
Chapter 18. Karma.

Just as I was enjoying my time with Cissy, Avery and Mulciber decided it was their moment to interject with their meaningless banter.

"Hey, Snape! You've been ignoring us since you arrived," Avery exclaimed, finally recognizing my face after staring for an extended period.

"That's because I was intentionally ignoring you," I retorted, not bothering to spare them a glance. "If you possess the faintest glimmer of intelligence, you dunderhead, perhaps you should make someone lose their brain cells elsewhere."

Turning my attention back to Cissy, I noticed her looking at me with a hint of amusement. Intrigued by her reaction, I raised an eyebrow in silent inquiry.

She merely smiled and handed me a cup of ice cream. "Here, try this," she said, urging me to eat. Reluctantly, I accepted the offering and took a scoop of the frozen treat.

"It's quite good," I admitted, to which she smirked with a triumphant gleam in her eyes.

"Hey, stop ignoring me!" Avery bellowed, clearly perturbed by my disregard.

Before I could silence the tiresome fool, Cissy turned to him and spoke with a hint of mischief, "It appears your boyfriend, Mulciber, is growing jealous of Severus monopolizing all your attention. Here, feed this to him to quell his thirst, then make amends with a kiss later." Laughter erupted from the surrounding students as Mulciber and Avery recoiled in embarrassment, concealing their faces.

After dinner, Cissy and Regulus joined me as we made our way to the common room.

"It was refreshing to see you open up a bit today. I genuinely enjoyed your company," Cissy remarked, her gaze fixed upon me with a faint smile playing upon her lips.

"This transformation is here to stay. I, too, enjoyed our evening together," I replied, returning her smile with one of my own.

Cissy's smile widened upon hearing my response. "Good night, Severus," she said, though she made no move to depart.

"Good night, Cissy," I murmured, captivated by her sapphire blue eyes. Her beauty, once concealed behind her aloof facade, now radiated with a breathtaking allure.

Regulus cleared his throat, breaking the enchantment that had momentarily enveloped Cissy and me.

"I still exist, you know," he interjected, feeling somewhat left out. "It seems you both have forgotten about me... and Cissy," he added, receiving a glare from his sister.

Regulus swallowed nervously and continued, "I mean, Narcissa, it's getting late. Perhaps you should retire to your dormitory before Filch begins his rounds."

"Alright," Cissy acquiesced, turning to me and placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Good night, Mr. Prince," she whispered before departing.

Confusion swirled within me as I touched the spot where her lips had just graced my skin. They were surprisingly soft. I glanced at Regulus, who wore an odd expression on his face.

"I won't be calling you brother-in-law," he stated abruptly before hastening to his room, leaving me to ponder the peculiar events that had unfolded.

Returning to my dorm, I found my roommates fast asleep. Weary from the day's events, I settled into my bed and succumbed to a deep slumber.

That night, my dreams took an unexpected turn, as vivid images of a certain someone filled my mind, offering a respite from the haunting nightmares that had plagued me for so long.

As the morning sunlight filtered through the windows, I awoke feeling a surge of vitality coursing through my veins toward something, something that stood long and proud. It must be those dreams I had last night.

After swiftly freshening up, I made my way toward the office of Professor Slughorn, knowing that he held the valuable information I sought.

Lightly rapping on his door, I could sense the surprise mingled with curiosity in his voice as he bid me to enter. "Ah, Severus, what a delightful surprise. Please, do come in," he greeted me warmly.

Stepping into his office, I met his gaze, a glimmer of mystery dancing in my eyes. "Actually, it is Prince now, Sir. My mother and I have recently been reinstated into the esteemed Prince family," I revealed, subtly emphasizing the newfound status that could pique Slughorn's interest.

Slughorn's astonishment swiftly transformed into composed composure. "Please, have a seat, Severus. How may I assist you today?" he inquired, his curiosity unabated.

Seizing the opportune moment, I presented my request with calculated nonchalance. "I seek permission to access the restricted section of the library and borrow a few books," I stated, my tone casual yet purposeful.

Slughorn's interest was piqued, and he leaned forward, eager to oblige. "Ah, a straightforward request indeed. I shall prepare a note for you. Is there anything else I can assist you with?" he inquired, his curiosity yearning for more.

With a calculated glint in my eyes, I revealed the true depth of my inquiry. "I also wish to delve into the mysteries surrounding the Cursed Vaults and the Room of Requirement within Hogwarts. Rumors and whispers have reached my ears, and I crave concrete knowledge," I confessed, my voice tinged with a relentless curiosity.

A moment of hesitation lingered in the air before Slughorn succumbed to his own intrigue. "Have you considered attending my annual party this year, Severus?" he suggested, his intentions veiled yet transparent.

