
Marvel with the power of Accelerator.

A story set in a universe close to 616. With a few minor changes, and in the timeline before Avengers Disassembled. About a reincarnated with the powers of Accelerator. Childhood will not be counted, since nothing extraordinary happened. It will start from the moment of obtaining powers. A warning, Arthur is not a good person. ........ I do not own any copyright on any Marvel character.

Danteqqqq · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

"What the hell. How did this happen?"

"Concentrate Slim, this is much worse than it seems."

The duo was looking at what looked like a military installation hidden in the woods.

"Hurry up. The signal that appeared is very weak."

Making them react came a voice in their heads.

"I remember, but don't get your hopes up Jeannie."

The partner of the person who spoke adjusted his visor before following him.

"Can you pick up a signal from a mutant?"

"One. But they are very weak... besides...".

"In addition to?".

"It's weird, there's something else. It's definitely something, but it's like it's not there. I wouldn't notice it in a normal situation, but it's very weird."

"If I had to guess I'd be responsible for everything. And looking at the injuries, we're dealing with someone on the Juggernaut level. I hate to admit it, but we probably need help."

The other person was inspecting the people in the strange outfits. Just making him frown. Though not entirely visible through his visor.

"This has turned into a recovery mission. Let's find the mutant Cerebra found and stand down for now."

The plan was done, just as the lack of personnel limited their actions.

But that mission was far from a ride for a change. And in a very short time, it seemed like a trip to hell.

Highly specialized equipment was everywhere. Stretchers full of blood and other substances. Very similar to a hospital, but there were still many inconsistencies.

But almost everything was answered when the duo arrived at the prisons. That it was not far from a place where the discarded parts were thrown away.

"It can not be true". The man with the visor tried to remain calm in such a situation. But he was already close to the limit of it.

The other man remained impassive as he continued to sniff alone until he found someone. "Here".

The two of them had a very serious attitude, just moving in silence until they reached another prison.

Someone was inside, so one of them took out three very sharp claws that destroyed the door at once.

But inside there was also nothing that they could call the hope that managed to survive this hell.

There was a boy who was being kept alive with various machines. But there was no noble motive behind that. Since the only conclusion was that they kept the child alive to extract all the organs from him.

The man with the claws approached and saw the boy without any organs. The only audible being the small cries of pain due to the lack of anesthesia, this being a process that defines the sadistic.

The man felt that person's breath getting much slower with each passing second. There was no solution. No, if there was. The only humanly possible solution.

"There are no survivors."

Causing the voice in his head to exclaim. "But Logan…"

"You heard it, Jean. There are no survivors. We will search for all the information on this place to prevent it from happening again."

Logan ended that boy's life. So now his mood was lousy, encouraging him to make a very bad idea.

"Are you thinking the same as me, Slim?"

"I was about to say the same thing. Let's get this over with."

"Wait. It's dangerous." But they both ignored the voice that came to his head.

They were both ready for anything. It won't be easy or pretty, but if they don't vent their rage then they couldn't take it.

Logan led the way, it was rare that he didn't detect anyone by his scent. But he could hear someone in the lower rooms so it didn't matter.

"Ready?". they had arrived.

The man with the visor nodded decisively. As Logan began to pull his claws out of him.

And with a kick both entered ready for battle.

But at that moment. Even they found it difficult to remain serious.

In front of them was a young man who was playing minesweeper on a giant computer.

"Great. I really didn't know where I was, connecting to the internet is quite difficult. At least there was this classic to pass the time."


"You really did everything by yourself?"

"Abstract art with human parts has nothing to do with me. But if you mean defeating/annihilating the insane I'd say yes."

The person who kept asking was Scott Summers. An idiot if you know what I do. But I was nobody to judge. They gave me a ride so I tried to be civil.

"Why don't you smell anything?"

"Is that a compliment?"

Obviously, my answer didn't make Logan happy. Which could be my favorite X-men.

"Don't joke with me bub. I'm still debating if you're a threat"

"Don't think too much. Most of your answers are related to my power."

"And what are you supposed to be?"

"I want to know too. But after thinking about it for a bit, I'm most likely a mutant. I wasn't exposed to terrigen mist or some radioactive animal. There's also a possibility that I'm an alien who was sent to this world to guide it. in his darkest moment.. But unlikely."

"Jean, what does Cerebra say?"

"I don't know, I can't even tell if there's anyone with you. It's very strange."

"That adds the ghost option. That would actually make quite a bit of sense. And now that I mention it, it sounds oddly reassuring. Finding eternal rest sounds pretty good."

"Let Hank run some tests. Until then we'll keep an eye on him."

