



"Mr. Salvador, are you alright sir?"

Sion faintly heard worried voices around him, but he can't respond. He felt like his head is spinning, like riding the merry go round for a long time and stopping just enough to make you feel like puking out your lunch, but not quite enough to push it out. He saw familiar faces around him. Faces he had forgotten, and faces he thought he'd never see again.

'That's a first in a long time.' He thought, referring to the dream.

He somehow won over the feeling of nausea as he thought about things more clearly.

'It's just too bad that everyone is dead.'

Then it struck him.

'I'm.... I also died... didn't I?'

The memories came rushing as vivid colors and pictures flashed in his head.

'I faught the final guardian to a tie. In the end no one made it to the end.'

"Ma'am he's inside, he was fine moments ago and then he suddenly became pale and full of sweat. We didn't know what else to do so we came to you....."

His line of thought was interrupted when rushed and panicked voices came near him. He looked around and around him are his last students, in his classroom, wearing their lab gowns goggles and all, ogling at him like tourists to an exotic animal. They looked worried though, like some of them are about to cry, some are even holding on to medicine kit, and stretcher.

"Are you okay Mr. Salvador?"

A middle aged lady in uniform spoke to his side while touching his forehead. It was the principal Mrs. Marissa Magsadia.

"Kent, Erick, come help escort Mr. Salvador to the infirmary. The nurse should arrive shortly."

'Is this really a dream? Or everything that happened to me is the dream?'

He absentmindedly walked with the assistance of two students to the school infirmary. With no one to answer his questions, his confusion grew more and more.


'This.... This is not a dream! But how?'

He finally regained clarity and realised the status quo.

How did he figure out, one might ask. Because he was always in control of what goes on inside his head, if it was a dream he would have snapped out of it anytime he wants.

'So did I travel back in time or is what happened to me in that world only an illusion?'

While his thoughts wandered about, they have reached the infirmary.

"Here's a glass of water sir. I'll be heading back to class with Erick.

"Oh, yes, thank you."

His passive response made the students reluctant to leave him by himself, but it was school policy that they should immediately head back to class and Sion was left to himself in that white sanitary room that smells like detergent and medicine.

"What do I do now?"

An unexpected question came out of his mouth. He eagerly wished to be given a second chance to set everything right but he knew it was impossible, no... He believed it was impossible, and now that it was in front of him, he was drawn to a choke. This however did not last, his eyes soon became sharp and resolute as he muttered to himself.

"This time, I'll make it work."


The door opened and a figure peeked inside the room, seeing him sitting down on the sick bed with a contemplating look, she closed the door and approached quietly.

"Mrs. Magsadia called me saying you are ill. How are you feeling?"

She sounded a little awkward, but it was apparent that she was worried. Her breathing was a little ragged and her collar is a bit wet.

'She must have been on quite a rush.'

She inched towards Sion and awkwardly lifted her right hand to touch his neck which was grabbed by a large hand halfway, she was then pulled into a tight embrace as she became red and flustered, her heart pounded like a rabbit with its tail on fire.

'I have missed you!'

Sion whispered in her ear, he touched her face and looked into her big bright eyes then kissed her cherry red lips.

'Damn! She must think I'm a creep. What the hell was I thinking?'

Sion touched his red swollen face with care.

'What a disaster.'

He smiled foolishly and reminisced about the past..... Or future... You know what I mean.

"A meteor shower is expected tonight so bring out your tents and camp out around the fire with your family, it's going to be a beautiful night. This is kuya Kim....."

'I still can't believe it, but we'll see what happens tomorrow.'

"Thank you for choosing us! Call us again anytime."

The guy wearing a delivery company uniform rushed inside the truck after delivering twelve wooden crates.

"What are these?"

Mrs. Marissa asked curiously as she checked each crate with a sidelong glance, she clearly never made this order.

"I really don't know ma'am I think someone else placed the wrong address for their order."

"Well these pipes can be used to mend the walls. Class cutting is becoming a serious problem nowadays since the school fence is quite negligible."

She spoke as she looked at the two meter long steel rods with sharp mounted edges, like those used in rich house fences. She then redirected her gaze to Sion.

"Are you feeling better now Mr. Salvador? Don't you need to rest some more?"

"I'll be just fine ma'am. I feel good already."

"Well if you insist. Just don't push yourself too hard, okay?"

"I'll do as you say ma'am."

Sion gave a slightly bow as courtesy. A habit picked up from watching and internalising Japanese movies and animes too much. Calling out some male students, he instructed them to move the crates to the school warehouse.

'There's an hour left.'

Sion glanced at his watch which shows 08:30. He clearly remembered everything that happened that day. He closed his eyes and sat on the ground while looking at the bright blue sky appreciating it one last time.


Chopper bikes howled, and interrupted the quiet morning. There seems to be a motorcade that is approaching the school campus. Sion moved towards the gate and opened it himself.


A bike parked right in front of the unmoving Scion after a screeching high speed halt. The driver removed his helmet and he bore a striking resemblance to Sion with dark brown wavy hair, tall nose and a nicely angled chin. This guy however is a shade darker than Sion, his lips are also dark because of excessive smoking and his eyes are always alert and sharp unlike the cold looking Sion.

"Been a long time, little brother. Why did you call for me?"

"I need your help with something."

Sion answered cooly like a detached person but his eyes are burning.

"What might that be?"

"Come bring your brothers in well talk inside."

"Aren't you also going to invite me in?"

Everyone looked back towards the source of the voice where a man in his mid twenties stood while wearing a set of black tuxedo a grey tie and super shiny leather shoes. In his hand is a small file case. He is somewhat handsome and clean looking with thick brows, dark brown wavy hair, proud nose, and bright intelligent eyes.

The king of the underworld Brian, the low-key Sion who is publicly known as a teacher, and the lawyer/businessman Kael. The Salvador brothers.

"Did you bring what I asked?"

Kael did not speak and simply gestured with his thumb pointing the parade of trucks behind him, on initial count there should be more than a dozen.

"Business seems to be doing quite well."

Bringing a dozen of the new cascadia trucks is quite something already.

'They seem modified too.'

"It's all thanks to the patriarch."

"Come with me."

Sion walked inside the front most building after making a gesture with his head.