

When ROB has no option other than gives me a system that works like Gacha or lottery that can only be used once in a month in a world where half of the universe can turn into dust with a snap. The first month, I got a Batarang, the second month I got a million-dollar, the third month I got a....... https://www.buymeacoffee.com/boboiboyfan

Boboiboyfan01 · Cómic
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20 Chs


Daniel POV

Now it is time for the remaining 3 months as now I will keep avoiding black cat and even throw Batarang at a black cat since I did not want bad luck to hit me.

The dollar that I got already destroyed me as I did not want to see that damn dollar.

As now, it now is the month for me to draw something OP right now as now I am sitting in a living room while looking at the fan.

"Oracle. Do it." I muttered as I waited patiently what I will get.

"Congratulations host! You now have gotten a Quirk: Power."

Hearing that announcement is all I needed to make myself jump while cheering and started to spout out nonsense that made my uncle punish me by grounding me in the house for a month.

Ha! That will not make me test out my quirk: Power.

This quirk grants the user to have immense physical strength.

Before I cannot lift a car, I can lift the car if I open one of the Eight Gate Release of Formation but now by tapping the quirk which increased my physical strength, I easily lifted the car even though I struggled a bit since it was only the first time I used this quirk.

By increasing my physical strength and keep them active for a day, I discovered that my limit of lighting weight is 5000 kg which is the weight of 10 fat human and that us good since I aimed to be stronger than all superheroes.

But for now, my aim is to train this quirk to its full potential where I can lift a car easily.

And how will I be able to train my quirk? Simply kept lifting many tyres at once and drag many tyres around my building while wearing a heavy vest on my body with wearing weight on my legs with my arms.

Even using my Quirk: Power proved to be difficult while doing this kind of thing abnormal training but gradually these training that I did for almost a month showed a satisfying result where now I can punch the wall without cracking my bone leaving a huge crack on the wall where when the first time I lunch the wall using the Quirk: Power, I only leave a small crack on the wall.

The tenth month arrived with me now is on my bed while doing my homework. What? I am still a student.

"Draw it Oracle," I command her as she does what I ordered.

And the result is.

"Ding. You have gotten a glasses that will make you become unnoticeable to anyone you target. Your only target currently now is one person." Oracle connected making me grab hold of the glasses.

Wow! These glasses are very efficient if I was to fight one to one against my opponent.


Another month pass as now I am looking at the recent gift I got.

"Ding! You have gotten Icha Icha Book Paradise." Oracle announced making me sigh and take out the book.

Then I go to my neighbour house and give him this book.

From that day, my neighbour will always give me a smile and kept giving me a burger with pizza to me every day.


And right now I am doing what I have been dreaming too, approaching the edge of the building, I do what most of the thing that Batman fans will do. This is one of the things that Batman will do every day, no rather every night.

Taking a deep breath, I look below with me swallowing my saliva. How much pressure to do this?

Calm down. You can do this. You can do this.

I then crouch down with looking at below and did not move for minutes. I did not jump below and use my grappler to swing through the city. Rather I do the favourite thing, Batman does.

Yeah, I am now brooding as Batman does.

What? That guy always brooding before he patrols the city and it was scary and cool at the same time when he goes brooding at that edge of the building.

But now I am a bit lost since I can only brood for only 5 minutes since I got bored but I must endure for 10 minutes.

Remember the Batman brooding meme. Must endure it for 10 minutes.

10 minutes passed as now I finished brooding and I now wipe out the sweat on my forehead. Gosh, who knows that brooding is very hard.

Now, let's do some parkour. Leaping to another building while doing many stunts that I can only dream to do in my previous life, I backflip on the air many time and kept giggling while backflipping easily.

But you know, the rules of the cliche of saving a damsel in distress applied to me as I see a woman is cornered by a man who has a body like the Rock except he has an afro hair.

Sighing this cliche event, I stopped and look at my first mob.

I close my eyes while remembering the face of my first mob.

"Well mob, be honoured as you will be defeated by the upcoming strongest hero in this universe," I muttered as I stand up with me trying hard to has a serious face as Damian does and do the Bat Glare.

Hope these will scare him. On second thought, I hope he will spout nonsense like a weak villain does when he sees me and got his ass kicked by me.

