
May it Rain Blood: Apocalypse

Just your regular apocalypse with vampires, demons, zombies, beastmen, and every other fantasy race. Max is your regular human survivor that just so happens to be so hungry he eats something weird and changes his race! Becoming a special Vampire allows many things to become easier for him with the exception of food! Now he needs tons of blood to survive after becoming this special type of vampire and must get it from somewhere! Where do you get good food now that you are a vampire? Humans! What is the best humans? Females! Now that food is sorted tons of his food is turning into vampire subordinates... and it just so happens that everything is pushing him to control everyone through his new race. Let's hope things work out...

ObsidianWolf · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Found Someone

"How about Aleric?"

"Why do you always say such strange names?"

"I spent my life reading fantasy, so I know all the best names! Like Lazarus!"


"Dante. Oh! Or do you want something like Frost the Reborn?"

"No! You know what, you said Drake before, let's just go with that."

"I never thought naming would make a great and powerful vampire become so helpless." Willow chuckled under her breath.

"Anyway what is up with you, one moment you are yelling your lungs out at me and suddenly you are having the time of your life making a name for me?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Seeing her genuinely confused face made Max wonder if she truly didn't see what she had been doing, "You know... First, you yell at me calling me a monster and now suddenly you are doing your best to make a name for me?"

Willow suddenly had a look of complete shock as she seemed to realize everything that had happened. "What did you do! This isn't me! I should still be screaming at you!"

"Well now you are."

"That's not what I mean and you know it!"

*sigh* "Well, considering I haven't been a vampire for more than 24 hours, I either don't know what effect I put on you subconsciously, or~ this is just your weird personality that I just don't understand."

"... We need to test this, I don't want to be the only one who has to deal with this. In fantasy stories, vampires always have some type of hypnosis to control their victims. Let's find someone for now."

"Are you sure you want to just find someone and make me attack them?"

"Who cares? I just need to find out if this ability works with everyone you bite!"

"Why do you sound more like a scientist than me?"


"We need to get the people out! The Wall of Flesh is closing!"

"Let me see."

Soon a group of people were all standing in front of a wall of flesh that had a huge hole at the center. The wall that should have been cauterized was instead moving on its' own. Flesh seemingly grew by itself as several veins stretched out the flesh into the open air while leading the way.

Everyone could only look at the wall with fascination and disgust all at once. The pulsating wall and the veins wriggled like fast-moving vines as they attached more flesh and made places for more flesh to grow.

"Weren't we wondering how such a thick wall of flesh appeared when there was clearly not enough flesh for it? I think we just found out."

"Fuckin hell... I thought we were in an apocalypse movie? Why did we come to a horror movie?"

"Send word to the general to contact other bases. We need to know if such strange things are happening elsewhere."

"Y-Yes sir..." An officer quickly became the message man without waiting any longer. Seeing such a strange and disgusting sight left him with an overwhelming desire to start running away, the message was just a convenient excuse.

"Team Omega, you all need to find where Team Alpha is and have them hurry. We don't have much time. I give it six hours before it closes. That said it might speed up so make them come back within three."

"Y-Yes... *sigh* We will prepare to move in."

"This wall just keeps becoming more and more a pain in the ass..."


Changing into a fancy suit from the store, Drake used an umbrella to walk under the sun. The few survivors that were out looked at him like he was crazy, but strangely the shame and embarrassment that should come never came. Instead, he felt like he could stand proudly even if he wore a clown suit.

"Who will we choose?"

"Didn't you say I tasted sweet? What do you think made me sweet?"

"You talk like I could ever have an answer... The only thing I can think of is that you are a beautiful girl. Everyone else was a man and they tasted nasty but edible."

"What are you going to need to feast on virgin blood to make it taste good? I don't even want to consider that, so let's just focus on finding a girl. I see only men out right now. Do you think we have to find someone in the building?"

"I think so. Let's go."

Soon the pair entered the apartment complex while checking everyone they passed. Eventually, they found several girls, but they were all surrounded by other people seeming to have made a random room into a cafeteria of sorts. Not wanting to risk attacking someone amongst so many people, they moved on, eventually running into a familiar couple.

"Alex that was amazing! I know the bitch will come running back soon!"

Alex simply raised his head high as if to show that he was truly the greatest. As he turned back to the front he saw a familiar face standing in front of him.

"Speak of the devil... Coming crawling back so soon?" Alex looked at Willow completely ignoring Drake as he looked at everything like he was the best.

Willow frowned as she subconsciously moved close enough to grab onto Drake's clothes. "I don't want any trouble, can you just make way for us?"

Drake on the other hand was carrying an umbrella like a cane while wearing a clean suit. He looked at the couple in front of him with questioning eyes. 'Only two people while no one is around, this is perfect!'

