

Duke, a young man awakened his X Gene to become the conduit of the Speed Force, a multiversal cosmic concept in the Marvel Multiverse

David_555 · Película
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56 Chs

War II

At the very top of the Stark tower, a huge machine was mounted, and atop was a blue cube like stone from which energy was being siphoned to power up a huge wormhole in sky.

The city of New York has inevitably turned into a battlefield, with humanoid looking aliens driving advanced flying bikes, while holding unto futuristic energy blasters in their hands, appearing in their multitude.

Apart from the thousands upon thousands of the Chitauri soldiers, there were huge metallic beasts that resembled the Leviathan from folk lore.

Currently, earth's last line of defense were the Avengers, a group of men and uhhh monster and a god, who had banded up to fight against this extraterrestrial threat, however they were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the opponents. Not only that, the perpetrator of the attack itself was a force to be reckoned with, as he continually cast magic spells which distracted the earth's mightiest warriors.



"Sir at this rate, we're going to slowly drain all the power before penetrating the forcefield atop the tower." Jarvis spoke to Tony who was currently firing a highly concentrated laser beam towards a huge Leviathan which was roaring in pain...

"Jarvis, have you heard the story of Jonah?" Seeing his attack was barely damaging the beast, he instantly flew before it and blasted right towards it.

"I would not consider him the best of role models, Sir." The AI replied when the Leviathan opened its mouth and Tony entered and fired a bunch missiles which exploded from within the beast, as it roared and crashed into the ground, destroying several buildings in the process.



Cap wasn't having a good time fighting for so long even with the God of Thunder by his side.

After having fought off several hundred of Chitauri soldiers, his super powered muscles were beginning to give in, as every move he made strained his nerves.

Hurling his shield forward, he made a corkscrew flip, and dodged a blast from a Chitauri soldier before summoning his shield back and smashing them with his shield. However in the next second, he was sent flying by a blast as he groaned.

The Chitauri soldier responsible was instantly bashed by the mighty Mjolnir and died immediately. "Are you alright?" Thor asked as he pulled up the soldier from the ground by the arm.

"Can you go another bout? He asked as he smiled at him. "I thought I could do this all day. Guess I'm getting rusty." Cap chuckled and picked up his shield.



Nat was trying her very best to fight off the hordes of Chitauri soldiers before her, even going as far as to seize and use their own blasters against them. However, no matter how many she blasted away, they won't stop coming. Hell, even the Hulk was clearly not having a good time. Every time he smashed away a Chitauri soldier, many more took its place, along with several other Leviathans.

Nat turned around and spin kicked a Chitauri, sending it flying, as he blasted another away, however she failed to notice that several others were aiming at her from an angle.

The moment she realized and turned around, it was too late.

Several energy blasts were shooting towards her faster than she could possibly react or dodge. Closing her eyes to accept her fate, she waited for her impending doom which by the way never came even after a few seconds.

Opening her eyes, she saw a familiar figure in a sweatshirt and brown pants, currently barefooted, with neatly tied dark silver hair. Streaks of reddish gold lightning flashed around his body, and his surroundings causing sparks all over.

"Hope I'm not too late." Duke turned around and smiled at her, as she heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile. "Right on time." He winked, before blasting away in burst of reddish gold lightning.

"Uhhh good to see you speedy, uhhh head over to Stark tower, I got a present for you." Stark, seeing the reddish gold streak of lightning laying waste to dozens of Chitauri soldiers everywhere it passed and said with a smile.

Duke chuckled, before blasting away, accompanied by multiple sonic booms, which instantly destroyed several Chitauri soldiers.

"Come in Stark, there's a missile headed towards the city, arriving in 2 minutes and 30 seconds." Suddenly, Tony heard Fury's voice in his earpiece, as a grim expression appeared on his face.

"Jarvis, our everything we have into the thrusters." He said before blasting off into the sky.



"Krakoom! Tssst! Tssst!" Duke arrived at the Stark tower accompanied by a tendrils of lightning which caused sparks all over as he walked in care freely.

"Welcome Mr. Holland, Mr. Stark has prepared a gift for you." Suddenly, Tony's new AI Friday, with a female voice welcomed Duke as he smiled and entered a particular room.

"Not bad at all." Seeing the suit of armor well prepared for him, Duke smiled and said, before putting it on in a flash.

The suit was divided into two parts; a glossy black frictionless inner suit made from carbon fiber which covered up to his wrists, neck and heels, followed by a dark red sleek vibranium outer suit that had yellow streaks running through it like lightning bolts.

The outer suit covered his chest, arms; up to the middle of his fingers, forming some sort of fingerless glove, then his thighs and legs, leaving his abdomen,

There was a round black lightning bolt symbol on his chest, and his head gear was also made out of the vibranium outer suit, forming a retractable helmet which covered his head, ears and chin, leaving his eyes, nose and mouth.

Checking himself out he nodded and smiled, and was about to blast off when he noticed a figure walking towards him with a small smile, as he twirled his scepter.

Pressing unto a button near his ear, the helmet retracted, as he slowly walked towards the figure.

" I love the new suit." Loki smiled, as his robe instantly changed into a sleek green armor, with a crown that resembled reindeer horns. The scepter on his hand also changed into a long spear.

Duke didn't say anything, however, his stance was clear, as he leaned forward and readied himself, as the helmet once more covered his head. The next second, lightning flashed in Duke's eyes, as large streaks of reddish gold lightning began to appear all over causing sparks.

Loki also readied himself, a huge magic circle materialized behind him, as a large white snake appeared behind him.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I changed my mind concerning the silvery yellow Godspeed suit and I'm using something relatively close to what the flash in the DCEU had. The suit looks similar to the one in the profile. Stay tuned for more.✌🏿