
Tony’s Arrival

"Alright, welcome to the School created by Charles, Xavier's Junior Academy," Alex announced proudly as he led Kitty through the bustling campus. 

As they strolled, Kitty couldn't help but marvel at the diversity of mutants around them. "Are all these people like us too?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Absolutely. And there will be more in the future," Alex confirmed with a nod and a chuckle, his pride evident.

"Good morning, Professor Charles and Alex!" Greetings echoed from the students as they spotted the duo.

"Hello," Charles smiled and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Aren't you in a hurry? Classes are about to start. There are three minutes left. I'll be punished with piano standing if I'm late, and I won't save you," Alex teased, glancing at his watch, which displayed the time.

"Oops, I'll see the professor later," several students quickly finished their breakfast and dashed toward the school.

"It seems you're quite popular," Kitty observed with a hint of surprise.

"Definitely. These students are like family to me. I've taught them how to control and develop their abilities countless times. For those with significant mutations, I've helped improve their abilities to make them appear more harmonious, just like regular people," Alex explained, his eyes sparkling with pride as he ruffled Kitty's hair affectionately.


"Alright, go on in. Let Jean arrange a classroom for you. I'm sure you'll get along well with these children," Charles suggested, gesturing toward the school entrance.

"Teacher!" Jean, wearing a professional teacher's outfit, spotted Alex and hurried over.

"Jean, this girl is under your care. Arrange a classroom for her and make sure she settles in well," Alex entrusted Kitty to Jean before joining Charles in the office.

"How's Logan?" Alex inquired after taking a sip of tea.

"Logan joined us because he lost his memory and subconsciously felt a connection to us, so he became part of the team," Charles explained.

"I've delved into Logan's life. Have a look," Charles said, passing a bundle of papers to Alex.

Alex skimmed through the pages, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "Logan has a son?"

"Indeed, but Logan remains oblivious to it," Charles affirmed.

"And he was involved with the CIA? Collaborated with Nick Fury, Richard Parker, and Mary Parker?" Alex rubbed his chin, finding Logan's backstory rather intriguing. Not only did he work alongside the future director of SHIELD, but he also had connections with Little Spider-Man's parents.

For various undisclosed reasons, Logan became a subject of the X Weapon Project, undergoing a transformation into Wolverine and losing his previous memories in the process.

Logan's journey had been a tumultuous one, marked by highs and lows. The women who loved him seemed destined for tragedy, fitting for someone embodying the spirit of a lone wolf—after all, wolves were creatures of solitude.

"Doesn't this pique your curiosity about Logan?" Alex placed the file on the table. Logan's history remained somewhat shrouded, given his remarkably long lifespan. Some details were classified, making them difficult to uncover.

Even with Charles's formidable abilities, only fragments of Logan's past were known, leaving Logan himself largely in the dark. It complicated matters further.

"Logan isn't one to seek answers readily. He prefers to uncover things on his own," Charles sighed.

"Well, in other news, Charles, Eric seems hell-bent on turning humans into mutants. After all this time, he's nearing success," Alex remarked, recalling the plot of X-Men 1. Magneto's machine was nearing completion, and the key to his plan lay in finding a suitable mutant to catalyze the transformation in people.

In the original storyline, it seemed that the mutant ability of the Rogue played a pivotal role in Magneto's scheme.

However, there was no sign of the Rogue at Charles's school presently.

"Will every human turn into a Mutant? That doesn't sound right. Like you said, without proper guidance, the potential misuse of powers could lead to dangerous thoughts. Imagine, New York turning into a haven for criminals," Charles asserted firmly, his concern evident.

Alex raised an intrigued eyebrow. A paradise for criminals? He couldn't help but think that, in a few years, New York might genuinely become a haven for criminals, overrun by gangs, super crimes, and more.

"It's just a hypothesis. I trust Eric isn't that ruthless," Alex replied casually. After all, he was a laid-back individual, not overly bothered by such matters.

As they continued their conversation, a sudden roar of shock echoed from outside.

Charles shot Alex a quizzical look. "Did Tony really show up?"

"I thought the kid was just bluffing. Came all the way from Massachusetts? Why didn't I receive any message?" Alex scratched his head, a hint of bewilderment on his face.

"I'll go downstairs and check on your brother. We wouldn't want this kid spoiling my students."

"He's not that bad, is he?"

"Do you believe that?"

"Well, I don't believe it either."

(End of this chapter)


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