a sign from the principal.

"Alright. From now on you can do what you want." the emperor told his precious daughter.

"Alright! By the way father, where is that I'm supposed to make my Mech?" Was she finally getting her harbor? Her own research lab, garage out in space?

"Yes, it is you're mother's and I's last present. A large private garage in space, here is the coordinates. And before you go Elizabeth, We love you." And with a warm smile in his face he tells her goodbye as if he wasn't going to see her any time soon.

"Love you too!" With a smile back she turns around and runs to her room.

"Send a message to the empress that tonight will be a long night." the emperor told a messenger which the messenger did instantly.

'Now that my cute daughter is gone I can enjoy nights with my wife, though I will miss her.' but he doesn't know she is sleeping in her room right now...