

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Cómic
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85 Chs

V3 Chapter 28 - Saved by the... and Successful Heist

Ryan POV

Standing in front of the Hammer drone..

As I was wishing for a miracle to save me from death..



As I focused on the weapons of the robot with all my muscles tensed to respond in an effort to increase my chances of survival...

....I saw a sword blade suddenly pop out of the robot's head bursting out sparks.

Followed by the retraction of the blade and another clean swing of it lopping off the head of the Hammer Drone.

I watched in shock as I saw the robot fall down revealing a woman dressed in all black ninja(?) style clothes from head to toe only revealing her eyes holding on to a sword in one hand.

'I'm Saved.'

That was my first realization as I closely observed her I found her familiar and after a few seconds more of observation, I became sure of it.

'That's Granma alright!!'

was the second realization.

'I'm done for!!!'

was the third.

As this thought came to my mind I subconsciously hid the tube-like tool behind my back.

'I shouldn't have done that, now it's more suspicious.'

I thought as I came to notice my movements.

"Hi Grandma~, what a coincidence."

I said as I waved my right hand, with my left hand holding the weapon behind my back.

"You wish!"

She said snarling at me.

"..ah ha ha ha..." (Ryan)

"Don't try to gloss it over."

My Grandma said as she still didn't avert her eyes.

"I am Sorry!"

I apologised instantly.

Now you might say I have no backbone but I assure you, I do, I just don't want it broken.

"So, what is going on here?"

Granma asked as she looked around at the situation.

"A bad guy made a robot army to kill Iron Man?"

I tried to be as brief as I could in explaining the situation.

"Iron Man....as in Tony Stark?"(Grandma)


"He deserves it."(Grandma)

"Death penalty!?" 

I asked shocked causing me to overthink.

'Does she hate Tony Stark or something? What did he do?'

"No, a beating."

said Grandma as she gave me a weird gaze.


I asked curiously.

"He's like a bear child causing worries for people that care about him."

"True." I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"You too." (Grandma)

"What did I do?!"

I asked shocked

Instead of answering my questions she just stared at me for a moment and asked me something else..

"You knew this was gonna happen?"(Grandma)


"I see. So that's why you were running around, planning for the past few weeks."

She said without a change in her voice.


And I instinctively blurted out

"And even after all that planning and making maps and studying the terrain all over you got yourself in trouble."


"Yes! Wait! How'd you know?!!"

I suddenly realised what happened

"I kept an eye on you."

She replied as if it was common sense.

"But I didn't sense you keeping an eye on me."

I asked surprised.

And her reply was

"You wish."


"Okay, then why are you here?"

I asked cautiously

"I followed you, I knew you would get yourself in trouble."

Grandma said as if it was a matter of fact.

'I want to retort but I can't find an argument!!!'

"I see. Why are you dressed like that?"


Instead of answering me, she stared at me with a piercing stare.

As I looked down and saw my clothes I realised her meaning.

"Right~, hahaha."(Ryan)

'Looks like she chose clothes based on what I prepared.'

"By the way, where did you get the sword?" I asked

"I brought it from home."

Grandma replied nonchalantly.

"We have swords at home!!? NO, wait, that's not important, why did you bring it?"

I asked shocked by her words.

"Just in case."

"Just in case!?"

'Just in case she said, what does that even mean and how did it go through security.'

"It saved your life."

"Ugh~, I have no objections."

"Do you have something like a mask I could use?"

'I asked just in case.'

She looked at me for a moment and then brought out a Mickey Mouse mask.


'Ugh~, Better than having a target on your head.'

I thought as I changed my mask to Mickey Mouse.

As I changed my mask Grandma asked me for my purpose here.

"So what are you doing here?"

"I am here to collect those shiny batteries embedded in the chest piece of the robots."

And I told her what I was doing.

"So you are stealing?"

She asked her tone of voice slightly higher now.


"Stealing is a bad habit child!"

Se said chiding me.

"But if I leave them be they will be used as bombs when the robots will be put on self-destruct by the villain."

I quickly explained.

'So by right, I am not a thief but a good guy who is rescuing people and recycling waste.'

'That's Right'

I thought as I mentally patted my own back.

"Then what are you waiting for, put them away quickly."

Realizing that the item could be harmful my Grandma urged me to deal with them quickly as she started walking away.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"I will look around and help people evacuate. Keep an eye on yourself and don't get

into trouble."

She said as she walked away.

"Then, I'll see you later."(Ryan)

Ryan quickly walked to the place where he hid his bike, got on it and started pedalling away searching for more Arc Reactors.

As Ryan wandered around and collected two more reactors he saw no more robots to take out here.

Looking around for a while he finally found one near the entrance of the main pavilion.

He saw pepper pots standing there talking to the police and stood by waiting while hiding himself from the police.

After making sure that the police were gone he went out of his hiding place on his bike, towards the fallen robot and after parking his bike next to the fallen robot he placed his weapon on its chest when he suddenly felt a stare directed towards him.

Looking up he saw Pepper Potts staring at him.

He raised his hand and waved towards her and she waved back with a look of confusion on her face.

With a quick power-up of the machine, he retrieved the arc reactor a few seconds later.

He quickly hopped onto his bike and waved goodbye to Pepper Potts before he quickly pedalled away as she was now waving goodbye to him with a look that was a mixture of confusion, surprise, doubt and other things.

Riding his bike he made a quick getaway from the venue with 8 Low-power Arc Reactors before he was caught by anyone else.