
14 - Back To School, A New Parker

Chapter 14 - Back To School, A New Parker

Written By Dr Armstrong


->Flash POV<-< p>

A few mundane items were stored inside the locker as Flash took out a few notebooks and a pair of caramel-flavoured protein bars before placing them inside his school backpack.


He quickly closed the locker with an audible swing as Flash hoisted his bag up on his back before turning 90° to the left, heading in the Science Class's direction.

"Hn...?" The blond abruptly stopped as he gave a side-eye toward the fellow student just a few lockers away, rummaging through his storage.

He completely rocked the 'geek next door' look, with his huge glasses, short well-kept dark brown hair, vibrant amber eyes, and a notebook in his hand.

Peter Benjamin Parker.

He closed his locker before turning right, only to freeze as he established firm eye contact with none other than Flash Thompson.


Silence, it was like a lightning strike just went through the both of them as they chose to say nothing, only glaring at one another.

Seeing that look on Peter's face, Flash quickly did some mental gymnastics before his glare metamorphosed into that of a shallow smile.

Flash lightly chuckled before intending to give a casual pat on the shoulder as a way to ease the tension, however...

Peter caught his hand with a strong grip, eliciting a raised eyebrow and a slight frown from Flash.

"..." Though they both still chose not to speak, the metaphorical electricity between them crackling even louder than before.

After a few awkward seconds, Flash glanced down at his arm that was still trapped in Peter's vice grip, this guy was unexpectedly really strong...

"...So could you let go now or did you become gay—" Flash widened his eyes as he narrowly avoided a devastating bitch slap from the Parker, not needing to use Superspeed, luckily enough.

"Hey...what the hell, man!?" Flash asked rather loudly as he raised his eyebrows in slight anger, the fuck did he do to deserve that?

"What? I let go, right?" Peter sported an annoyingly smug expression on his face as the light was reflected from his glasses, vaguely shrouding the colour of his eyes.

Looking down, Flash mentally cursed as he realized Peter was right. He had let go of Flash's hand but used his other hand to try his luck with Flash's sweet-ass face!

Flash gritted his teeth as he clutched his hands, forming them into the shapes of mankind's deadliest weapons; closed fists. Now was his turn to strike, and Peter wouldn't be able to dodge this one, not in a million years!

"Peter!" Saved by the call of a woman, Flash could not rattle Peter's brain as the legendary Parker luck appeared, now manifesting in the form of a blonde teenage girl.

"Peter, are you alright?" The girl, a blondie with straight hair and diamond-blue eyes, said in worry shortly before she glared at Flash.

"Just What did you do...?" Gwen Stacy asked with a fiery expression as if Flash had just kicked her pet Lizard down a flight of stairs or something, geez...

Flash scoffed as he glared at Peter, who chose to stay completely silent whilst adopting an unreadable expression.

A fat Asian kid with tanned skin Flash forgot the name of took the liberty to approach Peter, having the determination to go against Flash as long as he was behind the emboldened Gwen.

"I didn't even do anything!" Flash shouted helplessly as he raised his arms in a clear sign of innocence.

"Yeah, like we'll..." She glanced back at Peter and Ned, before returning her burning gaze to the larger.

"Like we'll believe you...you crusty dim-wit!" A brief flash of embarrassment covered Gwen's face with a slight flush as she realized the peculiarity of her insult before she quickly hid it with her previous expression.

"..." Flash noticed that they were beginning to draw attention as a small crowd of students began forming, all eager to see the drama.

Accelerating his thinking speed to Bullet Time, Flash glanced at the still-silent Peter Parker with a gaze full of annoyance.

Peter was might weird today, but Flash knew the reason why he probably acted like this. After all, his Aunt was still in the hospital as the bullet actually went into her chest, missing her heart and other vital organs by a breath.

Flash knew for a long time that Peter's parents weren't around, it was good bullying material, after all. So that Aunt of his should constitute as a kind of mother figure to the young Parker.

His heart was most likely still in turmoil after the whole event, so seeing a long-time bully of his literally looking down on him due to Flash's taller height probably felt like swallowing mud to Peter.

Though Flash had to hand it to the guy, Peter was surprisingly very strong. He didn't know if that was because of adrenaline or if the Parker had started training, but Peter's grip felt almost inescapable...

He then glanced toward the shorter blondie, Gwen never approved of Flash's treatment of Peter, but this was the first time she had gone to such lengths to protect him.

