
Maybe, Just Maybe...

Addilyn (Addy) is rude and cold. It would be safe to say that she is an ice princesses. But even Cody is no less. He is rude and impolite, almost as spoilt as Addilyn. What will happen when they both meet on the first day of the new standard in The Warrior University? Addy has been keeping way too many things inside her cold exterior. Will Cody be able to handle so much darkness? As it is said, bringing the person you love, out of the darkness is what eveybody does, but has anybody thought about slipping into that darkness with them as well? Being in dark is scary, but what's more scary is being in that darkness alone!

Zaraa29 · Ciudad
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2 Chs


Addilyn, the most rebellious kid of the Edward family, was difficult to coax. All the servants were by her side, trying to make her get ready for university past an hour but it didn't matter actually.

She always did what she loved. She went to school if she felt like and she didn't go when she didn't feel like it. And today was just that day when she wasn't feeling like stepping out.

Addilyn wanted to stay inside her room today. She wasn't that difficult earlier, but with time and with the people around her who kept changing, she started adapting too. And when you try adapting too many times as a child, you are bound to become a bit difficult.

"I said, I DON'T WANT IT! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL! GET OUT!", she yelled as she threw the pillow behind her head at the servant in front of her.

All of them were scared of her, but they were scared of Addilyn's father as well, and so if they had to choose between who to listen, Addilyn's father, Mr. Leo Edward would be chosen.

The only thing holding them back from doing whatever Addilyn asks, is their job. If they even tried to deny Mr. Leo's orders, they would be put of the house and on the streets and after getting fired from Edward household, no other family would dare to take them in.

Addilyn stopped yelling as soon as her father made his way inside the room.

"Addy, why the hell are you not ready? It's 8 in the morning and in half an hour your school starts!", he said as calmly as he could.

The sheer calmness in the tone of her father was enough to send anybody into a state of terror. He was a terrifying man. It seemed that Addilyn had gotten her attitude and behaviour from his set of genes.

"It's not Addy for you Mr. Leo! Only my mother calls me that!", Addilyn said matching her father's calmness. The servants were actually shivering seeing the two most aggressive Edward's inside the room together.

"Shut up! Who gave you your name?", her father shouted at her.

"My mother did!", she replied calmly with a smirk.

"Your mother, well fine! Then who gave you your last name? Are you forgetting that the 'Edward' that you use behind your name and the name that makes you a privileged child, is given by me?", Leo yelled as he breathed heavily.

"Who wants it? I have asked you over a thousand times to send me to an orphanage and let me grow up there. That way, I wouldn't have to use your precious little surname!", Addilyn said as she got up from the bed and moved towards her father.

"So, you would rather grow up like an orphan than be associated with me?", Leo asked on disbelief.

"You finally understood! Good, now get out of my room!", Addilyn said as she finally picked up her uniform from the bed and moved towards the washroom.

Leo huffed as he moved outside her room and left her alone. "Out!", Addilyn yelled at the servants and they were all out in just a mere second.

Standing outside the room was Addy's brother, Aiden, her real brother to be precise. Addy and Aiden were twins and hence their names sounded so familiar.

Aiden sighed as he politely greeted the servants with a slight smile and entered Addy's room. "Why are you doing this Addy?", he asked, totally exhausted.

As soon as she heard him, Addy turned around and smiled brightly. It was only Aiden, in whose presence she lit up like this. Otherwise, in this house nobody else could make her smile ever. Addilyn loved Aiden like anything.

After all she had promised her mother that she would definitely take care of Aiden, although they were the same age. Her brother was quite mature and understanding as compared to her.

Although, she was awful with others, she acted all mature and grown up whenever it was about Aiden and this made their relationship even better.

"Aid, let's not talk about it, alright? I really don't want to spoil my mood!", she said as she made her way inside the dressing room.

Aiden waited inside her room till she got changed. "So, you are going to school after all?", he asked as he looked at her all dressed up in white shirt and white blue, check pleated, skirt. She was beautiful, to say the least.

"If I stay here, Mr. Leo and her wife wouldn't let me be and it would further spoil my mood. So, it's better to go to school, atleast I will be able to hang out with Hannah!", Addy said as she fixed her tie and then looked back at Aiden who was smiling at her.

They both made their way downstairs for breakfast. Addilyn never usually eats breakfast with the others but since she was already getting late, she was going to let this go, but just this time.

Aiden made sure to keep her distracted so that no issue takes place on the dining table. With all these people around, who are apparently known as her family, despise her and even she hates them.

Addilyn grabbed an apple, not wanting to sit with them to have breakfast. It was better to have a fruit instead of sitting down with them and fill up her stomach. Leo eyed Addilyn, hoping that she would get intimidated by him and sit down, but who was he kidding?

It had been established long ago that Addy was afraid of nobody, she feared neither her father nor her step mother. She catered to nobody's wishes and she had reasons.

Everybody is a certain way because of a certain reason, some or the other thing makes them the way they are and even Addilyn had her share of experiences to be so. It was all justifiable.

"Addy...Addilyn!", Leo said calmly and it did grab Addilyn's attention.

She looked at him, as she took a bite from the apple, slight drops of apple juice fell over her cheek and she wiped it off from the back of her hand. She didn't even utter a single word of acknowledgement as she kept on chewing it.

"I am getting you married, next year, after you turn 18!", Leo said.