Recognizing the offer for what it truly was, I responded with careful precision. "Yes, I must admit that I regret declining your previous invitations. Therefore, I have decided to grace your gathering with my presence this year," I declared, fully aware of the favor this would earn me in Slughorn's eyes.

Anticipating the connections I would forge and the potential talents I would encounter at the upcoming party, I knew it would be an ideal occasion to lay the groundwork for my future aspirations.

Engaging Slughorn further, I confided in him, leaning closer to evoke his curiosity. "I must admit, Professor Slughorn, the mysteries surrounding the Room of Requirement and the allure of the Cursed Vaults have captivated my imagination."

Adjusting his spectacles, Slughorn nodded knowingly, his eyes sparkling with intrigue. "Ah, yes, the Room of Requirement and the fabled Cursed Vaults. Intriguing subjects, indeed."

Seeking more, I leaned in, hungering for information. "Tell me, Professor, do you possess any additional insights regarding the Room of Requirement? I have heard floating whispers, but I yearn for concrete truths," I pressed, my thirst for information unquenched.

Slughorn stroked his silver beard thoughtfully, his gaze drifting into contemplation. "According to rumors that have persisted throughout the years, the Room of Requirement is said to reside on the Seventh Floor, tucked away within the left corridor of the castle. However, the method of gaining access and the true nature of its appearance remains shrouded in mystery."

Absorbing every word, I leaned back, mulling over the newfound information. "A compelling enigma indeed. And what of these Cursed Vaults, Professor? What insights can you share?" I probed further, my curiosity undeterred.

Slughorn's eyes gleamed with excitement, eager to impart his knowledge. "Ah, the Cursed Vaults, my dear student. Legend has it that the very founders of Hogwarts concealed five hidden chambers, each safeguarding something of immeasurable value. Yet, the exact contents remain unknown."

Drawn deeper into the conversation, I leaned forward, my fascination unabated. "Have any endeavors been made to unlock the secrets within these Cursed Vaults, Professor?"

A wistful smile graced Slughorn's face. "Indeed, there have been attempts. Professors Fortinbras and Bartholomew dedicated countless hours to unraveling the mysteries surrounding these vaults. Their extensive research yielded tantalizing discoveries, yet the true secrets eluded their grasp."

Grateful for his insight, I expressed my appreciation. "Thank you, Professor Slughorn. It is indeed a fascinating realm of knowledge. Perhaps one day, I might undertake the task of unraveling these mysteries myself."

Slughorn smiled warmly, pride shining in his eyes. "Ah, the thirst for knowledge and adventure. Remember, dear Severus, curiosity often leads to remarkable discoveries. But tread carefully, for the unknown can be a treacherous path to traverse."

With a courteous nod, I bid him farewell, leaving his office with newfound information and a mind brimming with possibilities.

As I spent the day immersed in the depths of the library, poring over every available piece of information regarding the fabled cursed vaults, I uncovered a tantalizing lead. Professors Fortinbras and Bartholomew had apparently discovered the location of the first vault before their research was abruptly halted.

"It seems its time to leave the library," I whispered to myself, realizing that Madam Pince was ushering students out.

Gathering the books I had borrowed, I left the library behind, my mind already concocting plans for the next steps of my journey.

As I strolled along the familiar corridors, a peculiar sensation washed over me, indicating the presence of someone tailing me. Swiftly, I turned around, but to my surprise, I found no visible trace of anyone. Seeing no one, I decided to employ my new eye abilities.

Non-verbally and wandlessly, I cast "Homenum Revelio," unraveling the cloaked figures that lurked in my wake. Four individuals were stealthily trailing me, their forms concealed by an Invisibility Cloak. Their magic was clear as day to me to my eyes. But the Invisibility Cloak captured my attention. It was different, different than any magical enchantment performed by Wizards. It was closer to my Necro than to the Magic.

Taking a calculated detour, I took a right turn, stepping into the protective embrace of a shadow. From this vantage point, I observed as four figures materialized before me—Potter, Black, Lupin, and Pettigrew. Their audacity hardly surprised me; it seemed they were eager to play their part in my unfolding plans.

Peering through the darkness, I witnessed them huddled around a map, their confused expressions mirroring their inability to locate my whereabouts. The Marauder's Map, a useful tool indeed. I made a mental note to acquire it for myself later.

"Prongs, he simply vanished after turning the corner. The map doesn't show him at all," Black exclaimed, displaying the parchment to Potter in disbelief.

"Yes, Padfoot. He seems to have disappeared entirely from the castle. Where could the sniveling coward have gone?" Potter grumbled with annoyance.

Observing the map's limitations and realizing my advantage, I remained concealed within the shadows. They could not register my presence while I inhabited this realm. The irony of their failed attempt to track me was not lost on me.

"Since he is nowhere to be found, let's leave. We can deal with him later," Lupin suggested, his voice laced with caution.

"We'll teach him a lesson soon enough," Black added, his voice seething with determination.