Flash cursed Peter's legendary luck when it came to drawing women's support, though Gwen most likely 'stood up' for him because of what happened to Peter's aunt, she must have felt some sympathy or something.

Unfortunately, she couldn't have chosen a better day, huh? Flash wasn't even planning to dick around with Parker today, courtesy of Harry's request and the little minute amount of guilt he had deep within his heart.

"Look, I really didn't do anything..." Flash held out his hands as he tried to explain himself, he wouldn't be caught lacking in front of so many people.

Fortunately, Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy wasn't such a high-grade bitch, so she stayed silent whilst giving her a death glare as she gave him the time to do so.

"Peter here decided to fuck around and tried to slap me!" Flash said with an accusatory tone as he pointed at the perpetrator.

Gwen just gave him a certain look, she probably thought Flash had provoked poor Peter or something like that and he was merely exercising his right to defend himself.

"What is going on here?" Flash and the others looked toward the crowd as an older man with grey hair and a spectacular grey moustache joined the scene, his right hand adjusting the glasses he wore on his face.

'Principal Davis...!' Flash cursed inside his mind, why was trouble suddenly brewing out of nowhere!?

Just as Flash wanted to answer Principal Andrew Davis's question, the formerly quiet Peter stepped up and addressed the senior Teacher.

"Mr Davis, I'm afraid for my security..." Peter said with a resolute tone as if he was a scared little kid asking his grandpa.

"Security...?" He glanced toward the group, Flash in particular. After all, he was a well-known bully who always targeted Peter for some reason or another.

"What is this about?" He stepped closer, the authority and power dripping from his voice as if there was an illusionary Stand trailing behind him.

"Oh, uh..." Flash paused as sweat accumulated on his brow.

"Well, Principal...me and Pete here was just discussing the, uh...low security of the school, hehe. Don't you remember the Sandman attack? Even I feel like my life's in danger..." Random bullshit, go!

"Really now...?" Principal Davis narrowed his eyes as if he a crouching Tiger about to strike a limping Wolf.

"That's right." Unexpectedly, someone voiced their opinion, and they actually sided with him!

"Eh...?" The Principal made a confused expression as someone else came out of the crowd.

'Harry, you really are a wizard!!!' Flash couldn't help but cheer inside his mind, though a daunting realization would hit him once he realized he now owed 2 favours to the Osborn...

"Oh, Harry...do you not feel safe too?" The Principal said as he adjusted his glasses, this time with real concern in his tone as the aura of power previously conjured vanished like hot air.

Osborn! If the Principal is like a crouching Tiger, then anyone with the surname of Osborn would be a veritable hidden Dragon!!! Flash thought to himself...

"Yes, father..." Harry said with an expression that conveyed seemingly deep concern regarding his future, he even mentioned his father!

"Father wanted to relocate me to another school after the Sandmand attack, but I refused..." Harry said as he walked up beside Flash.

"I have friends here, after all..." Harry placed a hand on my shoulder and even beamed toward the rest of the crowd, particularly at Gwen who looked like she was forced to watch her ancestors break dance in their graves.

Peter stayed silent and kept observing.

"I see..." Principal Davis considered as he rubbed his majestic moustache like a wise scholarly monk.

"...I will look into it, now you boys just have fun and study hard. No need to worry about any Rogue attacking our school anytime soon, this place is safe." He said with a smile as he slowly left the scene...

The crowd gradually dispersed as Harry looked back at me with a grin on his face.

"See that? Maybe you would have gotten in less trouble if you just got good at talking, Flash..." Harry joked as he turned his attention to the trio of Parker, Stacy, and Leeds.

Oh, yeah, that's his name! Ned Leeds...

"What?" Gwen just had a baffled expression as he glared at Harry.

"It's called power, baby," Harry said nonchalantly before turning to Peter, who didn't even change his expression all this time.

"What do you think?" he asked earnestly...

"That was pretty cool." Damn, didn't know Peter was chill like that.

"What?" Gwen looked like she just ate pure dogshit as she heard Peter's words. With a scorned expression, she proceeded to storm off whilst dragging poor Peter by the hand.

If Flash didn't know any better, he would think that they were a married couple or something...


Flash watched them leave followed shortly by Ned before turning to the Osborn heir.


"No problem, just don't complain about my haircut again."


With that, the pair laughed it off as they headed off to their class. Though Flash felt that something important had happened here that he wasn't acutely aware of...

Probably just the wind, he didn't think about it much further.

--->Author's Note:


Please comment more, Its my life line here in the void.

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