
Marvel king remake (English) Abandoned

This novel will rewrite the novel Marvel King for what wants to read the fan fic that I use as a source go on comradeo because it is on this site that I read it Most of the time I will use the community to choose the films in which the hero will be so there will often votes in the comments. The votes will be as follows. you will propose films you will vote for 7 films and you will vote again to have only 1 film you must know that the world must have powers or objects that offer them for example in Marvel there will be mutans I will leave me after the vote 3 days to be able create a background and searchthe most interesting ones. So most of the time I’m going to look and just so you know that it will be a harem and the character will often take women from it’s universe as a woman so there may be times when the hero doesn’t take power but most of the time he does. I don’t own any of the movies or stories in which my MC e will find again but to begin we will go with the same system as the original fan fic with the same power. (the named power and the power of absorption) And the first universe the source universe of the hero will be marvel

EC0RAD · Película
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25 Chs

Beginning of quests in other worlds

"System upgrade is complete, open to Copy Quest is allowed…"

In his sleep, Jun heard the sound in a confused way. Originally, he thought Skye was talking to himself, but after reacting, he discovered that it was a system with in his own brain.

"System upgrade? When did you upgrade, why don't I know, and what does Copy Quest mean?"

Jun glanced at Skye, who was sleeping next to him, and asked as he moved silently to the system.

Does not know when the system is being upgraded…" When you devour with your absorption capability, these capabilities will be transmitted to be yours, but at the same time they will also produce energy to provide an upgrade to the system.

«So I absorbed Extremis, and after the fire control capability, you are improved.» 'The energy needed to upgrade goes through my absorption capacity, does it weaken the capacity power?'

"No, it's the extra energy produced."

"It's good!" Jun relaxed, then continued to ask: "What is the case with the Copy Quest?"

Copy Quest is a channel that allows you to improve your strength as quickly as possible. You can choose the copy plan yourself. It's a completely independent aircraft. You can do whatever you want to improve your strength. At the same time, enter the copy. After the release of Quest, if you complete the mission, you can get the reward and provide energy for the system upgrade, so the system can open more functions!

That's so cool, because I have power to spare with this new feature? It's just cheating! It is not good to give up abilities. The Copy Quest and arrive rather than I would have expected, but it helps me at the same time. Normally, if I remember correctly, I can stay 12 hours in the Quest copy and I could bring Copy Quest people with me later." Jun thought of some key questions and tried them out in series.

'The system is currently too low, you can't stay in the copy that for 12 hours you can't bring anything'. Copy Quest reset every 30 days, you can choose to enter the copy plan that has already been entered, you can also open a new position However, there can only be one copy plan. To be able to unlock more I would need more level."

"In other words, as long as the system level is high, I can travel to different universes?" " Then, if I devour the capacity of the copy, it will generate the energy I need to upgrade the system?"

"Don't forget the host, you only have 12 hours!"

"All right."

Jun relaxed, reflecting on the foreground copy.

This plane must have enough power for the absorber and let the system upgrade so that I can get more benefits. However, now, I can't stay only 12 hours, 30 days to go back, I have to take good care of it.

Jun carefully thought about the movie he knew or the TV series and chose the first plane.

Finally, he decided to get on the plane «Van Helsing»!

This world has beings like vampires werewolves. It happens in Transylvania in 1887. The first scene of the film shows us the onslaught of people on the Victor Frankenstein castle where he was doing his operation to create his famous monster.

Of course, Jun was impressed by the film because the main role of the film was played by "Wolverine", and second ... The story mainly occurred in Transylvania, in which the villain was Dracula, and the forms of the creatures were still very good for that time.

The time spent on the trip is limited, and I don't know which Quest will come out at that time. So Jun's plan is to devour all the capabilities as much as possible. Even though they can't see many of their capabilities, they can provide the system with the ability to upgrade. Then— Abandon this plane and be able to retake it along the way.

No way, to be the strongest, but also to upgrade the system.

I must try to devour as much as possible!

"System, I still have a few questions. If I abandon this plane and go to a higher level, can I choose this plane again? If so, will this plane be repeated, will it always follow? If I enter the copy plan, will my body return? "

«You can choose the plane you entered and take it on board.» «Yes, your body mind will be transferred to the copy together.» «If you are in the copy, it is really death!»

"Before I leave, I should pick up a couple of silver weapons and ammunition and maybe some holy water, it's better that I go to this other world with enough to kill them in case, I'm still a little ready 2 hours before Skye wakes up, I want to say goodbye before I leave for at least 12 hours."

2 hours later

"I managed to get a good crossbow with tiles and arrows with the silver tip on can be anywhere on the internet, I even managed to get a 6-cost revolver with silver bullets and fun for the end of holy water with that I'm ready to go I'll put a little in the system inventory to not be too heavy. "

"I just told Skye I was going away for at least a day so I wouldn't worry."

"Here we go, you can go." Selecting the copy plan was really important. Jun looked away at Skye who said goodbye and silently said to the system: "Select the plane" Van helsing ", let me in now!"

'The plane selected, Van helsing and started to enter!'

The sound of the system sounds.

Jun suddenly discovered that he was appearing in that city in front of the castle of Victor Frankenstein, the sun was shining brilliantly, the voice was awkward, the people around me were coming and going, and did not know how Jun had suddenly appeared!

Jun suddenly discovered that he was appearing in that city in front of Victor Frankenstein's castle, the sun was shining brilliantly, the voice was awkward, the people around me were coming and going, and did not know how Jun had suddenly appeared! "

"Well let's comment on Transylvania in 1887 according to this film!"

Looking all around the familiar skin color, June sent a little new, is this the copy plan?

«Welcome to the plane Van Helsing, Quest released: Main Quest: get the 3 main powers of the copy Camp Option: justice or evil».

"What does the camp mean?" Asked Jun curiously.

"Justice or evil, as its name suggests, is whether you want to be a good or a bad person." «Friendship tips, if you want to be a king, you can't avoid being in the dark, embody the dark, understand the dark, then choosing the evil side will have an extra reward bonus»!

"Can I choose the side of evil as the starting MC or not this time, is it better to choose the side of good to be able to come back later?"

Jun was surprised by that. Some doubted that this copy plan was specifically used to evacuate these negative emotions, but as there was an additional bonus, again power has exploit to become ever stronger with the wolf's resilience-Werewolves and vampire wings as an aid for later, it's always better than nothing.

'Faction choice: good, to get credit while ignoring the help of the host system as it was necessary to make these own choices and that the system is only there to help it whatever choice.'

As the sound fell, Jun felt different. He unconsciously closed his lips and the sweet smile became a little diabolical. Now, all I have left is what met the main characters and can be recovered the heroine instead of what doesn't die like in the movie, I can even help his family heal from the poison that turned his family into a werewolf."

"Well, there's nothing left to play the right cards for Dad to play in Mom so let's see, I have to be in the scene where one of Dracula's wives just died in the hunt in the village so they have to be in the center of the village. "