Linda POV

It is supposed to be the greatest day of my life when I got my first salary after working as a waiter at the Chinese restaurant but fate has another story for me when a big man pushed me into an alley.

Screaming is no good as I see many people avoided eye contact with me which made wish Captain America is here to stay to reduce me but he is long dead.

Calling the police is out of my option since my battery phone is empty.

I am now regretting to not learn some self-defence movement from my father who is a cop.

"Stay back. My father is a cop." I threat him but this huge guy just laughs as if he did not give a damn about my threat.

"So what? It is not like he is here. Now give me your money before I kill you." He threatened me with a cold tone which made me flinch hearing his threat.

"Please. Anyone or anything rescued me, please!" I pleaded in my head until someone cough gaining my attention with that huge guy look up.

Following his gaze, I see a boy who us aged not older than 15 years old stand proudly with his face felt like his parent has been murdered in front of his eyes with his glare scare anyone who got glared by him.

"Let the woman go." A deep voice sounded from the boy but that scary big guy laughs hearing his deep voice.

"Hahaha. Kid. Just go back to your home before you cannot walk any more after I beat you up really bad." He said to that boy who smirks hearing this.

And the boy leaps from his place heading to that scary big guy with that big guy moved his body aside avoiding a kick from that boy.

"Big mistake brat." The big guy said and unleash a kick to that boy.

"Noooooo!" I scream as I am about to see that boy is about to hurt for trying to rescue me.

Never I think that guy swiftly dodged his kick and delivered a kick to the man balls.

"Kughhhh!" The big guy let out a hurt sound after having his most treasured place got kick.

An elbow hit his nose which made his nose bleed as that boy skillfully send out an uppercut that hit his jaw sending him to fell to the ground with his saliva is dropping out from his mouth.

How powerful is this kid is? A single uppercut is all he needs to knock that guy out. Even I can not do that.

But then I see the boy climb up on a building and I knew he wanted to disappear.

"Wait? Who are you?" I asked him making him look at me with and smirk.

"I am vengeance " He replied in a deep tone and then disappear through the night.

And somehow I got the feeling he stole that line from a superhero that still did not release his movie.


Rescuing that woman and knocking that big guy out is the last thing I had to worry about as I approach my house with a white shirt and a short blue pant.

I wipe my sweat on my forehead as I look at the individual at the door of the house.

He now is holding a secret weapon that I feared with his glare made me wanted to run around the Earth many time.

Is it Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet? No, he is still conquering many planets.

Is it Ancient One? No. She is still teaching people Mystic Arts at Kamar-Taj.

Or is it Nick Fury with his eye patch that covers his scar caused by a cat. No, he is still trying to formulate a plan to male a weapon based on the energy from Tesseract.

Rather, it is my beloved uncle with him is holding the folded newspaper with him is obviously pissed about me getting to home very late.

"Now young man, tell me where did you go?" He asked me making me swallow my saliva.

"I-I played Mario Kart at the arcade to the point I did not notice the time," I replied while feeling bad for lying to him.

He sighs hearing my answer.

"You can enter the house but know this, from now in no watching television for 2 weeks." He told me as he left the frozen me outside as this punishment made me want to cry loudly.

No, that means I cannot watch Scooby-Doo anymore. The only source of my entertainment in this world.

Walking back into the house while feeling sad I cannot watch Scooby-Doo latest episode, I just lied my body on my bed and fell asleep.


Looking a the sleeping Daniel, I sigh and shake my head asking this boy now started to become a game addict.

I cannot scold him as his grade is very excellent and he aced all the subject in his school despite me getting compliant from his teacher that he kept sleeping in their classes.

This kid sometimes confused me as his body is packed with muscles that made me envious of him having a body like an athlete.

Not to mention judging by his appearance, he will be a very handsome man and I pray that he will not become a playboy.

If he does, I am going to teach him a lesson not to play with women heart. He is still 12 years old boy and he still had that face which made him look like a grown-up man but it changes into a kid when he watches Scooby-Doo, his favourite Tv show.

"I just hope he has a successful life in the future." I thought in my head and closes Daniel's door.

I head to my bedroom and also goes to sleep.


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