
Chapter 16. The Forgotten One.

The sun's gentle rays peeked through the parted curtains, casting a warm glow upon the elegant room. As the morning light danced upon the walls, it gradually illuminated the figure nestled amidst the silken sheets.

Stirring from her slumber, a young lady emerged into wakefulness, her features delicate and refined. Cascading tresses of lustrous, pale blonde framed a face adorned with porcelain-like skin, accentuated by a pair of striking, piercing blue eyes. Her slender, graceful form lay upon the plush bedding, an air of quiet elegance enveloping her presence.

The room, adorned with tasteful furnishings and adorned with touches of opulence, exuded an atmosphere of refined luxury befitting its inhabitant. Slowly, the young lady stretched, a sense of poise and confidence radiating from her every movement.

Gracefully rising from her bed, her thoughts drifted to the complexities of her life. As she made her way toward the adjoining bathroom, her mind wandered to her family's expectations, the burdens she carried, and the sacrifices she had made. In the solitude of the bath, her mind wandered to that one person, a special friend, the one whose new decision tugged at her mind.

After the bath, She emerged, clad in a luxurious robe, her face adorned with a carefully crafted façade. With practiced ease, she donned a mask of composure, concealing her true self that churned beneath the surface. As she stood before the mirror, she perfected her smile, one that masked her true emotions and projected an image of contentment and confidence.

The Image reflects Narcissa Cissy Black.

Born into the esteemed House of Black, Narcissa, the youngest daughter of Cygnus and Druella, was raised to embody the ideals of the aristocracy. Molded to perfection through the teachings of noble etiquette, her life revolved around fulfilling the expectations placed upon her by her family.

Amidst the suffocating world of politics and societal obligations, she found solace in the friendship of a Half-Blood companion, whose intriguing mind provided a welcome escape from the monotony of her existence. The only friend she ever made by choice.

After stepping out of the bathroom, Narcissa's eyes fell upon a letter penned by Lucius Malfoy. As she read the words inscribed on the parchment, a teasy smile graced her lips, though her mask of composure wavered ever so slightly.

"Interesting. Can't wait o meet you, Lord Prince."


[Severus's POV]

As I stood on the platform, observing the bustling scene of parents bidding farewell to their children, memories flooded my mind. I recalled the moment when my own mother handed me her books and offered parting words of guidance. Alongside that memory, the image of Lily and I standing together remained etched in my mind.

Glancing over at Dobby, who was attracting peculiar looks from those around us, I couldn't help but smile at the enigmatic expressions worn by the other Elves. Their confusion stood in stark contrast to the unmistakable envy radiating from their eyes, all because of the attire Dobby now donned.

No longer slouching or timid, he stood tall and proud, clad in a dignified blue and white two-piece butler suit.

"See, I told you, didn't I? Just look at those Elves—they can't help but envy you," I remarked, a trace of amusement in my voice. "They long to shed those traditional white cloths and be more like you."

"Yes, master. Dobby can see his kind, gazing upon me with envy. Dobby will help them," he replied, his eyes sparkling with determination.

"Remember, Dobby, exercise caution in whom you gather information from and whom you choose to enlist. Not all of them truly desire freedom," I cautioned, emphasizing the importance of discernment.

With a deeper understanding of elven magic and honing my skills in wandless magic, I imparted a range of spells and their effects to Dobby, equipping him with the knowledge to cast them. He needs more practice to perfect them, but he is capable enough for now.

"Dobby, do be careful about the sources you approach for information. Use that spell I taught you to erase the memory of an elf that is too loyal to its master," I warned again, aware of the hidden agendas and secrets that the pureblood families held. Obtaining such knowledge would provide valuable leverage for future negotiations.

"Dobby will do as master says. Dobby will learn to be a good butler from TV," he declared unexpectedly.

I couldn't help but facepalm at his statement, recalling the occasion when I took him to muggle London and he became fascinated by the behavior of butlers in a movie. Since then, he had developed an obsession with being the best elf, often sneaking around to catch glimpses of television.

