
Marvel : Solo Leveling

I am too lasy to write, just go and read the story. Marvel × Solo leveling

LoneWolfAuthor · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 5


I know One thing about Hydra bases, they will be at very secret in isolated place. so I sent all my shadows and irgis to search hydra bases in Forest or hidden places.

After telling my friends and school children's that i am leaving. all of them became sad but i should move on. kitty and Kurt became angry. then I went to my room to take all my belongings. Then I Anna coming to my room.

Leo : what do you want to talk with me Anna?

Anna: hmm.. take me with you. i want to be with you.

i came near her.

Leo : you know that i am going against a organization. R you sure, u still want to come with me.

Anna :....i don't want to lose you.

Leo : hmmm... Do what you want. pack your bags.

before leaving the room. leo said in low voice.

leo : don't worry i will Protect you.

and left her in room.

Anna face became red she heard what he said. but she also became serious because this journey is going to be dangerous so she has to become strong to be his side.


After taking Anna bags in his inventory. Before he and anna cross the gate, he saw a Beautiful lady waiting for him.

Leo : What prof doing here, i don't think you come here to stop me?

Emma : There is no way, i will try to stop a idiot like you.

leo : don't Tell me you want to join my team.

Emma : How nice of you, thank you for inviting me. I am glad to join your team.

Leo : I didn't asked you to join damn it.....okay guys i want to show you one of powerful ability. so lets go to near by abounded factory.

Emma : 'I know you are hiding something '

After entering Factory i got message from Irgis, he got one of Hydra base location..I order my shadows to come out.

Both Anna And Emma shocked to see this.

Leo : Basically, I can Create an army with my powers. They all are my summoning.I can command them to work. they all have there own personality.

I didn't say much. In future they will get to know more about my powers. so why should explain it.

she said with a smile.

Emma : So we have a army.

'We have Hulk,hehehe....Kidding'

Leo : including 3 of us total 203.

Anna : Now what should we do?

Leo : I know about the organization, who tried to kidnap mutants.It is Hydra, they have so many Bases.I got only one base location.We should go to that place and we should destroy it.

Anna : What do You mean Hydra, Is it the same Hydra that captain america stopped in world war 2.How did they still exist.

Leo :yes same Hydra, they still exist. They are like cockroaches, they will live in underground and lay eggs.We should kill them.

Emma felt happy that now she know the organization name and they are going to destroy their bases.

Emma : where it is?

Leo : Texas, Lets go to that place and Collect as much as information from those cockroaches.

After that they all went to that location.



Anna: So this is base you told to us

Leo :Yeah

Emma : I can not able to believe we found them very soon.

Leo : Time to kill those Nazi cockroaches

Leo : Igris Take full army and surround the base.Attack them and kill anyone who comes in your way.

Igris took the army and went to attack them.

Then I slowly went into the base and started to kill them.


[Romania (Hydra agent) POV]

Someone had attacked our base and only left us with the emergency radio system, and it had taken all of our assets to keep things in place, now the question was... who had attacked us, no one knew about this base, none of my operatives were disloyal. Which organization attack us suddenly.

{What is this damn thing}

{Monster die ahhhhhaa my..my hand}

{We need reinforcements!} someone cried over the coms, their voice full of worry and fear.

Grabbing one of the radios, I pressed the button and said, "Do we have visuals on the target!?"

{It's... my leg!!! Ahh!!} The com was cut short.

"I need to know who is attacking us!" I roared through the coms, slamming my fist to my desk.

{No need to shout, Ms.Bitch...} unknown voice said.

"Who are you?" I asked. if I get him I will show hell to him.

{Well... all I can say is that he is extremely handsome, and very very angry with what you guys did with his life and mutants...} who the fuck is he?

"I will kill you" I hissed.

He laughed, {hahahahahaha I already died one time bitch, I am the one that attacked the base, and I am the one that is going to kill you.}

"I will make You regret this" I told him.

