
MARVEL With Minecraft

Autor: Turkys
En Curso · 108.8K Visitas
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(Google translator) A man suddenly woke up in a strange place all in retro style, having no idea how he got there. Only the OCs are mine.

3 etiquetas
Chapter 1Prologue

A man in a hospital woke up disoriented and with a headache, and waited for him to sleep to look around and found that he was in a retro hospital style, suddenly a nurse came in, but was startled when he saw that he woke up, so she turned and left the room.

He listened to the radio:

"Curved ball, high and out.

The Dodgers drew 4-4, a crowd knows that with a hit ball it is able to change the whole game.

Really amazing, here at Ebbets Field.

The Philies drew 4-4But Dodger has 3 men, but at the bases.

Pearson towed the Reiser last month.

Will the boy want to return the favor?

Pete bends over to throw a ball.It hit.

A low ball.Pass by Rizzo.There will be 3 more points.

Reiser goes to base 3.Durocher beckons him to run.

Ball passing, but it won't stop you "

He started to reorganize what happened, and why he is in this place.

His name before the era of transmigrating Leroy Burnham, was of American descent and also an orphan. He looks like an ordinary person. He lived his elementary school days in college in a normal way, having relationships here and there, with the support of the government and the government, he graduated from an ordinary college with a specialty in IT and worked for a lifetime until he arrived or his 30th He is also not a big spender, and he doesn't have a woman to spend his money on.

Although Leroy is not a heavy spender, he sometimes buys things for himself, thinks of it as a reward for himself and most of his money, as he has nothing to do with living expenses, like you he runs an orphanage where he once lived and trusted the person involved who once cared for him, an orphan taught by the nun.

Leroy is very fond of anime, manga, novels, games and the like. He really likes a game called Minecraft, but not the vanilla mode that has no mods, He set up a computer just to play Minecraft with a modpack called "Project Equivalence", there are mods he found interesting like projectE, avaritia, Tinkers Construct and, but others.


After Leroy got home from work, he sat down at the computer and started Minecraft, it may take 30 minutes to get in, but about 15 minutes to open the map, spend his time, he turned on the computer he uses to work, the that he sits by the computer to play and opened the mail so he can do the work he should be doing at home. When he opened the email, he saw two new emails waiting for him, one is his job, while the other is a suspicious email with the title "What if?".

He opened his business email first and saved the files to his computer. He then opened the suspicious correspondence and was surprised and amused by what he saw and read inside.

'What if? What if you are in a different world integrated with a game? Different from the world you are living in. Do what you want no one will stop you. Interested? Click the link below '. That's what the email said and a link below.


Out of curiosity, Leroy pressed the link, as he trusts his own antivirus. Fortunately, the PC did not notify you of any breaches or viruses. When the link was finally loaded, he was surprised to see a questionnaire. Because it was just a questionnaire, he was relieved. He then prepared himself while preparing to answer the questionnaire. Nothing would go wrong, right? It's just a questionnaire, right?

1. game?

-Minecraft with modpack equivalence project*

2. Appearance?

-Saitama with hair,

note: if that best suits the location.

Leroy thought for a moment before entering the criteria to track the administrator who checked the questionnaire, after all Saitama has an Asian appearance, if he appears in the west as he will be.

3. Present?

control over space and time,observation: absolute control

It is best not to be vague and make it difficult for the administrator to think when reading the questionnaire.

4. Occupation?

- General, random

Leroy thought for a moment before inserting a general and a random to further troll the administrator, after all Minecraft does not have an army post.

5. Talent?

-One every thousand years in the weapon, martial arts category6. World


Leroy thought about not trolling this questionnaire yet, putting another random one.

Leroy is about to confirm the questionnaire, he smelled smoke on his side. Suddenly, without computing, it exploded stronger than C4. His eyes are full of shock, not of ill will, because it is not scientific for a water-cooled computer to explode stronger than a C4, for its computer to explode, how much rotten luck did it have today? He closed his eyes when his heart finally stopped beating.

What Leroy didn't know was that, after he died, an unknown being was reading his questionnaire very seriously.

"The reincarnated ones of today in very demanding days, Minecraft with the modpack, let's fill the random ones" Being Unknown He thought.

"The reincarnated ones of today in very demanding days, Minecraft with the modpack, we will fill the random ones" Being Unknown He thought. He started to fill the random ones, which was like this:

1. Game?

-Minecraft with Project Equivalence modpack

2. Appearance?

-Saitama with hair,note: If that best suits the location.

3. Present?

Control over space and time,observation: absolute control

4. Occupation?

- General, Founding Member of Stark Industries

5. Talent?

-One every thousand years in the weapon, martial arts category

6. World


"With his cheating, it had to be enough to live a good life at MCU" Unknown.

When the questionnaire was completed, it disintegrated into dust, in the hand of the unknown Being.


Now, after recalling his life, he began to ponder why the hell he is here. As he thought, another set of memories began to flood his mind as shock and awe began to overflow in his mind.

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"Quem possuir o poder sobre aquele que nasceu eleito para definir o fim da guerra, se tornará invencível e prevalecerá diante de todos os seus inimigos. A luz e as trevas estão presentes na criança dourada, o ultimo herdeiro do poderoso leão, que deverá ser entregue àquele que é a reencarnação do mal. O destino de todos será traçado de acordo com o coração do menino de olhar esmeralda. No final das dezessete primaveras, tanto a luz quanto as trevas só poderão ser despertadas com amor verdadeiro e o mais forte triunfará sobre o outro". Aquelas palavras rondavam incessantemente os pensamentos de um homem em especial. Um homem que mantinha seu olhar escarlate fixo naquela pequena bola de cristal que há tempos procurava. A profecia... A profecia que definia seu destino, o destino do mundo e o destino de uma linda criança de olhar esmeralda que no momento, provavelmente, tinha seu sono embalado pelo gracioso canto de sua mãe em uma casa oculta no Vale Godric, uma casa que se mostrava segura aos olhos do casal, uma casa que não esperava o que estava prestes a acontecer. Com as palavras da profecia ainda rondando sua mente, o misterioso homem tomou sua varinha, cobriu-se com a elegante e habitual capa negra e seguiu, com um sorriso obscuro adorando seus lábios, em direção ao seu destino. Sua beleza era notável. Por baixo da desenhada capa encontrava-se um corpo musculoso, bem trabalhado, abrigado por uma calça e uma camisa ambas na cor negra, do mais fino tecido que o dinheiro e o poder podem pagar. Sua pele ligeiramente pálida fazia um excitante contraste com os cabelos negros e curtos, sempre bem alinhados, que agora se moviam no mesmo ritmo do vento que atingia seu rosto enquanto caminhava a passos lentos em direção à bonita casa. Seus olhos brilharam. Era quase impossível não ser hipnotizado por tamanhas jóias. Frios e penetrantes, vermelhos, como o mais belo e puro rubi. Os lábios finos se curvavam em um sorriso cada vez mais macabro, acentuando aquela beleza mortal. Mortal como seus olhos. Mortal como a varinha que mantinha firmemente sujeita na mão. Mortal como a certeza do que estava prestes a acontecer.

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14 Chs


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