
Mated To The Bully Alpha

Owen has been bullied by Jason the future alpha of the crimson crescent pack. And now all he wants is to leave the pack, get away as far as possible and never come back. But what would happen when he finds out that the person who he hates the most is his mate, Will they survive the game the fate plays with them? New chapter/chapters every Friday. NOTE: This is a bl (Boys Love) novel, so if you are not into that this is not for you.

Drew_D_6678 · Fantasía
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59 Chs

oversized t-shirt and shaggy jeans with flip-flops

Owen's P.O.V.

"Mr. Owen Westwood!" My mom was standing in the hallway blocking the path. My dad was standing behind him on the right and the left was Hailey. "What do you think you are doing? This is my house and this kind of behavior will not be tolerated here." she looked angry. Actually furious. "Do you know what time it is? Where were you out so late?" she asked, still angry. Her eyes were red.

"Honey!" my dad spoke placing his hand on her shoulder. "Let-" he was cut off by my mom.

"No babe. If we let him go this time. He will keep repeating this. He shall face the punishment if he does not wish to reveal where he was." She looked like she was burning with anger. "NOW SPEAK!"

I walked to her and then walked past them. Trying to walk in the small space between my mom and dad. I was behaving like I do not care.

"OWEN!" My mom said loudly.

"Owen! That is not how we raised you up." my dad spoke softly, with a disappointed look.

"I tell you he needs some sense beaten into him." Hailey tried to all fuel to the fire.

I was getting tired of this now.

"Okay, guys. Drop the act, you know it is not gonna work." I said smirking. Like they want me to believe that suddenly they started treating me like that. They didn't say anything even back in high school. Well, I did not leave the house much back then but still.

"WHY! It's so much fun." my mom said cheerfully. "And when will I get to be the angry mom if not now. I didn't get to do that even when you were in high school." she was really enjoying this.

"And who's fault is that," I said teasingly.

"Yours. You never broke any rule when you were in high school." my mom said like she was stating the fact. I looked past her and my dad and Hailey both were nodding in agreement.

"OH! How sad you got such a good boy as a son." I said sarcastically. "And you get angry at Hailey all the time."

"Ya because she never listens." my mom said like it was obvious.

"HEY! Don't drag me into this." Hailey was frowning. And then out of nowhere my dad started laughing and we all followed him.

"By the way, have you decided what you are gonna wear to the ball?" My mom asked.

"Mom there is so much time for the ball! Why are you already preparing." I was confused.

"Were you born yesterday?" Hailey asked. She looked at me like it was not a question but a statement.

"What?" I could not process that thing she said.

"Ya, your mom and Hailey already selected the gowns and placed the order. And your mom has chosen something for me too that she won't tell me what it." My dad said with a suspicious look.


"Ya. Almost everyone in the town has placed their order. Don't tell me you still haven't bought anything. You know today we had to wait for three hours in line just to get into Jenny's boutique." My mom said.

"But they just announced about the ball today!" I don't know why but I was shocked.

"Yes. Like more than twelve hours ago!" Hailey gave me that look like I was the dumbest person on the earth.

Okay, I'm scared now buy the people of this town. Like how quickly they move. Does this even make sense?

"Don't worry. I'll figure something out." I don't know what I'm gonna do, but the shop must have not sold everything. There must be something I can wear. But I'm too tired now and this is not the topic I want to drag my mind into. After that, I went into my room.

The first thing I did was I took a shower. Because let me tell you, having a hiking date, in the forest with the most beautiful view sure is romantic but it leaves you covered in sweat at the end of the day.

I jumped in my bed and then opened the messaging app. I started to write a message to Jason when I received a text.

'Hey! You up!'

'Yup! You are at packhouse?'

'yes. Just got into my room.'

'Good! I too just got into my room.'


'Yes! My mom was taking my class.'


'yes! She was very angry that I was out late. She even screamed at me.'


He was typing and then erasing things and that too made me laugh. So I decided not to torture him and texted.

'Don't worry. She was just messing around.'

'She was pretending'

'bcz I was a good student in high school'

'so she never gets to do that.'

'PHEW! I got me there.'

'btw. You know how everyone is reacting in the town because of the ball?'

'Ya! I've heard.'

'Can't wait to see you then.'

'But I don't think there is a good thing left to wear in the town. So don't expect too much.'

'Don't you worry'

'You'd look good even in an oversized t-shirt and shaggy jeans with flip-flops.'

I was blushing so hard at that message, for a second I thought he could see my red cheeks and that scared the hell out of me.

'I'm tired.'

'I think I should go to bed.'

'Good night.'


'Good night.'

'Have a sweet dream.'

'you too.'

I put down my phone after that and tried to sleep. I was so tired that I fell asleep in an instant.

I did not know when my alarm went off. I woke up and I was already running an hour late. I need to get to the office in less than an hour. I get ready as fast as I can. Luckily, I was able to reach the office on time. And when I say on time, I mean literally.

After setting up everything on my desk I went to Mr. Wilson's office. I waited for a few minutes and he came followed by his secretary. They were scheduling and making changes for the day.

"um...Mr. Wilson." I spoke softly.

"Oh. Yes, Owen."

"I have something to talk to you about." I was feeling nervous. It was more like I was feeling guilty. Like, he gave me this good opportunity and I'm going to say no. So, I felt a little bad.

"Sure. Why don't we go into my office," he said and followed him into his office.

"So, what is it?" He asked as he took his place on the desk.

"It's about the offer that you gave me," I said trying to not look in his eyes.

"You have already made a decision!" He sounded surprised. "I guess it was a wise decision to give a day off," he added.

"um...Yes." I was shaking. I respect him so much and I don't want to let him down. "You see. It is a very generous offer. And I'm very glad that you think so highly of me. And I think this is the best place on the earth to work." I was trembling at this point. My heart was beating so fast, that I thought it might break my rib cage. "So, I would like to keep working here, but you see I don't think it is a good time for me to move to Australia for a couple of years," I said in a single breath. My eyes were shut tightly.

I opened my left eye and then opened the other one. I looked at him and he was smiling soothingly.

"Okay then follow me," he spoke and then went out of his office. I could not understand what he meant by that but I hurried after him. He walked to the department where I work. He halted suddenly and everyone stopped what they were doing. Waiting for him to speak. I was standing behind him.

"Everyone. Welcome the new member of the architect team. Mr. Owen Westwood. He will be joining you as a fellow architect as of today." everyone started shouting and celebrating when he finished his sentence a couple of my colleagues hugged me and everyone started to congratulate me.

When I left Lahpiaro, I thought it was the worst place on the earth to be. I thought I would never come back. But now it does not feel like hell, it feels warm it feels like home. It feels like this is the place where I belong.

Hello everyone!

I know...I know....I'm late. But things happened but I still managed to upload two chapters. AM I superman or what?

So, everyone who pulled out there knives and guns and set bounty on me please calm down. And every one who were lashing out on Mrs. Westwood, you guys calm down too. It turns out she was just pretending.

Don't you guys think Mr. and Mrs. Westwood are the cutest?

And Owen and Jason they still chatted. I mean like you guys were lying next to each other half an hour ago, what more do you have left to talk about?

Okay I'll stop now.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Love you all.

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