
Marvel: Group Chat

Note before reading Synopsis: at first, Mc is ruthless and cold, tortures enemies, and didn't bother to help others. But after certain events, he changed and becomes an antihero who is trying to save Mutants. Mc is still a Cold and ruthless hero. Doesn't hesitate to take the difficult decision to save people. He still needs Character development. No harem, but 2 girls love him. ---- *~Ding* [ Group Chat activated..., Administrator confirmed. Promoting the individual known as Rudra to Group Admin.] [Sending an invite to random Multiverse People. ] [The Good Slime has joined the Group chat] [The Weakest Hunter has joined the Group chat] [The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer has joined the Group chat] What the... [Messages have arrived!] [Welome, to the Group Chat] Who would've thought...A Magical Group Chat that allows you to communicate between worlds. [A Quest has arrived!]

LoneWolfAuthor · Cómic
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45 Chs

10. Gojo vs Rudra (To become better)

"What do you want to talk about?" I said and started to walk near Vibranium and adamantium metal blocks which are present on the island and started to take them with me, in my inventory.

I wonder how to create weapons with them.

"I mean from how you got kidnapped to now," Gojo said and started to follow me.

"... I was kidnapped, then they did experiments to find out about my powers, 3 days later they found out that I am useless because I got a healing skill that only works after absorbing sunlight. Then they torture me to death, that's when I got a system and I got powers. Then I killed all those trash and destroyed that place. Then I escaped and then I found a phone and that's how I came here."

I took another block and then Gojo asked another question.

"Did you feel anything when you killed them"

"No, I didn't feel anything for all the people I killed" Yes I didn't feel anything and I felt only empty even when I tortured that mad scientist.

"So didn't feel anything Even when you killed innocent children." when I heard I dropped the block.

"W-what..… Are you saying I didn't ki-killed..… Kids" I said to him

"Kid, didn't I tell you I can see curses? I can see the innocent kids who turned into curses and attached to your body. They are asking why you don't save them" Gojo said

"That's bullshit. Stop playing with me or I will kill… you"

"You said you can sense life force then you can also see negative life force. So why don't use your skill on your body? ".

Then I did what he said and I saw kids from between 4 years to 16 years kids hugged me. All of their bodies look burned and I can see bones.

"W̶h̶y̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶s̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶u̶s̶?̶ ̶W̶h̶y̶?̶ ̶ ̶W̶h̶y̶?̶ ̶ ̶W̶h̶y̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶u̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶u̶r̶n̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶e̶?̶ ̶ ̶I̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶h̶u̶r̶t̶s̶ ̶b̶r̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶!̶ ̶ ̶Y̶o̶u̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶s̶a̶v̶e̶d̶ ̶u̶s̶!̶ ̶ ̶W̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶d̶e̶s̶e̶r̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶?̶"

I heard all children's voices and anger towards me. I fell to the ground. And stopped using the skill.

"haa haa haa" I started to breathe heavily.

"Now tell me, Why Did you kill them? "

"I didn't kill them they burnt to death in a fire and they are experimented on by Hydra before I came to that place. "

"Okay, why did they die? "

"be…because of the bomb I installed in the hideout"

"So it means you killed them indirectly"

"No, it's not my fault, I even freed them they didn't escape, it's their fault, they died because they are weak! Right, that's it!"

Gojo saw the emptiness in Rudra's eyes.

"You think these kids who got experimented on for months have the strength to escape the place? Did you think they are lucky as you"

"why do I have to care about them? Heroes should do that work.… No one saved me then why should I save someone"

"I've known men like you before, angry fellows, who blame the world for their misfortunes. Who ignore people's cries for help because nobody helped them in their time of need. I don't really care what your past was like, but just know, you are doing the very thing you detest other people for doing - nothing."

"Stop talking! I care about only my life! I hate people who try to destroy my peaceful life. I will kill them"

"Then Everyone will become your enemy. Because you can't get peace. You forgot the meaning of peace and silence. You can't change the world it is always rotten. It will only develop that's it"

"Stop it! Bastard don't" Rudra grabbed his head.

"You know what brat! You became scared and empty that's why you wanted to spread chaos"

"STOPPP ITT I SAIDD" Rudra became angry after hearing Gojo's words. Not knowing what to do, Rudra attacked Gojo with his hands only to be stopped by infinity. He tries to kill Gojo now because he became insane.

"I think violence is the best discipline method to teach some sense into your empty brain" Gojo off his ♾️ and catch his hand.

Then both took the fight position. Rudra rushed at him. And throws punches at him which Gojo dodged. Then he gives a straight jab which Gojo stops with his hand. And Rudra throws a backspin blow Gojo stops with another hand, taking this chance Rudra gives a crescent kick and just as it's about to touch Gojo, he disappeared from his place and appeared behind Rudra. Rudra used his speed and give a powerful kick at Gojo's face but he again catches it.

[Character completion rate increased] Rudra ignores the system messages.

"you know Boxing, Muay Thai, and karate, but why your attacks are like that," Gojo said and throws Rudra at the wall.

"You didn't practice them and that's why you have only effect, not perfection. I think you are just a lucky idiot like me to get this phone"

Then Rudra used [Blood spears] [Blood explosion ] on Gojo but he again disappeared.

*Boom boom

Those metal blocks fell on the ground and lake because of the shock wave.

"Now it's my turn," Gojo said and appeared in front of Rudra. And give a kick which he blocked but still threw him on the water's surface. Then Rudra used [Blood wings ] and fly to Gojo with anger.