Leaving behind the ambitious Elf, I boarded the train, ready to embark on a new chapter of my journey.


-Hogwarts Trains-

As I wandered through the train compartments, I couldn't help but notice the heated arguments between Gryffindors and Slytherins. Seeking solace from the commotion, I searched for an empty compartment or one with fewer prying eyes.

However, to my surprise, several students, mostly girls, extended invitations for me to join them. It struck me as peculiar, but I remained determined to find a quieter space.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of red hair passing by, instantly drawing my attention. Despite the urge to follow, I managed to restrain myself and continued my quest for a suitable cabin.

Eventually, I stumbled upon one occupied by two familiar faces—students I knew quite well.

I knocked on the door, only to be met with the sight of Regulus Black opening it, his sneer in full force. "Who are you? Well, I don't care who you are. This cabin is full, so leave, now. We don't need anyone else in here. Go find yourself another compartment," he spat, his attitude unchanged.

This brat hadn't changed a bit. He was one of the friends I had made simply to vex his brother, Sirius Black. While he shared the same belief in blood purity, he wasn't as extreme as his peers. Plus, he displayed an unusual fondness for his elf, Kreacher. To keep him from discussing his beloved elf, I once resorted to using the langlock spell on him.

"That is Severus Snape, you idiot. Let him in. It seems he's finally realized that he has other friends," came the icy voice of Narcissa Black from behind Regulus, her annoyance palpable.

Narcissa was clearly angry with me, a fact as clear as crystal. I had been ignoring many people since my falling out with Lily, particularly her. And she wasn't particularly fond of Lily either.

"You... You are Severus. But how?!" Regulus stammered, his mouth hanging open in shock.

"Close your mouth, or what little wits you possess might escape from it. And move out of the way," I retorted, pointing towards the door frame he was occupying.

Regulus promptly shut his mouth and stepped aside. "Now that's the Snape I know. Always sneering at others," he commented, settling down and engrossing himself in a book on Quidditch.

"How did you know it was me, Cissy? I'm quite sure I've undergone substantial changes in the past few days," I inquired, hoping to surprise Narcissa.

"What kind of friend do you take me for? Hmm? Not everyone wears the same bored expression on their face, longing to be somewhere else surrounded by people. You have the most boring look when you're not studying something that interests you. And I remember your voice. It's quite distinctive. I know you too well to forget about you. And don't call me Cissy!" she retorted sharply, her blue eyes narrowing.

She was as snappy as I remembered. The last time we had spoken was at the end of our O.W.L exams, and she was not one to appreciate being ignored.

"You know me well, don't you? Then you know I won't stop calling you 'C...i...S....S....Y.' Do you mind?" I teased, unable to resist needling her for a reaction.

"Hey, Snape, she won't even let me call her Cissy. It's a nickname between her and her sisters. She hexed me when I called her that once, and I ended up in the hospital wing afterward. I had to find a new nickname for her. She really has an ugly... I mean, strong temper," Regulus interjected, his voice tinged with fear as he recalled the incident.

Surprisingly, she had never hexed me for using that nickname. I often employed it to provoke her and elicit a reaction.

"You never tried to hex me, though. Should I take it that you don't mind when I call you 'C...i...S....S....Y'?" I taunted, realizing that there were indeed other Slytherins who cared for me and with whom I spent time.

I had failed to notice the signs, consumed as I was with the Dark Arts, arguments with Lily, and my tumultuous home life. I had neglected to appreciate the genuine friendship I shared with Narcissa.

"Believe me, Snape, you're playing with fire. With fire, I say. You don't want to face her wrath. She's scarier than Bellatrix when she's mad," Regulus warned, clearly concerned.

Narcissa, her gaze piercing, leaned closer and said, "Severus, you're just this close to being on the receiving end of my wand. Not all of us fixate on just one friend and ignore all others."

"I know. I was simply preoccupied with the Dark Arts for a while. That's all," I lamely replied, attempting to explain my recent behavior.

