
Chapter 1 The invasion

"They said Mech's couldn't outclass a tank. What am I seeing...?"

"They said Mech's couldn't fly. What am I seeing...?!"

"They said that Mech's are impractical and useless. Then what am I seeing...?"

Amidst all the chaos and death, a young man stood tall looking up towards the sky.

While looking up like a fool, watching an unbelievable seen. 'The Earth as we know it has come to an end?' He thought, losing all hope for survival… until he was awoken from his despair, by an unbelievable seen.

A Mech just got hit by a missile and broke apart, but what happened next blew his mind.

"Is that Mech Regenerating...?"

The broken parts of the Mech started to repair itself. That seen scared him from the deepest parts of his being.

"Th... thi... this is madness, I need to get out of here!"

So, he ran as fast as he could as he thought to himself 'I need to get out of the city I need to run as far as possible.' He witnessed the Alien Mech's killing people and destroying the high-rise buildings and wiping out the military and its air force.

He noticed that the Mech's are only targeting people in large groups and were piling up their bodies. 'I must separate myself for groups of people to increase my chances of survival, I must get out of town.' He had no time to think so he just ran. He ran as fast as possible and as far as possible.

As he ran the sounds of explosions and the screams of people started to fade out, he made it out of the city alive, but it was not the time to relax I still spotted the occasional Mech killing people in the suburbs. They not only killed people but the odd pet, usually dogs.

He managed to stay out of site from those killing machines, maybe they noticed him but didn't pay any attention to him because he was alone.

That didn't stop him from running, his only thought was to get out of the populated areas and avoided all the roads. He managed to leave the city and its towns altogether. He was getting tired, but that didn't stop him from running.

He started to get his thoughts together and started to think 'when did all this happen and why did this all happen?

The invasion should have happened about three hours ago or around there, I remember sirens going off around that time, then they appeared the space ships and the Mech's. It happened so suddenly at first, we were all amazed by those strange cube shaped ships.

They kept descending and their hanger doors opened up to reveal strange almost humanoid shaped robots which I call Mech's. The strange Mech's flew out of the ships hangers and descended while holding strange weapons that looked like guns.

One of the Mech's fired it's gun there was no sound nor light nothing or so we thought, just then a group of people standing looking at the strange sight just dropped dead.

Then the slaughter started I can still smell the blood and hear the screams of the people it was terrifying. A few minutes later the military arrived but that didn't change a thing it just made the place more chaotic.'

Getting his thoughts together he realized that the Earth had been invaded. So, he started to wonder why they were using those strange weapons to kill people and animals. These questions kept rising up in his mind.

"What are they here for?"

"Why is this happening?"

"Why are they using those weapons on people and animals but not on the military?"

He remembered how those aircraft were shot down by lasers and the tanks were sliced in half from a distance by strange swords. His questions didn't stop there, he muttered in a low voice

"Who are they?"

Yes, that was the biggest question that he had. By now he was getting tired from all the running, so he slowed dawn and gasped for air while thinking 'I think I'm going to die of exhaustion.'

It was at that time that he noticed his surroundings, he was in a forest not far from the city.

'I must of ran twenty to thirty kilometers, my body is giving in' he thought.

"I must rest" he spoke as his lungs struggled to cope with his bodies oxygen needs.

He looked around for a bit before spotting a tree not far from where he was, so he decided to rest under it.

Breathing heavily, he sat down on one of the tree roots. His mind still brewing with questions about what was going on.

"Come on Gray get your head together, this is not the time to get yourself lost in questions,

that you don't even know the answers too."

Just then Gray heard a strange sound, it made his hair stand on end.

<Beep... Aa... De... Beep>

"Oh sh*t that almost gave me a heart attack!" He shouted while looking around for any danger.

<Beep... Aa... De... Beep>

"Oh, phew… it's my phone." Gray spoke as he relaxed. He took the phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID. On the phone screen there was a picture of a middle-aged woman, under the picture was just one word...

Gray didn't hesitate to answer the video call. "Hallo Mom how are you? Are you safe? Are you alright?"

He bombarded his mother with questions. In this world there was only Gray and his mother.

His father Nik Heart died in a car accident when he was just a little baby, Gray's Mother Linda Heart has been taking care of him since then.

The middle-aged woman spoke...

"Hallo Gray Calm down I'm fine, where are you? Did those things appear where you are?"

Just then Gray breathed out a sigh of relief.


Gray replied "I'm fine Mom don't worry about me where are you?"

Gray's Mother started to explain her situation to him. "Gray don't worry I'm safe I managed to evacuate with the neighbors, we are in the council hall at the moment."

Just then all of his worries arose and he remembered how those alien Mech's were targeting people in groups, he instantly spoke up to warn his mother not to stay in groups of people.

But alas it was too late!

Gray watched on the screen as a Mech tore off the roof of the council hall and fired its strange weapon on the poor unsuspecting civilians including his mother. Right before his very eyes his only relative, his mother had died by the hands of those strange invaders.

Gray screamed at the top of his lungs; his eyes went bloodshot while tearing up to this frightening sight.

"Noooo! MOM! Mother! Are you there...?"

But there was no answer to Grays cries, the screen went black and all he heard were the screams of random people and the sounds of machines moving and the ground rumbling. After a few minutes the call was cut, Gray could not believe what had just happened, his breath quickened and his already sweaty body became drenched in sweat.

"What just happened...?" Gray muttered in a weak and trembling voice.

Form all the shock and exhaustion he had received he passed out. After a while… he awoke and his leg muscles were trembling from all the running he did earlier, his head felt like it would explode from a sickening headache.

He managed to stand up and look at his phone, the time was two in the afternoon. Gray muttered in an exhausted and helpless voice, as he looked at his phone after trying to reach his mother again for nth time.

"My Mother should have died around twelfth this afternoon so the invasion started around seven this morning, it took me five hours to leave town then I passed out for about an hour and forty minutes... Sigh, here I am in the middle of nowhere, alive and kicking.

But I swear that If I ever come face to face with those F**kers, I will tear them apart with my bare hands and drink their blood!" He shrieked in a horrifying voice.

After some time, he calmed himself down, Gray then came up with a plan to survive. "Not far from here is a farm. It will take about an hour to get there on foot, I might be able to find some supplies and something to eat." He spoke as he looked at his phone.


'I'm starving.' Gray thought to himself while listening to his stomach rumble.

He started to make his way slowly to the farm that Gray mapped out on his phone.

He paid close attention to his surroundings while making his way to the farm. As Gray got closer to his destination Gray noticed a strange cuboid shaped structure sitting in a brown wheat field.

Just then the wind blew by producing strangely beautiful scene. Gray stood at the edge of the forest and observed his surroundings. He noticed that there was no Alien Mech's guarding it, nor were they any Mech's around. Gray still did not let his guard down as he surveyed the Alien ship.

"That thing must be twenty-five meters high, wide and long… its huge."

Gray said in a low voice as he carefully crawled in the wheat field while circling the ship in the center of the field. Just then as he circled the ship, he noticed that the hanger bay door was open and there was no one guarding it.

Then a dangerous thoughts stared popping up in his mind. 'Dammit those things killed my mother; besides how long can I survive this invasion? This is an opportunity to get answers, at least I can see the faces of those bastard's that killed my mother and maybe get some revenge on them.' As he thought about it, he went against his usual cautious personality and decided to take the risk.

"Here I go" he whispered and started to make his way to the ship.

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Jet_Redelinghuyscreators' thoughts
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