
chapter two


After a twelve hours shift Dean had only a four-hour sleep when the dream interrupted his rest, but luckily he fell asleep right after and was woken up by an alarm clock early the next day, and like clock work he went straight to his bathroom and had a shower, wrapped a towel on this waist and went to brush his teeth when he saw it, the most horrifying thing in the world a platinum ring on his finger, Dean was not a man easily intimidated or got scared by anything but the ring scared the tall man not to move for about a minute, staring at the thing like it was a poisonous snake and the stupid dream came into mind, but he shrugged it off and tried pulling the thing off his finger, but it didn't budge and as a doctor he tried all the things, he will recommend his patient to try but the stupid thing didn't even move an inch it was stuck on his finger, hell it was glued to it, he groaned looking at the time, and it was already eight thirty and his shift started in an hour he rushed to get dressed, had his coffee and drove to the hospital trying not to stare at the ring on his way

He ignored the thing hoping it will disappear or just may be sleeping eighteen hours in seven days was not a good idea because now he was hallucinating, but that thought didn't last long when he went to see his first patient Mr. Johnson whose been in the hospital for nearly two weeks now, suffering from pneumonia, and he greeted him usually and took his stethoscope to check his breathing, and that's when Mr. Johnson saw the ring and decided to congratulate him

"congratulations Dr Swinger, when did you get married and why was I not invited?" laughed Mr. Johnson jokingly but Dean found it not funny, he found the situation not humorous at all

"I'm not married Mr. Johnson now breath in and out I want to hear how your lungs have improved since yesterday" said Dean in a commanding tone ignoring the smile on the old man's face and his amused eyes, after the check he practically ran out of there to his office, and he groaned before throwing himself on the leather chair causing it to swing around, and he heard a chuckle from the door and glared at his assistant and best friend James 

"Dr swinger, swinging in a chair, how professional" chuckled James but Dean continued to glare at him

"Fuck you" that's all he manages to say before groaning again, and that got James attention

"Spill it what's wrong? Let Dr James hear all about things that can get into the perfect, professional Dr swinger today"

"James I'm not in the mood for your shit, I already have enough problem in my plate right now" said Dean looking at the platinum ring

"what's that?" said James coming closer to Dean's desk with shock and amusement in his eyes

"source of all my problems" said Dean looking at the ring, he should have known that he would never leave, James was a like a woman in that manner he liked good gossip, and he was not going to let it go

"I love it when something other than me, it's a source of your problems" he said, taking a seat next to dean

" whom did you get married to?" he said, grinning

"Who will I marry? I don't even have a girlfriend"

"Who knows, I don't keep tabs on you and congratulations man, when am I meeting the unfortunate bride?"

"I'm serious James I tried to take it off, I can't do it, it's stuck on my finger"

"Why did you put it on your finger in the first place? For a doctor that was stupid of you" he said, shaking his head, and that's what when I wondered if his all there in his head, then I remembered that his not, he got all distinctions in a medical school but refused all the jobs been offered all over the world to be my assistant!

"Because I thought I would look sexy(sarcasm)" I said, rolling my eyes

"you're such an idiot sometimes James, the problem is that I didn't put it there, when I woke up this morning it was on my finger, and it's fucken stuck"

"So how did it get there then?" he said, raising his brow

"Ow, I don't know, maybe I had a drunken night at Vegas (sarcasm)"

"James are you even listening to a word that I'm busy spilling out to you, this ring appeared from nowhere"

"Ugh" of course I'm listening, but I'm not understanding explain in plain English"

"Yesterday, I had a double shift whe...." James cut him off!

"When don't you?" he interrupted me

"Shut up or I will shut you up"

"Ok, okay I'm listening boss but make the story shorter like the parts I don't already know about" I ignored him and finished were I left off

"I Went home took a shower and went to sleep, I had this weird dream where I married some woman, I think Tammy was her name but I never seen her in my life before, we said our vows exchanged rings once we were pronounced wedded, I woke up, but I didn't even realize I had the ring until this morning, when I was brushing my teeth, I don't even know if it's connected or not, I'm really confused man"

"You're so lame when coming to woman, God even intervened and just gave you one, lucky bustard" he smirked

"James why is everything a joke with you, remind me again how come you're my friend?"

"Your only friend to be precise and because I'm the only one who can stand your shit attitude towards other people and for your information I was not joking I was lightening the mood a little until I know how to answer your question and I'm still trying to wrap my head around how your dream is connected with your ring" 

"I knew you were useless" I said, groaning 

"But I don't have a mystery ring on my finger, do I? And you're a Dr for heaven's sake find a way to take it off"

"You're an idiot, of course I tried everything already, you were my last option"

"Gee thanks man, way to make me feel valuable, now I feel sorry for your mystery wife I hope tonight you get a dream divorce" he said, laughing like what he said was even a little funny

"James, get the fuck out of my office before I punch you right in your ugly face"

"Bye husband" he said while running out laughing like an idiot, he is such a pain sometimes I think he came in my life to frustrate me and Now, I got a mystery woman to deal with also what's next? Having a dream baby?

My life sucks!

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