
Marvel: Zenith

Michael Maurice Johnson is a 13 year old boy. He's very intelligent and comes from a advanced version of Earth. But one thing this version of Earth has in common with ours is the comics and movies. Marvel is his favorite. One day he finds a character creation menu survey and something unexpected happens. I found the cover on Pinterest if you know who drew it please put it in the comments because this is AMAzING (spider-man pun AND OMG I LOVED NO WAY HOME!) Also I'm making this because I'm on break and I feel good after passing ALL OF MY FINAL EXAMS!!! And because I know how it feels to not have anymore good fanfics to read because the author goes on hiatus, or because you've read all of them. So that being said. Do NOT expect regular uploads. I will try to keep the word count to at least 1000 but it may not be there every chapter. Now lets get into it.

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