"Firstly, it's not 'Snape' anymore. I've taken up my mother's surname. I go by Severus Eileen Prince now," I announced, hoping to surprise Narcissa with the revelation.

Regulus displayed shock at my revelation, but Narcissa appeared unfazed. "You're the heir to the Prince family! You never told us. You merely claimed to be a half-blood. Hey, Narcissa, you don't seem surprised at all by this. Did you know he was connected to the House of Prince?" Regulus exclaimed, seeking clarification.

"I'm not a half-wit like you, Reg. I checked up on him with Lucius the day I became friends with Severus. And I received an interesting letter about someone assuming the title of Lord Prince. Someone who ignored my letters," Narcissa responded, her tone laced with anger.

As intriguing as ever, Narcissa was both beautiful and ambitious, with a sharp cunningness befitting a noble daughter.

"You checked up on me?" I asked teasingly, aware of her reasons and why she had to take those precautions.

"If you know anything about the Black family, then you're aware of their disdain for half-bloods. When I met you and subsequently became your friend, I had to make a contingency plan in case my parents discovered I was associating with a half-blood. They aren't the most accepting of parents, you know," Narcissa explained nonchalantly, revealing her motivations.

"Why go out of your way to befriend me, then? We've been friends for the past six years. Your parents must have found out about our friendship, and I'm sure they didn't react well," I queried, puzzled by her decision to befriend me despite the potential trouble it caused her.

"Because I wanted to. I don't need a reason to do what I want. I found you interesting, so I became friends with you. You were talented, intelligent, and cunning, yet lacked ambition. You maintained your friendship with a Gryffindor, a Muggle-born no less, even though you slept in the same room as two purebloods who would attack you at any opportunity due to your association with her. I thought you would be someone I could benefit from, so I took a chance," Narcissa revealed with a sly, teasing smile. But there was truth behind her words.

She was always straightforward about her intentions. From the moment we met, she didn't hide her opinions of me.

"Hey, Severus, did you know I've become the Vice-Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team and the Seeker? Slughorn even invited me to his club party. Now that I'm the Seeker and Vice-Captain, I'm going to decimate the Gryffindor team," Regulus piped up, returning to his usual Quidditch-centric discussions whenever we met.

"Reg, my darling cousin, why don't you go and meet up with your friends? I believe Barty was looking for you," Narcissa said sweetly, though it was clearly an order. Regulus understood and promptly departed.

Narcissa's demeanor shifted, and the room grew colder, the atmosphere heavy with seriousness.

"Now, tell me, what happened?" she demanded in a somber tone, her gaze piercing through me.

"I don't understand what you're talking about," I replied, genuinely confused as to what she was referring to. I hadn't grasped the point she was trying to make.

"Why did you decide to cut your hair and fix your nose? You didn't change even when I insisted and practically dragged you to the hospital wing to have your nose repaired. You didn't change when you had that altercation with the red-haired witch. I know it's not just about assuming the title of Lord Prince. Something else must have occurred. What happened?" Narcissa inquired, leaning forward and locking her gaze with mine.

"Cissy..." I warned, feeling a mixture of apprehension and vulnerability at the depth of her observation.

"Tsk, fine. When you fought with that red-haired witch, you neglected to take care of yourself. There must be a reason for your sudden actions. You not only claimed the Prince's family's heirship but also took care of your appearance. Yet, beneath all these changes, I can sense the hidden sadness in your eyes. For the first time, instead of emptiness, I see emotions there. But those emotions... they are filled with sadness," Narcissa expressed, her voice tinged with worry.

Her words startled me. How could she discern my sadness? I had buried my emotions deep within, becoming adept at occlumency to shield those feelings, putting up a façade for the world and even myself.

"How do you know it's sadness? Or for that matter, how can you determine what I'm feeling just by looking into my eyes?" I questioned, genuinely taken aback by her insight.

I couldn't comprehend this notion. How do they know? Even Lily used to say the same thing—she just knew when I was feeling down. She would make every effort to uplift my spirits, her acts of kindness and attempts to brighten my mood always managed to bring a ray of light into my day.

