

Gere, a reincarnated individual in Marvel. Decides to not interfere in any upcoming plot. But, will he really not interfere. Find out by reading this novel yourself.

GhostDost · Cómic
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3 Chs


Angeles National forest,CA. November, 2005

Gere has become a handsome and scary teen, his eyes are closed at the moment.

He wants to open his eyes, but he is afraid to open them because of what happened 5 months ago.

Los Angeles, July, 2005

Outside the children's orphanage ,Gere has been thinking while walking, in his 16 or so years of current life, no family adopted him, he has been to at least 7 foster homes and he was always dropped back to the orphanage by those families.

It's not like he does not understand their behaviour, it was after all every time his fault in every foster home.

When those families treat him like a kid, and put some restriction on him like, what he could do or do not.?

It annoys him very much, after all mentally he is an adult in his 30's and he despised being controlled like that, So he with some plans irritates them resulting in his frequent drops at his orphanage.

After the Captain Marvel incident he became much more cautious, he started doing physical exercise, not very intensely but enough to make his body agile.

He stopped thinking about the future events in fear of Ancient One and all the higher entities, always thinking that even if he slightly moves a dry leaf from it's destined position those entities will know about it and his life will be over and his advantage will get destroyed. So, he is content to be an average NPC who can be ignored by anyone.

Gere was considered a little problematic child by orphanage because of the history of being kicked out of foster homes.

So, on his 15th birthday, orphanage stopped pushing Gere for adoption.

Gere was feeling complex emotions at this decision, he was happy for not being annoyed by those foster families anymore and a little sad too, thinking that no one understands how lonely and scared he feels.

After getting over his emotions, he starts doing what a teen is supposed to do in an orphanage.

More than a year later, in the evening, Gere was walking outside of the orphanage thinking about past events, suddenly near an alley he stopped, not because he wanted to but because he suddenly felt severe pain in his body and then in his eyes.

He knelt near the alley and tried to scream in pain but no sound came out of his mouth, some beggars came out of the alley to help him but the moment they came near him their body became stiff and started turning to dust and then that dust disappeared, nothing remain there not even a speck of dust.

He saw with his own eyes what happened, but what he did not see was the slight flickering of starlights in his eyes.

He does not realise it yet but his pain also disappeared with the disappearance of those beggars.

He then saw the road and the building which his body was currently leaning on, starts to slightly turn grey and very slight cracks are forming on them.

He saw some people walking here and there, he was afraid of killing more people so he dashed towards the alley and tried to hide somewhere, he found nothing there, but then he saw a manhole , without thinking about anything he opened the cover of manhole and dived in it.

It was really smelly, he almost threw up, he felt disgusted after constantly seeing the gross stuff here and at the same time he felt terrified after remembering what happened to those beggars.

Although he does not have the heart of a saint, he felt kind of bad for those beggars.

He has never killed a person in his previous life. And here he is in his second life just nearly 16-17 years old and he has killed 5 people, Yet he does not feel remorse or anything like that, just felt a little bit bad for them.

After sometime when he calmed down a little, only then he realised that the pain he felt disappeared.

He started checking himself and when he find nothing dangerous on his body, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Now he started thinking of the implications of this incident and he started feeling afraid, thinking that shield, hydra, Ancient One or Professor Xavier will get the wind of this, if there was any camera or witness to this.

He started walking in the sewer and saw some rodents they were coming towards his way, the moment they came close to him, same thing happened the rodents body got stiffed and then they started turning to dust and then the dust disappeared.

The moment rodents dust disappeared he felt slightly refreshed and a slight vibration in his body.

He once again became afraid and started running as fast as he could while running he felt refreshed and same vibrations in his body again and again, only then he realised what was happening.

He felt mentally tired aftering realising that more rodents were turning to dust, he saw a dried pavement got there and closed his eyes, while in sleep he felt again a little refreshed and a slight vibration in his body again. This time he doesn't bother to open his eyes he just slept.

A few hours later he opened his eyes, and felt a little discomfort behind his back, so he stood up and looked at the pavement where he slept, it was fully cracked and turned grey in colour, although it was dark in sewage but a little bit of light was passing through manhole covers which was enough for him to see some colour.

Strangely enough, he does not feel tired physically after not eating for more than 16-17 hours , he does not bother pondering over it and starts walking.

He walked for a few hours and stopped near a manhole, then he tried to not think about anything currently, cause he fears if he does, he will make a blunder.

So as to avoid any unwanted situations, he wants to get out of the city as fast as possible, and decided to go to the nearby forest and hide there and then think about what is happening to him.

He started doing meditation, although he could not focus because of all the smell and environment, yet he tried non stop and a few hours later when the night came, he started making his plan on how to reach the nearby forest without causing any blunder.

Because, if he made a blunder it would cost him dearly, so he made a Resolve to not make any blunder possible.