"Is it okay if I say I prefer the Avengers to be kidnapped against my will?" My comment hadn't really amused anyone.


"This is beyond amazing"

"I have to say the same." Arthur took the opportunity to analyze the data obtained from Doc Mcoy. He already knew how his powers worked, but seeing them from another perspective helped a lot.

"Hank. Did you get any answers...Is the boy a mutant or not?"

But the person who answered was Arthur to answer the current leader of the X-men.

"Does it matter? That's quite prejudiced on your part glasses"

"What did you call me?". Scott wasn't happy that the new guy made fun of him.

"Easy Scott, besides he's right. It doesn't matter." Hank had to admit that Arthur was pretty funny. And seeing Scott act so childish was funny.

But Dr. Mcoy cleared his throat before speaking again, "And as for your question. Arthur Mercer if he is a mutant. With powers that surpass reason must I add?"

Arthur already imagined it, but what caught his attention was how the doc could say it with such certainty.

"Not that I care. But how do you know? You couldn't do any tests, no needles entered my body."

"That would have been a simpler way. But I took one of your hairs while you were distracted talking to Jean."

"Really? I know I have a soft spot for redheads, but I think I'd know if you pulled a hair out of me." Arthur also had a soft spot for blondes and brunettes. But there was something on Arthur's mind. "I have to know how you did it because I don't care if you found a way to counter my powers and get a hair. If it fell out naturally then I have to get an answer from science." Immediately".

"You really have your priorities wrong, Arthur." Doc Mcoy was surprised that Arthur cared more about going bald than if someone discovered his weakness.

"Not to offend. But it would be a crime to the world if someone like me went bald."

At this point, Hank didn't know that Arthur was joking. Or the young man had major narcissistic delusions.

"I think a bald head would suit you. It's not a style for everyone." Entering the room came an elderly man in a wheelchair. That he was paradoxically bald.

"Professor". Hank straightened up to greet him.

"I already told you that you can call me Charles. Remember that you are also a teacher in this school."

Doc Mcoy answered lightly. But to him, Charles will always be his Professor.

"I hadn't heard that the famous Professor Xavier had such a sense of humor. But he shouldn't joke about it." Arthur shivered a little at the thought of going bald.

"Really? I said it quite honestly. But if you want I can give you some wigs."

Arthur had to admit that the professor had a weird sense of humor. Few could keep up, but it was best to end the subject.

"So Professor, how can I help you?"

Joking aside, Professor Xavier erased his pleasant expression from moments ago. Being now quite a dignified expression.

The professor had seen Scott's memories of what had happened. Being the last loose end the person who murdered everyone. Arthur just seemed like a pretty laid-back young man who liked to joke around. But if all the pieces were put together. So Charles could be facing the next Magneto, or something much worse.

"You murdered all the people?" Charles was quite serious, but what bothered him was that Arthur seemed to have no remorse.

"I didn't kill anyone. You should understand my powers a bit by now. Throw something at me and I'll throw it back at you. It was legitimate self-defense." Arthur wasn't entirely lying, but he wasn't being honest either.

The professor gave a tired sigh. Upon quick analysis, he could describe Arthur as a sociopath with narcissistic tendencies. Which wasn't too far from the truth.

With the destruction of Genosha before a possible war. The image of the mutants was on the floors, more than usual. So it's very likely that Arthur will continue to get into trouble. That's why the professor decided to act rather quickly.

"Arthur. I invite you to study at this institute. I know it can be a big change, but I'm sure you can learn something new." Xavier tried to take care of his words. He had already done some research on the name of Arthur Mercer.

The first filled with hope to Charles, a very intelligent young man who cares about his family. He pities that the following was not too happy.

Losing a relative was not easy. And it seemed that Arthur was handling it in the worst way. Drop out of school, total detachment to take a life. And from the clothes Arthur was wearing, Charles could guess that this young man was into robbery and maybe much more.

Arthur didn't know that he had been analyzed up to that point. If he knew, he would just say that was his origin story, while he was ignoring the core issue.

"I don't care. But you'll have to do something with the students. Emma and Jean are fine, but they're obviously crazy and have terrible taste in men."

It was lucky that Scott had already left there.

So Arthur's comment only caused a slight chuckle from both Professor Xavier and Dr. Mcoy. Since they knew that what Arthur had said could have some reason.

"I think I can do something about it. Then I welcome you in advance, and I hope your time here is enlightening."

"Same here, I hear this school blows up every weekend. I can't wait to see what happens."

But it seemed like Arthur's reason for joining the school was a little different than what Charles thought.