
Marvel: Adventures of Grim Mortimer

A kid who had nothing but bad luck all his life and had lost everything dies while protecting a girl named Valerie. Turns out she was the daughter of the infamous Reed Richards and Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four. Well, that didn't really matter as he lay dead while she hugged him and apologised to his corpse, not knowing death was what he wanted all his life... But unfortunately, this universe wasn't so normal, as the next year he wakes up only to find himself buried 12 feet under in a coffin. It took him a whole month before he realised he was alive and that he was now undead. Cracking his skull open till he bled to death, drowning himself, diving headfirst into a pool of acid, falling from a ten-story building...it didn't matter what he did he just couldn't die. A pity really... So when he suddenly turned up to the headquarters of the Fantastic Four, they were obviously shocked, especially Johnny who was taking a bath and who had accidentally thought him an enemy and burned him to cinders. Only for him to re-form a few seconds later and say in a lethargic tone of voice. "Did I catch you at a bad time?" Not bothered at all that he had just been burned alive...or would it be dead?

samadomkv · Cómic
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52 Chs

Chapter 24:Full Awakening - Part 1

For those complaining about the side character the boss, or saying that he's stupid and you don't like him...Good, you're not supposed to.

Another thing, would you please just have a bit of patience, you judging this arc way too quickly when it's not even over yet.

And no (the boss, now identifying as Hades) isn't the main Boss, he never was, he was just a stepping stone for the MC, you would know this if you waited until the arc officially ended, and we start actually interacting with real Marvel Villains.

Sorry for the little rant, thanks to those who are enjoying the story, and I don't mind criticism, I take everyone's advice seriously, otherwise I wouldn't even respond to half the comments I get.

But please if you do find something I've written or an action the Mc has done as stupid don't be afraid to tell me straight up...but don't be a d**** with it.

Now without further adu the chapter. I'll be uploading part two in a few hours.


From the opening emerged a pair of crazed, yellow eyes, belonging to a wolf that had been starved and abused, its mouth foaming in its frenzied state.

The boy stood motionless, offering no reaction to the impending threat.

'So it's you huh, never thought you would be my punishment, I was sure if there was a hell it would be me in a room getting tortured by the people I killed.'

The wolf wasn't privy to Grim's inner monologue and driven by hunger and devoid of its natural caution, it charged at the boy with a ferocious growl, its jaws wide open, aiming for a lethal strike.


The room was charged with tension as the wolf lunged towards the boy.

Its crazed eyes glinted with a primal hunger, its jaws snapping open and shut in anticipation of the kill.

The boy, however, remained disturbingly still, his eyes cold, betraying no hint of fear.

The wolf, driven by instinct and desperation, attacked with ruthless aggression. It darted forward, aiming to clamp its jaws around the boy's throat.

But at the last moment, the boy sidestepped with grace, avoiding the fatal bite by mere inches.

'My body? It's moving on its own, I could control it before, but now it's like someone is controlling me.'

The wolf's momentum carried it past him, and it quickly wheeled around for another attack.

The spectators above watched with ghoulish delight, their cheers and jeers echoing through the chamber. "Look at him dodge! Like a rat in a trap!" one of them shouted, his voice laced with sadistic amusement.

The boy, hearing the taunts, remained focused, his expression unchanging. He observed the wolf's movements with a detached interest, analyzing its patterns and weaknesses.

The wolf, now more cautious, circled the boy, looking for an opening.

Again, it lunged, faster this time, its teeth aiming for the boy's arm. The boy, predicting the move, pulled back his arm and countered with a swift kick to the wolf's side.

The impact was solid, but the wolf, fueled by hunger and rage, hardly seemed to feel it.

The fight escalated, a savage dance of attack and counterattack. The boy's movements were precise and efficient, each dodge and strike calculated for maximum effect.

The wolf, on the other hand, fought with wild abandon, its attacks becoming more frenzied and desperate.

As the battle wore on, the boy began to show signs of fatigue.

A misstep allowed the wolf to graze his shoulder with its teeth, drawing first blood. The crowd above roared in approval, their bloodlust ignited by the sight.

