
Master Of Cultivation From Another Word

Magical Realism
En Curso · 368 Visitas
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What is Master Of Cultivation From Another Word

Lee la novela Master Of Cultivation From Another Word escrita por el autor Utsav_Garg_9774 publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Lagos, 1845. Nestled along the West African coast, this burgeoning city thrived with a pulsating energy. The streets of Lagos Island were alive with the vibrant colors of bustling markets, where traders from far-flung lands haggled over spices, textiles, and precious goods. The air was thick with the mingling scents of palm oil, exotic spices, and the ever-present sea breeze. At the heart of this dynamic metropolis stood the palace of Oba Kosoko, a majestic structure of red clay and thatch that symbolized strength and authority. Oba Kosoko, a shrewd and formidable ruler, had ascended to the throne of Lagos through a series of calculated alliances and decisive actions. Under his reign, Lagos had grown into a significant commercial hub, attracting merchants and adventurers from across the globe. Yet, beneath this veneer of prosperity, tensions simmered. The British Empire, with its relentless drive for expansion, had set its sights on Lagos. Recognizing the city's strategic importance as a gateway to the interior of Africa, the British presence was growing ever more intrusive. Their ships, flying the Union Jack, anchored in Lagos Harbor with increasing frequency, their intentions masked by diplomatic niceties and commercial exchanges. In the neighboring town of Badagry, whispers of British ambitions were common among the elders. Badagry, once a flourishing port for the transatlantic slave trade, had witnessed the tides of change as abolitionist movements gained momentum. The British, presenting themselves as benevolent traders, now sought to extend their influence inland, posing a direct challenge to Oba Kosoko's authority. Epe, another ancient town, known for its strategic waterways and rich cultural heritage, also felt the tremors of impending conflict. The British made overtures of friendship, but the leaders of Epe, wary of their true intentions, remained vigilant. The tension between the desire for economic benefits and the threat of subjugation created an atmosphere of unease. In the bustling markets of Lagos, amidst the cacophony of trade and the rhythm of daily life, lived Abeni, the spirited daughter of a prominent noble family. Raised with the privileges of her noble birth, Abeni was known for her keen intellect and unyielding spirit. Despite her sheltered upbringing, she yearned for adventure and a life beyond the constraints of her family's expectations. Thomas Radcliffe, a British trader newly arrived in Lagos, was a man of mystery and charm. With his striking blue eyes and a demeanor that belied his true motives, Thomas sought fortune and opportunity in this thriving city. However, beneath his charming exterior lay a man grappling with his own secrets and ambitions. Their worlds collided in a fateful encounter that would change their lives forever. Abeni, drawn to Thomas's enigmatic presence, found herself entangled in a romance that defied cultural boundaries and societal norms. As their love blossomed in secrecy, the political landscape around them grew increasingly volatile. The British, determined to bring Lagos under their control, intensified their efforts. Espionage and subterfuge became the tools of their trade, as they sought to undermine Oba Kosoko's reign. In response, the Oba and his loyalists prepared to defend their sovereignty, aware that the stakes had never been higher. The storm was gathering. The winds of change swept through the ancient towns of Lagos, Badagry, and Epe, whispering of impending conflict and upheaval. In the heart of this vibrant city, two souls were drawn together by fate, their love a beacon of hope amidst the looming darkness. As the drums of war began to beat, the destiny of Lagos hung precariously in the balance, poised on the edge of a precipice from which there could be no return.

Joel_Aderemi · Derivados de obras
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17 Chs

Reverse Module

We are in a world with two major cities striving for Utopia. In the first city, called Visthansia, people can have two microchips on them. The first one doesn't allow them to hurt other people. The second one calls the police if they're in trouble. These microchips are not mandatory and people get paid a basic salary for having one on or double the money for both. Also, these chips are used for the economy, if the wearer has given consent, so if a person has a positive thought about the actions of another person the other person gets some money and vice versa. In this world, there are also some creatures that affect the area around them in different ways. One of these creatures has stolen the voices of the children from the first city, so the children have to use Sign Language to communicate. Your journey begins when Aelor, a police student in the city of Visthansia, needs to defeat a memories manipulating creature to graduate. She finds and defeats the creature and passes out. She wakes up in a village that is in an eternal 3-day cycle. On the first day villagers of the past appear in the village, on the second day villagers of the present and on the third day villagers of the future. These villagers can communicate through an object called The Board and exchange items through an object called The Box. Her saviour tells Aelor that she's been infected by a disease where a person presents a mark somewhere on their body and another person somewhere in the world presents the exact same mark. The two people have to meet and go to the hospital to install a Reverse Module or they will die. Aelor can't find her Pair in Visthansia's database so she embarks on a journey to go to Gaia, the second city, where people can surgically change their likes/dislikes at will. So for example if someone doesn't like their job they can make themselves like it.

StavrosKokkineas · Ciencia y ficción
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3 Chs


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