An individual with knowledge of Marvel and various anime series is reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) before the "canon" with the abilities of a certain Jojo villain. This is a crossover between the MCU and Jojo. The main character's personality is similar to that of Diavolo. Their most prominent trait is an obsession with erasing any trace of their history and keeping their presence a secret from the world, a compulsion they try to fulfill by any means necessary. They believe that mistakes of the past, or simply the past itself, must be defeated and destroyed for humans to grow, leading to an intense anxiety about their own past, which they associate with fear. They fear anyone knowing about it. They go to great lengths to hide their identity and face, giving orders through various representatives or through computers so that no one knows them personally. They have a violent tendency to hunt down and kill those who attempt to uncover any personal information or who might lead their enemies to them, even including their own family if it means keeping their identity safe. However, they are pragmatic enough not to resort to killing every time they are on the brink of being discovered.