Narcissa rose from her seat, cupping my face in her hands and spoke, her eyes locked with mine.

"I have known you for long enough to recognize whether you're feeling sad or not. It was you who believed that your only genuine friend was a Gryffindor witch. Are you so blinded by your feelings for her that you've forgotten I've spent the most time by your side in Slytherin since the very beginning? I know you better than anyone, second only to that witch, in this Wizarding World," Narcissa revealed, her tone laced with both sadness and anger.

Caught off guard by her sudden action, I found myself staring closely at her, captivated by her beauty. Her eyes held a mix of sadness and anger, drawing me in. My gaze slowly trailed down her nose, lingering on her lips—lush and inviting, a shade of rose pink. Thoughts I shouldn't be entertaining crept into my mind, words like "tasty" whispered by my inner desires.

'Tasty? What on earth am I thinking? I chastised myself inwardly, shaking off the intrusive influence of hormones. 'Fuck these hormones. Dam these thoughts trying to mess with my head. Screw them."

"No, I wasn't blinded by my feelings for her. I was blinded by my own rage and foolishness," I responded, clearing my mind and refocusing on the conversation. I couldn't let myself be swayed by distracting thoughts.

Narcissa arched an eyebrow, looking skeptical, her hands still gently holding my face.

"I know you're implying Bitch when you say 'witch' instead of her name," I remarked, diverting her line of questioning.

A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Narcissa's lips, almost as if she found my remark amusing.

"What will you do about it then? And don't try to change the subject, Severus. I know something has happened to you. Not that I don't appreciate the new look, but you exude sadness and hollowness," she pressed on, her tone hesitant. "I... I'm worried about you."

Narcissa's concern for me left me momentarily surprised. She cared about me? For me?

"Don't act so shocked that I'm concerned about you," she stated, her voice softening slightly. "Despite my cold exterior, I do care for those I consider friends and family. Remember the day I hexed Rosier when he dared to raise his wand against you?"


-1st year-

Narcissa and I sat in the cozy confines of Slytherin's common room, engrossed in our studies.

I couldn't help but wonder why she had sought my help, so I mustered the courage to inquire, "Why did you ask to study with me?"

She looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes and replied, "Because you're simply the best in potions among our peers. I find you far more intriguing than the rest of the Slytherins in our year."

"How so?" I questioned, my curiosity piqued.

"Well, you're friends with a Mudblood," she stated matter-of-factly.

"She's not a Mudblood!" I retorted, my anger rising at the term she used.

"Whatever," Narcissa dismissed with a nonchalant wave of her hand. "The point is, I find you interesting, and I want you to be my friend."

"You can be quite bossy and bratty," I countered, unable to resist teasing her.

"Bossy, yes. Bratty, no. Now, do you want to be my friend or not?" she demanded, her tone filled with haughtiness.

Cissy may have denied being bratty, but deep down, I knew she still had that streak. Nevertheless, as a loner who faced ridicule due to my half-blood status, I craved companionship.

Thus, I reluctantly conceded, "Fine, I'll be your friend."

"Good. We shall meet here again tomorrow," she declared before leaving, her smug smile lingering behind.

I must admit, she was quite bossy. Scratch that—she is still bossy through and through.

But back then, I knew better than to mess with her. With her sister Bellatrix still a student and renowned for her prowess in hexes and curses, Cissy commanded respect and obedience from many of our fellow students.

The next day, I sat in the common room, awaiting her arrival.

To my surprise, it was not Narcissa who appeared, but rather a despicable fellow by the name of Evan Rosier. He attempted to bully me with his snide remarks, provoking my ire.

"Hey, half-blood. Heard you're a whiz at potions. Why don't you do my homework?" he sneered.

"I won't do it," I retorted defiantly. I refused to be pushed around.

"You should listen to your superiors, or you mi—" Evan's threat was abruptly cut short as his tongue transformed into a horn, courtesy of Narcissa's swift spellcasting.