The boy, now with a trickle of blood staining his shirt, changed his tactics. He began to bait the wolf, feigning weakness to lure it into a false sense of security.

The wolf, sensing victory, became more aggressive, its attacks growing reckless.

Then, in a moment of brutal clarity, the boy saw his chance.

As the wolf lunged once more, the boy sidestepped and swiftly moved behind it.

Before the wolf could react, he locked his arms around its neck in a chokehold. The wolf thrashed and howled, but the boy held on with a vice-like grip.

With a savage intensity, the boy bit into the wolf's neck, tearing flesh and muscle. He bit again and again, each bite more ferocious than the last.

The wolf's howls turned to whimpers, its struggles weakening until, Grim who was about to perform the finishing blow...stopped.


'I can control my body again...why, what is this punishment about.' Grim was confused, he looked at the wolf.

Both their eyes bore into each other, but by shere instinct, Grim speared his hand into the Wolf's open wound, finally putting it out of its misery.

The boy released his hold, standing over the defeated creature, his face and hands smeared with blood.










Grim, who had been lifeless moments before, began to stir.

His eyes fluttered open, revealing a depth of confusion. Grim found himself in a cage, an all too familiar prison from his past.

'Where... What's happening?' Grim muttered, his voice hoarse. The memories of his past life, the endless battles, and the confinement, all rushed back to him.

'Wait...I've had these thoughts before, why am I back here, wasn't I in the arena killing the wolf.'

Grim's hands trembled as he gripped the cold bars of the cage. A flood of emotions overwhelmed him - anger and bewilderment being the main ones.

'Is this really hell, or is it a dream, why am I reliving this again.'







In the heart of an abandoned building, a room lay hidden, devoid of any natural light.

The air was thick with the stench of mould and decay, a scent that clung to every surface.

In the centre of this room was a cage, a prison within a prison, and within it lay what appeared to be a corpse.

The figure was emaciated, its clothing tattered and stained with the marks of stool and other unknown foul-smelling liquids.

The only sign that the figure was not a lifeless husk was the faint, irregular rhythm of its breathing.

To any onlooker, it was a sight of utter despair, a human being reduced to a state worse than death.

The silence of the room was suddenly broken by the sound of a door creaking open.

Heavy footsteps echoed through the room as a brutish man, distinguished by a circular snake tattoo on his neck, descended the stairs into this abyss.

His face twisted in disgust at the foul odour that permeated the air, a grimace of repulsion at the sight before him.

"Get up, it's time," he commanded gruffly, unlocking the cage with a clatter. As he spoke, the figure in the cage stirred, its eyes opening slowly.

They were eyes devoid of life, soulless and empty, windows to a spirit that had long been broken.

'Is this my punishment, to relive this moment over and over for eternity.'


Grim followed the man obediently, conditioned into silence and submission. His head was bowed, his spirit seemingly crushed.

'I can control my body now, but I couldn't when I was in the arena...let's try something new.' Grim thought as he looked at the man holding his chains.


"Huh, why the hell did you stop? Don't think of doing anything stupid like disobeying..." Before the guard could continue Grim dashed at him catching him off guard.

Grim then used a desk in the hallway to jump up and over the man while spinning the chain over his neck.

"W-what...guuuu...no....guuuukkkk-k..." The man tried to break free as Grim used the chin to choke the life out of him.

It took less than 20 seconds before the man went completely limp in his arms.









Grim, who had been lifeless moments before, began to stir.

His eyes fluttered open, revealing a depth of confusion. Grim found himself in a cage, an all too familiar prison from his past.

'Where... What's happening?' Grim muttered, his voice hoarse. The memories of his past life, the endless battles, and the confinement, all rushed back to him.

'Fuck...im back here again. You know God, when I prayed to you about killing me, this wasn't what I had in mind.'

Clink, the familiar sound of the door opening and the guard that always made a funny face when he entered appeared again.

He was completely fine.

Even though Grim had felt his body go limp, in his embrace.

'Sigh...what a drag.'