Leaning down Drake softly whispering into Willow's ear, "These two will be great for our little experiment."

Hearing Drake's voice strangely gave Willow a great deal of comfort as she loosened her grip on his clothes and whispered back, "Don't, I have a feeling inside that tells me to stop you from biting them. I don't want to deal with them, so let's just get moving."

Pausing Drake stared deeply into Willow's vibrant emerald eyes. "Alright." After standing straight again Drake looked at Alex who was getting angrier by the minute. "Get out of our way. I would prefer to get this over with before having to deal with such nonsense. Although I would have preferred to punch you and move on, I am afraid I can't do that for now."

"What the FUCK did you just say!" Alex turned bright red as he seemed like he would pop a blood vessel. "I have never been so disrespected! I am the best! I deserve the best! You fucking piece of shit! You have no right to speak!"

"Please don't make this harder on yourself. Just step back and let's go our sepera-" Before he could even finish his words, Alex had already charged him, fists ready.

Drake simply looked at him like he was an idiot and simply grabbed the fist just as it was in arm's reach. Alex seemed to not care as he tried to kick Drake in the balls. Drake didn't care once again and calmly knocked Alex's knee back to the floor before stepping on his foot to make him stay.

"What the fuck!" Realizing that this weird guy in a suit could actually fight, Alex quickly tried to retreat and recollect, but just as quickly he realized that his foot was firmly held in place by Drake's.

"Oh? You are finally done?" Letting him go Drake stood back while leaning slightly onto his umbrella.

Alex saw the whole thing and how casual Drake appeared to be and quickly made the conclusion that this man was best at unarmed combat unlike him who specialized more in fighting with some type of bat or club.

"Fuck! Fine! You win for now, but the next time I have a weapon you will be beaten to shit!" Alex quickly grabbed the dazed Ellena and dragged her past both Willow and Drake.

"What an annoying bunch," Drake complained aloud.

"Umm... Thank you for dealing with him, I really didn't know what to do."

"No problem, he is just a weak fool with a little fighting experience." Drake smiled very casually as he walked ahead like the fight was nothing.


"Looks like this is the place."

A group of men were all standing in a red mist with gas masks. Looking at the building that had very clearly been recently spray painted they all quickly entered without any hesitation.

As the group made their way through the stairway they would periodically talk through a handheld transceiver asking if anyone could hear them. Very quickly they climbed the building's stairway while checking their surroundings.

Inside the building was the same moss that covered the building from the outside, but unlike the outside that covered everything, this moss only had one tendril that made its' way through the interior. Other than that was only the red mist that covered everything while at the same time not affecting anything besides the signal.

"This is team Omega. Are you there? Over."

"....This is team Alpha. What's the situation? Over."

"Team Alpha the wall is regrowing and closing. You have two hours to get back if you want to get back through without problems. Over."

"Roger that, We will have enough time so we will check this building clear and then head right back as planned. For now, bring back the information that all buildings seem to be clear of all life except the red moss. Over."

"Roger that, we will leave now, make sure to get back as soon as you can. Over."

"Glad that is over, I expected more from such a creepy city."

"Just be happy that the weirdness is only the environment and not anything else. I prefer it that way."

"Me too. Let's just get going and report it."


On the other side of things, team Alpha was on the move as they quickened their pace while busting down the doors. They had cleared almost everything besides the last two floors.

"Let's move! We have an hour per floor! So we should be on track!"

"Yes sir!"

The team just as quickly moved on to the next floor. They busted down a door and yelled into the room as they looked around before moving on to the next door. Just as before they saw that the moss crawled into the kitchen cabinets while the other moss covered the window blocking most light and making it hard to see anything.

Eventually, just a few rooms were left on the floor, but the group didn't slow down at all as they moved at an almost constant pace of checking rooms. "Anyone here in room 276?"

Just as he was looking around a muffled sound came from the corner of the room for the first time. "Here!"

Quickly turning his flashlight to the dark corner he saw three figures huddled up in a corner all wearing gas masks. Pulling out his handheld transceiver he quickly called for backup. "We have three people all here in gas masks. Give me a hand. Over."

Very quickly several men rushed into the room while flashing their lights at the group. "We are part of the country's military and were put in charge of exploring and checking for survivors. We need you to come with us. Tell us is this everyone you know here?"

The group of three appeared to have two children and an adult. The adult quickly took the lead and put himself in the spotlight. "Yes, this is everyone in the family. Unfortunately, my wife didn't come home and I had to stay to protect these kids."

"Alright, A6, get everyone to the ground floor while we check the last of what is here."

"Wait what about the zombies!"

"Don't worry we have everything under control."

The man nodded and pulled his children along as they followed A6 down the stairs. All along the way always being asked on thing or another.