"Rosier, I hope you won't waste my friend's time in the future. Do you understand, or shall I call my sister Bella?" she taunted, her wand poised at him.

Rosier scampered away with his tail between his legs, clearly intimidated by Cissy's reputation.

"I could have handled it myself," I protested, slightly taken aback by her sudden profanity. Narcissa had always maintained an air of refinement around her.

"Don't look so bewildered. I don't always adhere to decorum around my friends," she explained, a hint of smug innocence in her voice.

From that day forward, she stuck by my side. Narcissa was unlike Lily, something I found adorable. I was grateful to have another person to talk to within the confines of Slytherin.


"Yeah, you were quite bossy back then," I teased, a playful grin tugging at my lips.

Narcissa raised an eyebrow and questioned, "So, am I not bossy now?"

I chuckled and replied, "Oh, you still have your bossy moments, but I've learned how to handle it."

She smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and then her expression turned serious as she asked, "Tell me, what happened to you?"

Damn it, she wasn't letting it go. Narcissa was persistent, and I admired her determination.

"I'll tell you later, once your occlumency is strong enough," I responded, trying to buy myself some time. I didn't want to lie to her, but I needed to come to terms with what had happened before I could confide in her fully. There were certain aspects I couldn't reveal just yet.

"A mystery, hm? I'll earn your trust and work on improving my occlumency," Cissy said with a determined look. "It seems you've changed inside as well, Severus," she added, her eyes shimmering with a hint of mystery.

I couldn't help but ask, "How so?"

Her lips curved into a knowing smile as she replied, "You wouldn't have entertained my questions for this long or been honest with me. I know you better than you realize. I can tell when you're lying and when you're speaking the truth."

I remained silent, simply drinking in her presence and the delicate scent of jasmine that surrounded her. My gaze fell upon her lips, and I felt a stir of emotions within me, ones that I had only ever experienced with Lily before. How had I been so blind to overlook Narcissa? She didn't avert her gaze, and we locked eyes in a moment of unspoken connection.

"You... you look beautiful," the words slipped out before I could stop myself, my voice filled with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

She seemed momentarily taken aback, but then her expression returned to its usual composure. A mischievous smirk danced upon her lips as she asked, "So, you think I'm beautiful?"

I nodded, unable to deny what was true. "Yes," I replied honestly. It was true, why should I lie?

"See? I told you, you've changed," Narcissa teased, a musical laugh escaping her. "Before, you would have 'hmphed' and looked away."

I couldn't help but playfully retort, "Well, a lady shouldn't keep her hands on someone's face for too long. They might get sweaty."

Realizing our close proximity, she quickly withdrew her hands and settled back into her seat, her cheeks tinged with a blush. "You shouldn't mention a lady's sweaty hands," she teased with a hint of a smile.

"Well, a lady shouldn't go around calling others bitches, should she?" I shot back, a playful glimmer in my eyes.

"That I will, and I swear if you changed your appearance for that red-haired witch, I'll personally set you on fire. If she judges you based on your looks, then she's truly pathetic," she declared fiercely, defending Lily.

I shook my head, defending Lily as well. "No, she's not like that, and you know what happened."

I knew Lily never cared about appearances or status. She was beyond superficial judgments.

Narcissa studied me for a moment and commented, "You do look rather handsome now. Perhaps you should have accepted my offer for new robes and a haircut."

How did she know I had been contemplating my appearance?

"Did you use legilimency on me? You knew I wouldn't

have accepted the offer anyway," I inquired, curious about her insights.

"No, I don't need legilimency to know what you're thinking. Even if I did use it, you would know," she explained. "I just understand the way your mind works."

I found myself enjoying our time together, reveling in the banter and the connection we shared.

As I was enjoying our time together, fate had other plans in store.

Regulus barged into the room and announced, "Time to change into uniforms."

Narcissa rose from her seat and glanced back at me, saying, "See you at the station," with a playful wink before she exited the compartment.


[Narcissa Black Image]


This chapter took a long to finish. 4k words. Hope you like the interaction between the characters.

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