Ah, he wanted to teach me a lesson, did he? Well, if he was so keen on imparting his noble wisdom to me, isn't it only appropriate to grace his classroom?

Emerging from the darkness, I stepped forward, my clapping hands resounding through the corridor. "Marvelous! The entire gang is present," I announced, relishing the confusion on their faces.

"So, Black, you wished to educate me? Here I am, ready and waiting. Why don't you enlighten me with your wisdom?" I taunted, my voice dripping with honeyed sarcasm.

"We don't want any trouble, Snape," Lupin interjected, attempting to restrain the volatile Black.

Ah, now this fuc*ing wolf wished to avoid trouble, but where was his concern when he was conspiring with his friends?

"Shut your fuc*ing mouth, wolf. Where was this concern when you plan to ambush me? Yes, I overheard your little plot. Don't feign innocence and claim you seek no trouble," I retorted, my voice laced with cold disdain.

Lupin appeared momentarily ashamed, though I cared little for his emotions. He had willingly participated in this scheme with his friends and would face the consequences.

"Don't call him that!" Black barked, his wand raised threateningly—a grave mistake on his part.

Seizing the opportunity presented by Black's outburst, Potter swiftly unleashed a hex in my direction. With a casual tilt of my head, I deflected the feeble spell, his lackluster skills exposing his incompetence.

The game had only just begun, and I will enjoy every moment of it.

As I gracefully danced through their spells, Potter and Black grew increasingly frustrated, their hexes and curses falling futilely against my impervious defense. Their predictable dueling patterns were child's play to me, for I had encountered and won over their attempts a hundred times before.

Potter's voice echoed with exasperation, "How are you deflecting our spells?"

Ah, the simplicity of their minds. It was clear they failed to comprehend that I was just superior to them.

With my eyes, I could perceive the nature of each spell even before it left their wands. I had dedicated hours to studying and understanding the patterns and colors of countless spells within the walls of my mansion.

Their impatience and aggression intensified with every deflected spell. I couldn't help but revel in their desperation.

"You are trash, Potter. You needed your precious invisibility cloak and your loyal fuc* buddies to even stand a chance against me. You were never my equal, just a sheep yearning to be a lion," I taunted, mocking his pride, a vital cog in his inflated ego.

Their talents were commendable, I must admit. They managed to confront me on multiple occasions, often with the element of surprise on their side. Their prowess in Transfiguration surpassed my own, a skill I begrudgingly acknowledge. However, in this particular duel, their abilities held no sway.

Potter seethed with rage. "They're not my fuc* buddies, they're my best friends. Something you'll never understand!"

"Ah, really? Didn't you shelter Black when his family cast him aside? Tell me, do you two share the same sleeping quarters? Don't fret, I hold no judgment. I am an open-minded individual. Does the wolf join in the festivities as well?" I sneered, fueling the fire of their anger.

Enraged beyond reason, Black lunged at me, abandoning his futile attempts at magic and opting for a physical assault. A grave mistake. His bare fists would exact a heavy toll.

I allowed his blow to land upon my face without flinching, watching the shock wash over his features.

"What were you expecting, Black? Did you think I would crumble under your feeble and pathetic strike? Even a four-year-old hits harder than you," I jeered.

Forming my own fist, I retaliated, striking him with calculated force, ensuring not to break any bones.

*Crack* Oops, it seems I may have been a tad excessive. Nevertheless, Madam Pomfrey could mend his injuries. For now, I will leave him in this state.

Black collapsed, saliva dripping from his mouth, while Potter rushed to his side, holding him close.

Glancing aside, I noticed Lupin and Pettigrew pointing their wands at me. How disappointingly predictable. They believed they could stand against me.

Raising my wand, I deftly cast a non-verbal Expelliarmus and Jelly-Legs Curse simultaneously, causing their wands to fly from their grasp and sending them tumbling to the ground.

Turning my attention to Potter, I pointed my wand at him, a malicious smile playing upon my lips. "I hope you find my little gift quite pleasing, Potter."

I proceeded to cast a Leg-Locker Curse upon each of them, while employing Legilimency to delve into their minds. Ah, so they were Animagi—a dog, a deer, and a rat.

A rather nasty batch, especially the rat. A pervert beyond redemption, two cruel pranksters, and a coward. This newfound knowledge would prove useful in tarnishing their reputations in due time.

After getting the knowledge I want, I carefully removed the memory of me using Lgilimency on them. Can't have anyone know that.

"Consider this my borrowed souvenir. Thank you kindly," I declared, seizing the Marauder's Map from their grasp.

Oh, how I would improve upon its existing features, creating a copy far superior to this

Before departing, I looked into their eyes and spoke, not directly to them, but to another who had dared to delve into my mind before. "I hope the Headmaster punishes the four of you for your transgressions—at least this time. Should he fail to act, he shall expose himself as a hypocrite, unworthy of his title. He claims to treat all students equally, yet why are you shown such favoritism? Why should my suffering go unpunished while they are granted countless chances? You all be prepared for punishment."