{You look sexy bitch...}... Turning around, I looked at the window in my office, to see a young man smiling at me, on his back, one of the cages I used to keep children and animals, and on his other hand a dagger.

"If you move, I will explode those Mutants!" I hissed. Some one removed those bombs.

" So you are the one who destroyed their life."

Breaking the window that was supposed to be anti bullets with one hand, he hopped into the room with a wide smile, "So why don't you try to explode them"

" what? You don't care about them?" I scoffed, " I already sent your face to my higher ups, you and your family will be hunted until you will die ."

He said in cold tone, " Hydra already killed my family ... I come here to kill you and to show you hell,so... you know..." he winked and smiled.

Before I could reply to that statement, he slammed his hand against my neck. " It first I just wanted to kill you but after seeing what you guys done to those Mutants. I Decided now I wanted to play games with you. so lets have some fun." His eyes are glowing red. He looked like a Demon.



"I brought A Cage for you." Then I throwed her in the cage.

"It seems like your legs are big, they are not fitting in cage ha. Lets break it"

I destroyed her legs and closed the cage.

"No, no ahahhaha.....de..devil''

"Now Why don't you say all the secrets about Hydra." she shocked and her painful expression changed with a smile.

"Even if you torture me You will not get any information from me."

"Yoo, you are too stubborn, then i will torture like how you guys did to those mutants."Then I took her to torture room.

I thrown her on the floor from cage and I took drilling machine.

"First i will start with this and i will check if you have healing factor or not"

Then i started to torture her in different methods.

20 Minutes later

BLOOD flowing from her body and there is Poisonous acid on her body, which destroyed her body.

"Please!! please!!stop it, I will tell anything please stop it" I can feel fear in her voice.

"Well I don't need anything from you ."

She got confused and shocked.

"I just wanted to Torture you and see you in this state. let us stop this my girls are waiting outside."

"You are monster"Then i punched her in Heart.

"Hailll hydraa" these are the last words of her.


Then a shadow come out from her body.I started to search the information i want. I got all the information.The person who killed my parents.

"Doctor Faustus, I will come for you. just wait for your death." i said in cold tone.

"Bitch go and bring all the information about Hydra and delete all the footage in this place and just keep our photos."

She nodded her and went to do her work.Then I went to anna and Emma.I saw all mutants.

Leo :"How are they?"

Emma :They brainwashed everyone of them. i tried to remove it. but i am not that powerful. I think we should ask Prof x help to save them.

Leo : I didn't thought i will ask his help so soon. okay we are leaving.

Anna : Did you find information.

Then Romania shadow and few agents shadows come and give the pen drive to anna and she deleted all the footage of what happened here. I used this shadow agents to remove the bombs in mutants Body.

Leo : We got another 6 bases location.

i turned to Romania shadow and i told to them."Cancel extraction" after that we took brainwashed mutants and went outside.

When we going out side I asked Emma.

Leo : We destroyed a base. What is your opinion on it.

Emma : we didn't destroyed it. you did one side massacred.

Leo : Haaa It is my beautiful style.Did you like it.

Emma : What a horrible style

Leo : I know you liked it baby.

Emma give cold stare to me. Anna just opened her eyes wide and seeing us. leo shamelessly ignored them and all of them went to x-mens school.


[R. Keller POV - Director Of Shield]

The news spoke of a terrorist attack in Texas, an explosion without precedents that killed many, but I knew better than that, this was no common terrorist attack, something else was brewing, and I couldn't help but feel it was of great importance.

"Fury, I see you got my message," I said, as Nick Fury, one of my best agents entered my office.

"I have, sir." Fury nodded.

"Have you seen the news?" I asked, and he nodded.

"I have a feeling there is more to this attack than it meets the eye," I added, taking a seat on my office chair, as I served some whisky for me and Fury, "I need you to investigate this affair, whoever did this... is dangerous, and I need to know everything about them."

"You can count on me, sir." Fury replied.