"Oh, you have wings, but what's with that expression kid? Like you got rejected by your crush. " Gojo mocking him. Then he dodged Rudra's [blood sword ] attack and he give a [ Black flash] at his stomach. Then Rudra coughed some blood. But Gojo gave a kick and sent him to the island.

Rudra rolled onto the ground. Gojo teleported near him and said

"You are becoming a monster in human skin kid. You don't give value to anything about the world or people. "

"You become a slave for Destruction. Brat"

Now Rudra lost to Gojo both physically and mentally.

"You are a victim of a Cycle of Suffering. And you are not the first one in this cycle and last neither," he said to Rudra.

"... Why are trying to save me you just meet me" sometime later he asked Gojo.

"Because you are my student! "

Rudra gave a deadpan to him.

"Hahaha, just kidding, is there a reason I need to save someone?"

"If I ignore a person I can help, wouldn't I be betraying him?"

Rudra Flinched at that.

"Are you afraid of other people? I know that by keeping others at a distance you avoid a betrayal of your trust, but you must endure the loneliness. Man can never completely erase this sadness, because all men are fundamentally alone. Pain is something man must carry in his heart, but one day it will eat you and break you into pieces."

Rudra saw his hands and he understood.

At first, he felt nothing and He didn't try to listen but Gojo tried to change him.

Gojo is giving a reason to live other than becoming a villain.

He slowly tries to come out of his shell to become A better person.

He understood The emptiness allowed him to be like a monster.

"Rudra, you view your emptiness as a curse like something is holding you back but it's the opposite if you are empty then you can become whatever you want, You are given a chance to be reborn and find a new purpose. If you want to change from current Rudra then this is the perfect chance." Gojo said.

'I can become a better person after what I had done.'

He realized he is a victim of the creators. Nothing good can come from anger

He realized he killed them even though he had a chance to save them. Those kids should have lived a good life if he saved them.

He realized what he had done.

"I am sorry, ... I am sorry" Rudra started to cry.

He did something terrible that can't be changed and can't bring back those kid's life he indirectly took from them.

"I could have saved them but I ignored them like a bitch.. " then Rudra grabbed his head.

"Let it go, Rudra, all your emotions"

It hurt... It was excruciating... it was unbearable.

I didn't know my heart could hurt this much. I clutched my chest and sank to the ground, unable to endure the self-destructive state of my emotions.

Tears streamed down my cheeks and blurred my vision. I couldn't breathe as the torrent of emotions continued into me. Rage that blazed like a forest fire for on me, grief that flooded and drowned everything in its path, guilt that trembled the very earth, and regret that can destroy my heart.

I could feel these emotions, that felt like natural disasters wreaking havoc inside my heart, tearing away my very sanity.

But I can't give up now. I need to take responsibility for my actions.

"if you want to atone, you must carry the weight of your actions that you didn't save those kids," Gojo said

At first, he didn't understand Gojo's words but now he did.

This is A battle with himself

A battle for what he had done

A battle to become a better person.

'I don't know what names of those kids I left in the fire but I will carry the weight for the rest of my life '

'What should I do to get forgiveness' He questions himself

'Saving people can't be the not enough, Killing villains is not a solution to atone for his weight, Not killing anyone is not possible 'after thinking he said.

"I know how to atone for my actions. I want to build a community that doesn't need to kill or hurt others. A place for victims like me to live, A place where innocent kids can play without worry."

Gojo was stunned because Rudra said he will create a paradise.

"How will you create a place like a paradise in a world of hate and suffering," Gojo asked

"I don't know but I will try to achieve it. I had a long way to reach that place"

Now he has the solution and he can gain their forgiveness of those kids. Now he had a reason to live. He needs to build a kingdom for those who had nothing, Victims like him, he wants to offer a place for them. For those who think their existence is a curse, he wants to offer a place to belong. A place of freedom. A place of peace is a status.

Gojo was satisfied with Rudra's statement but he asked a question.

"What will you do if someone tried to destroy your paradise"

Rudra thought for a second and said.

"I will stop them and protect the peace."

'I will take matters into my hands, Charles and Magneto can't do anything for mutants.'

'I became a monster who Didn't give a shit about others' lives. I didn't save people. Now I came to understand the value of life and death.'

'Mom would have hated me for Ignoring those kids.'

"What will you do if the whole world goes against you and your paradise," Gojo asks

A few minutes later Rudra said.

"I will run away from them than Killing innocent people and creating peace from the blood of innocent people."

I am not odin.

"Hahahahahaha" Gojo laughs at him

"I'm funny to you"

"No hahaha I'm crazy don't mind me! I want to ask about the system but for now, I am leaving kid! Best of luck"

Gojo Thought he made the best student in less than one hour And is happy to think someone is trying to change society just like him and that he is not alone.

Now Rudra went to collect a few metals he had only 2 minutes now he is now not greedy.

He took the rune sword of the puppet. And he disappeared.

He reappeared at the same place on the rooftop.

This time he saw a burning star in the night sky.

[A/N: it's Thor's hammer! Thor story started]

Now it's time for Rudra to forge his path

It's time for Rudra's story to begin

Now he had A fire in his eyes

Now is the real Rudra journey started


A/N: Holy Shit! I did it. I did some character development for Rudra. It's my first to do good Development. From an edge lord to a good character.

And Gojo is a good teacher who cares about his students.

It may be boring for some people but as long as the story is good and enjoyable then it doesn't matters.

Fact: Gojo saw his younger version in Rudra when he saw Riko's dead body he thought to kill everyone who laughed at her dead body. But his friend stopped him.

Now Mc had a Goal and his real journey started from this chapter.

Don't think this will be another AOT because here any impossible can be possible.

And A New character is going to join the group. Guess who he is. He never gives up on his dream.