Confusion clouded their faces, but I paid them no mind. My message was intended for someone else—a message that would surely strike shame to their face.

Oh, how I wanted to inflict further torment upon these four, to make them choke on a soap bubble, strip them naked, and leave them stranded in the air. However, I had a more humiliating plan in mind.

Casting a Sleeping Curse upon them, I left them sprawled in the hallway, their appearances slightly altered for added effect. As I prepared to depart, I took possession of their vaunted Invisibility Cloak.

The game had only just begun, and I made the first move.

How will you react headmaster?


-The Next Day-

In the bustling hallway, students murmured amongst themselves as their gazes fell upon a peculiar sight. At the center lay four Gryffindor students, each one adorned in green gowns, a strong odor wafting from their direction.

Upon closer inspection, the word "clowns" was emblazoned on their garments, and their cheeks were swollen and reddened.

"Thank goodness someone finally put them in their place. They were a bunch of bullies disguised as pranksters. They played a nasty prank on me when I first arrived at Hogwarts, even before I knew who they were," whispered a third-year Ravenclaw to his companion.

"Yes, they always acted like they were the stars of Hogwarts, as if the entire school belonged to them," his friend replied in agreement.

Passersby ignored the unconscious Gryffindors, and even younger members of their own house chose not to offer assistance. The four eventually stirred and gazed upon their sorry state, letting out a collective cry of distress.

"Oh nooooooo!" James exclaimed, realizing his dire predicament. "Padfoot, I don't have any pants under this gown!"

Despite their ordeal, no wands were to be found. In an unfortunate turn of events, a group of Slytherin students, previously pranked by the Gryffindors, took this opportunity for revenge. They began hurling hexes at the dazed quartet.

Panicking, the Marauders attempted to flee, only to stumble over their own gowns and crash face-first onto the floor. Laughter filled the air as the Slytherins, united in their mischief, levitated the humiliated Gryffindors, revealing the pink-colored underwear they wore.

The girls amongst the crowd quickly averted their eyes, blushing with embarrassment on behalf of their peers.

"Let us down, you slimy snakes!" James and Black shouted in frustration, their faces flushed with humiliation.

Unyielding, the Slytherin group continued their mischievous antics, maneuvering the Marauders through the air. The entire hall erupted in laughter at the spectacle before them.

Among the onlookers, Narcissa glanced at Severus and whispered discreetly, "It was you, wasn't it?"

Severus merely smirked in response, savoring the satisfaction of a prank well executed.


-Severus's POV-

I glanced at Narcissa, who stood beside me, her eyes fixed on the levitating Potter and his companions. A mischievous grin played on my lips as I watched their distress unfold before us.

"What do you mean?" I replied, feigning innocence, though my smile betrayed my true emotions.

A knowing glint danced in Narcissa's eyes as she assessed my reaction. "No matter how much you try to hide it, Severus, the smile on your face gives it away," she teased.

Unable to suppress my delight, I chuckled softly. "They ambushed me last night. Consider it a lesson well-deserved. But rest assured, it's only the beginning."

Narcissa's gaze intensified, and she playfully winked at me. "I'll be eagerly waiting for the next part, Severus."

Her words sent a jolt through me, my mind momentarily drifting to the dream I had experienced just one night before. My cheeks flushed at the memory, and I quickly shifted the conversation to a safer topic.

"Don't you feel any sympathy for your cousin?" I asked, attempting to distract myself from the thoughts that threatened to consume me.

Narcissa's expression hardened, her anger palpable. "No, I only consider Regulus as a cousin. He made it clear from a young age that he didn't like me or my sisters. So, I don't hold any affection for him either. He only started caring for Andromeda later on. He was fuc*king troublesome from the start, never considering the consequences or the circumstances others were in," she replied, her voice laced with resentment. Cissy fiercely protected her sisters, and anyone who spoke ill of them was met with her disdain.

I recalled the numerous occasions when Black had disparaged Bellatrix, and it became apparent why Cissy held such disdain for him.

"Now, now, you wouldn't want others to know that the perfect daughter of the Black family has a penchant for foul language, would you?" I teased, a playful tone creeping into my voice. In response, Cissy playfully swatted my arm and smirked.

"I'll just blame it on you, Severus. I'll say that I was merely influenced by you. I'm quite certain they'll be willing to believe me," she replied, a hint of mischief in her voice.

Our conversation was interrupted by the stern scolding of Professor McGonagall, who swiftly put an end to the Slytherins' mischief.

She escorted the four levitating Gryffindors away, leaving Cissy and me to continue our way to our respective classes.


Give me my STONES.

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