

' Get your filthy Omega ass down, it's time for you to make your self useful'

When people say that's there's a first for everything, they're not kidding, because I had just experienced the nicest wake up call of my whole 16 years of life... I usually get hurt in the process of being woken up by my so adoring (not) pack members.

'what's taking you so long to get down here, it isn't like you got a decent amount of clothes to choose from'

' hurry the fuck up' I'm sure that was Blake the packs new third

'got places to be; people to meet if ya know what I mean, but of course you don't know sense you have no one to care about your fucked up self' and that would be the pack's whore Brittany

I did the best thing I knew how to do, I cut myself from the pack mind link. I should know by now not to let their words get to me, but I do; so that means my self control wasn't as good as I thought. But who could blame (my own pack)?

My name is 'Lea' I'm the Omega of the jade pack; I'm also the only 18 year old who hasn't shifted yet, and the rest of the pack says that's because I'm not worthy of being a shifter; because if I was I'd be an embarrassment to were-shifters.

I jump out of bed cause I don't want want anyone to come get me them self's, or what I make myself believe is a bed which is just a bare worn-out mattress on the ground without bed sheets. Once up I make sure the coast is clear before I run to the out door 'bathroom' which was made for Omega's. I put my messy wave of blonde hair in a loose bun. I don't have much clothes but I make the most of what I have which as of right now is black v-neck and faded out blue Jeans. I hurriedly get dressed and go to help cook for the pack.

"What can I help you with cilia?" I asked the pack cook

"You my dear can help mix the pancakes" said

I quickly reply an okay and get to mixing. Cilia is the only pack member other than some of the kids that treats me like a normal person, or she just pity's me but doubtful sense she always giving me advice and taking care of me.

Cilia is in her late fifties, thought she looks like she's 35, she has blonde hair that floats straight down to her hips, and she surprisingly lean and fit for someone her age but so are most were- shifters... She unlike the other pack members is kind and caring to all, even more than the Luna which is odd in my book but who knows it might actually be considered normal. I was brought out of my analyzing by Cilia's voice.

" What are thinking about sweet pea?" I heard Cilia coo while stirring something over the stove.

" Just how nice you are to me" I countered

"Oh honey you deserve more than just my kindness"

"Well from what the other pack members say and think I don't deserve anything"

"Sweetie ya know you deserve more than this pack's harassment"

" I hope so" I said lowly so the subject would stop, and did.

I think that I jinxed myself because my peace didn't last long before I heard the laughter of my abusers coming into the kitchen, which consisted of the high rank kids in our pack (or my prison). They had it out to hurt me in anyway possible but I always wonder why?.

Fist to enter was Brittany followed by Blake, Matt, Jason, Jamie, and the newest to their posse Sam; who had an unknown hatred for me for some weird reason I also don't know, and will probably never figure out. The high ranks in the pack that I'm in are ruthless and self centered, they stop at nothing to achieve that of their wants and needs, but hurting me has become their desire.


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