
Accident, A Talk and Joining A 'Special' School

Though no sooner than when I had the thought that I was a Legendary Super Saiyan, I heard a knock on my door, followed by the door knob rattling, "Leo? You have a visitor. Can you come open the door?"

The voice that spoke was slightly aged but still melodic and kind. This was the patron for the orphanage I lived in. A kind woman who did her best to provide for us.

But she'd knocked at the wrong time. My concentration fled me and my control over the Ki ball in my palm went into disarray. The energy went berserk and seemed like it was going to explode, taking the room I was in and a chunk of the orphanage with it. I couldn't let that happen. I didn't want to be the cause of hundreds of kids being killed...that's just too much shit that I definitely don't want on my plate.

So, acting quickly, I funneled the energy and focused it in a direction instead of just letting it explode outward. Where did I direct it?

Up, obviously.

It exploded forward with a colossal sound that boomed outwards. It sounded like the toxic green energy was burning the air around it and whatever it wasn't burning, it was crushing and pushing it aside. When the beam hit the ceiling...there was simply no resistance. It was just crushed into dust and that dust was crushed even further until it wasn't even there anymore. In the end, the beam of energy ended because I hadn't supplied it with anymore energy and all that was left was a perfectly circular hole in the ceiling about 2 or so meters wide.

Thank god I'm on the second floor...but still, most of the people in New York probably saw that. A beam of green energy...shit.

Obviously having heard the noise the beam produced, the patron quickly began to knock on the door, rattling at the door knob even more like she was trying to break the door down, "Leo?! Leo, are you okay in there?! What was that noise?!" she said in a panicked voice.

Looking between the hole in the roof and the door that was rattling, I just looked blankly into the air in front of me, "...Shit," I uttered before I hurriedly put some clothes on before rushing to open the door after moving the chair out of the way. Opening the door, I was met by the patron of the orphanage who I knew as Mrs. Avery. She runs the orphanage with her late husbands money because it was what they both wanted to do with their fortune.

She was a short Caucasian women with graying brown hair and gentle brown eyes to match her hair. She must've been a looker when she was younger but with her age right now, she was beginning to look wrinkled and whatnot. Not being mean about it...just an innocent observation.

Despite only being fourteen, I was already 6 foot tall which was due to my dad being a bit of a giant himself. So, I was well above Mrs. Avery's height.

But my attention was taken away from her to the man who was a few steps behind her. But not literally. He might've been a few steps behind her...if he was standing. Or could walk in general.

A man with long-ish dark brown hair and blue eyes was looking curiously at me. He was decently well-built apart from his legs that seemed to have atrophied because of, well, obvious reasons. He was dressed in a smart suit and had with him a suitcase that was seemingly important with the two locks it had on it. Behind the man in the wheelchair was another - a more lanky man but he gave off a faint feeling of an animal. He looked to be the typical scientist type with his slightly skittish behavior and the way he continuously adjusted his glasses told me he seemed to be the nervous type as well.

But despite being lanky, he was definitely well-muscled and something told me those muscles held more power than they should. Something also told me that this man held more power than a man his size should in general.

Yet I felt no danger from him.

As I was looking and assessing these two, Mrs. Avery entered a sort of panic as she looked at the damage to the ceiling, "Wha...what happened in here, Leo?!" she turned away from looking at the damage and toward me, her face morphing between worry, confusion and curiosity. All within a couple seconds, actually, which made it look almost comedic in nature.

This was the time at which the man in the wheelchair rolled himself forward and put a comforting hand on Mrs. Avery's shoulder, "I think I can explain this afterwards, Mrs. Avery. But for now, I really feel that I need to speak to Mr. Gracie, if that's okay?" he looked at her and she looked back at him before looking back to the hole in the ceiling before sighing and turning around. But not before she said she'd be back soon and with the local handyman to check the damages to the roof. Smiling, the man in the wheelchair nodded to Mrs. Avery before he looked back to me, "Can we come in, Mr. Gracie?"

