
Marvel: Alpha Superhero System

Harry was an average person who lived a horrible life. He didn't have any family, friends, and his life could only be described as sad. Unable to bear it anymore, Harry decided to commit suicide, but just before he died, he received the Alpha Superhero System and was transmigrated to the Marvel universe! The system grants him the opportunity to get any ability or skill from any superhero he kills. With this new found power, Harry decides to live a new life. One of domination!

SKMnovels · Cómic
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30 Chs


Harry stood at the top of the skyscraper, looking down at the multiple people that were clamouring below.

Most of them shouted while others gasped while recording everything that was happening on their phone.

A few minutes ago, Harry had climbed up here with the intent to end his life.

People had noticed him and began to gather. All the words that they screamed from below did not even reach his ears.

He had made his decision.

Life has nothing to offer him anymore.

For years, his life has been nothing but horrible. He didn't have any family, friends, or even people who cared about his existence.

He worked a dead end job and could barely take care of any of his bills.

This was not the life he envisioned for himself, and this was not the life he was willing to live.

Harry laughed as he watched everyone below him. He found it amusing that the one time these humans decided to care about him was when he was about to die.

He stopped laughing and an ugly frown formed on his face.

"I hope you all die."

Those were the last words that came from his mouth before he took that final step.

There were men behind him that rushed to grab his coat. They had run up the building to stop him, but it was already too late.

Harry could feel the wind rushing past him. Filling his eardrums with their roar.

And in that seemingly fleeting moment, Harry heard a "dinging" sound in his head.

[Host found]

[Commencing system integration]




Harry sat up with a jolt as he tried to get his breathing under control. His eyes relayed hazy images back to him that cleared as time passed.

He looked at his hands with a questioning gaze, trying to understand what was going on.

"Am I not dead?"


Harry almost shouted when he heard that loud sound coming from above him.

The next thing he saw was a bald head that had tattoos around it, and a gaze that showed pure anger.

"If you don't let me sleep you little twerp, I'll make sure you're actually dead!" The man said.

Harry nodded frantically as he tried to overcome his fear.

The man retracted his head, and that was when Harry fully took in his surroundings.

'Is this a prison?' Harry thought to himself.

The iron bars that blocked the only passage out of the small room that contained just this bunk bed that he and that man slept on, gave Harry the conception that this must be a prison.

'Why am I in a prison? Aren't I suppose to be dead?'

[Good. You've awakened.]

Harry almost jumped out of the bed when he heard a feminine voice and saw the text in front of his eyes.

But he quickly held himself as he remembered the threat of the man above him.

After a few minutes to process what he was seeing, he tried to touch the text, but he couldn't.

"What is this?" He asked with a soft voice.

[This, is the only reason you're alive right now.]

"I never asked to be alive," Harry frowned.

[The choice is out of your hands.]

"You haven't answered my question," Harry said.

[This is the Alpha superhero system. That is all you need to know.]

Harry raised his brow in confusion.

"Superhero? System? What the fuck is that?"

[Everything will be explained. But first, you need to survive.]


Harry was about to ask more questions, but his thoughts were immediately quenched by a loud crash.

"WHO THE FUCK IS DISTURBING MY SLEEP!?" The voice of the man above him boomed.

The man came down and that was when Harry saw him fully.

He was a large burly man that had tattoos all over. He angrily walked over to the metal bars and tried to look outside.

Harry could hear multiple crashes and loud bloodcurdling screams.

He could already feel his body shaking in fear, and he got up in a state of panic.

Suddenly, everything went silent.

"These stupid people better not be playing games with me," the man said.

Harry waited along with the man to check if they could hear anything else, but then he looked behind him at the only window in the room to see something that made his heart drop.

Holding on to the bars that blocked the window was a large creature tht showed off the rolls of sharp jagged teeth in it's jaws.

"Those little basta—" the man froze the moment he turned and saw the same thing Harry was seeing.

Harry started taking steps back away from that thing.

Whatever it is, it seemed to just stick there like it couldn't see.

Harry could not see any feature on it's face that could serve as eyes so he guessed that the creature was blind.

While it might be blind, it would be stupid for him to believe it did not have any other method for sight.

It was best to be careful.

Suddenly, Harry heard the metal bars for the door rattling. He turned to see his roommate frantically trying to remove them.


Before Harry could say anything, the creature burst though the wall and window and pounced on the man, ripping him to shreds before his eyes!

Life almost left Harry's body as he watched the carnage in front of his eyes.

The creature raised it's head and turned to Harry after it had finished making a feast off his roommate.

It couldn't see Harry, but it could hear his loudly beating heart.

The creature roared at him, but at that moment before it was about to pounce on him, a little beeping device attached itself on it and it blew up!

It's bloody chunks splattered all over Harry's body.

He fell on his butt and slowly crawled away.

Then, he heard loud sounds from outside.

He went to look out the metal bars and he saw a metal suit floating around and shooting from it's blasters at creatures that looked similar to the one that almost killed him!

"Wait a minute, isn't that Ironman?"

Hey. This fanfic will have a steady update and would surely bring a new view to Marvel fanfictions.

So add to your library and give your power stones if you can.

Thanks :)

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