Knowing who this man was, I unconsciously moved a bunch of Ki to my head, hoping to guard against mental intrusion before I nodded and fully opened the door, stepping aside to allow him and the man behind him entry.

Thanking me, the man in the wheel chair rolled himself in followed closely by the lanky man.

Closing the door, I turned back around to them and the man in the wheelchair gestured for me to take a seat on the lower bunk of my bunk bed, to which I did. He then spoke up to introduce himself.

"My name is Charles Xavier and I run a school for gifted youngsters like yourself," he looked up at the hole in the ceiling and seemed to see something quite shocking as he let out a nervous laugh as he looked back down toward me, "And you, Mr. Gracie...are very gifted indeed. May I ask when you awakened the peculiarities that caused the hole in the roof above me?"

Charles Xavier. James McAvoy's version, nonetheless. So, 1982...one year before 'X-Men: Apocalypse', right? That would make the tall and thin man behind Charles, Hank McCoy. These two are Mutants, the next step in Humanities development and gifted with extraordinary powers because of something called an X-Gene. Them turning up here means...I'm most likely a Mutant. The two of them coming probably means I'm classed as a powerful Mutant, and seeing what so little of my Ki can do when used as a beam...I'm forced to agree with whatever classification they've put me in.

Now, thinking about the question Charles asked me...I could probably try and lie, saying I don't know what they're on about but that'd be pretty stupid. I have a mysterious hole in my ceiling after all. Plus, they wouldn't have come all this way if they didn't use Cerebro to check my Mutant status.

Sighing, I answered, "This morning. I woke up with a monkey tail," I wiggled the very dark brown tail out from under my my hoodie and let it wave in the air, "I also woke up feeling strong...superhumanly so. Tougher, faster--just physically better, overall. And I felt some sort of energy inside of me and when I tried to summon it...that happened," I pointed at the hole in the ceiling while I kept my answers vague for the sake of not revealing too much information about my powers.

After all, even if it's the movie version of Xavier, I still shouldn't forget that he's the same Xavier that sealed away Jean's memories. Keeping the more dangerous side to my Legendary Super Saiyan mutation a secret wouldn't hurt for now. Until I gained enough power at least.

I settled into such a thinking so quickly because I knew if I didn't try and hold onto something, I'd probably just sit around thinking about how I got here and why I was brought to this universe.

So, thinking about how to make sure I could stay here, in this universe, safely, would have to do for now. Once I'm surely safe, I can sit around and think about useless things like how or why I was brought here.

Anyway, after seeing my tail, Hank seemed to look at me with an iota of pity, to which I nearly sneered but kept it under control. It seems that my Saiyan instincts are coming along as well, huh? With this thought in mind, I kept a tight control over my facial expressions while continuing to keep a blockade of energy around my head. I was aware that characters in Dragonball could use Telepathy, so there had to be some sort of defense to it. This was my only idea of what it could be, so I tried it out.

Charles hadn't started questioning about all my knowledge about the future, so that was a good sign, I guess? Probably. Who knows.

But hearing me speak about my powers, Charles raised an eyebrow inquisitively, "Stronger? How much stronger, Leo--May I call you Leo?" he asked, his English accent coming through loud and clear as he spoke.

Wryly smiling, I nodded, "Yeah sure. I don't mind, you can call me Leo if you want" I shrugged before continuing, "Yeah, stronger. How strong? I have no idea at the minute but..." I paused before standing up from the bunk bed, genuinely curious about my limits. Turning around, I wrapped my hand around one of the metal railings for the top bunk.

...It felt...soft, almost. Solid, obviously, but in the same way talc rock felt solid. Solid but easily broken.

Casually, I pulled back with one hand while keeping the bed in place with my other hand. Slowly but surely, the metal creaked and groaned and the single rail of metal I was holding soon broke from the places where it'd been soldered onto the main frame of the railing.

It came off too easily. That was my thought as I looked down at the piece of metal I'd tore from the railing. The part where I'd grabbed and pulled at was crunched inward and nearly flattened. Too easy.

Looking over my shoulder, I showed the crushed and malformed metal in my hand before smiling, "Strong enough to do that, I guess," I said before clumping up the metal and squeezing it together like I was trying to make a metal snowball. A metalball. Chucking the ball of metal up and then catching it, I figured it must've been quite a few pounds in weight yet I didn't feel any of it's momentum as it fell and hit my hand.

Setting it back down, I sat back down on the bunk bed myself and looked over at Charles and Hank.

Hank looked somewhat curious. Probably curious about how strong I am seeing as that didn't put any strain on me. While Charles just started laughing and gave a few claps, "Truly, a very gifted youngster, aren't you?" he said with a smile, looking genuinely in awe of my abilities or rather the variety behind my abilities, "Well, it only seems good manners to show you our abilities, doesn't it? Hank, if you wouldn't mind," he looked over at Hank with a smile before Hank reluctantly nodded before rolling up his sleeve and straining the muscles on his arm only.

Suddenly, blue fur started to sprout all over his arm and his muscle mass bulked up considerably. At the ends of his fingers, sharp claws sprouted where there were once normal human nails. The veins around Hank's body, or rather the blood vessels I could see, were turning blue and his irises had a flicker of yellow inside of them before the fur receded and so did the claws.

That seemed to tire him out a bit, for some reason, but if I had to guess I'd say partially shifting like that required more concentration and control than just letting rip and doing a full transformation.

Next up was Charles and a bunch of anxiety started to brew inside my chest. I was prepared to blast my way out of here or to just run. If he could read my mind...I'd be fucked, honestly. So, I flooded my head with even more of my boundless Ki. So much so that I began to have a slight headache, but I didn't care and kept it there. I tried to imprint what I wanted from my Ki onto the energy. A mental fortress that doesn't allow anything in.

Charles wheeled himself a little closer before he brought his index and middle finger on his left hand up to his temple. He then narrowed his eyes a little at me and I felt something bump against the Ki wall I'd made around what felt like my mind.

I physically recoiled a little before the prodding continued. It wasn't forceful or aggressive. It was more curious if anything. Just prodding away. Within about five or so seconds, Charles lowered his hand before he laughed, "Fascinating...I can't seem to get inside your head. Energy projection, superhuman strength, telepathy resistance...you're definitely worth the Omega classification, Leo," he said, confirming that I'd rebuffed his efforts, but he didn't seem sour or anything. In fact, he seemed even more curious about my abilities.

But hearing him admit it, I narrowed my eyes, a flare of aggression growing in me and lashing out, "You were going to look inside my head? Without permission? Isn't that a bit...rude?" I asked.

I kept the aggression from my Saiyan mutation under control but I couldn't deny that I was feeling annoyed about how he wanted to get in my head without asking for permission to do so.

Hearing my question, Charles had a somewhat charismatic smile on his face as he apologized, "I'm sorry, Leo. I was only going to pop in there and say hello without saying anything with my physical mouth just to show my telepathy. I wasn't going to go around snooping inside your head. I have morals after all," he said, seeming somewhat offended by my implication.

(A/N - Before y'all Charles Xavier haters come at this saying Charles has some sort of exterior motive, I'm gonna tell you right now that what he just said was 100% the truth. Movie Charles is actually a decent guy. He messed up with the Jean situation, sure, but he only did what he thought was right, even if it was wrong. Not like he did it with nefarious plans in mind, did he? He even admitted that he was wrong in the end. I only say this because there's so much hate focused on Charles Xavier because of shit he does in the comics - this is move Charles. An actually decent person who isn't a dickhead. Most of the time, at least.)

Before I could answer again, Charles spoke up, "I truly am sorry about that, Leo. But I give you my word that I won't ever pry into your mind without your permission, okay?" he asked and all I got from him was sincerity, so I nodded, to which he smiled and continued, "So, how about we get onto what I came here for? Do you want to join my school for people like you, Leo? I can explain what you are and help you come to terms and control your powers so we don't have any more incidents like these," he pointed up at the ceiling, cringing before laughing, "What do you say?"

...Well, it wouldn't be the worst decision I've ever made.

"Yeah, okay...I'll join your school."