
MARVEL'S Kryptonian

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What is MARVEL'S Kryptonian

Lee la novela MARVEL'S Kryptonian escrita por el autor Fallen_Leaf publicada en WebNovel. Super strength, super endurance, super speed, super senses, flying ability, steel body, thermal vision, freezing breathing, super healing ability…When a Kryptonian with these superpowers comes to a Ma...


Super strength, super endurance, super speed, super senses, flying ability, steel body, thermal vision, freezing breathing, super healing ability… When a Kryptonian with these superpowers comes to a Marvel world without kryptonite and red sun, what kind of effect will it cause? Hulk? One sandbag. Thor? Charger. Iron Man? Cardboard suit. Thanos? Even if it has infinite gems and infinite gloves, it can be hit. Sentinel? Oh, this is great, let me get some more exposure to the sun.

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The Secret World.

'Matilda sighed and forced herself up, using the table as support. She stood up straight and glared at the witch. "What. did you do. to my sister."' Matilda June is an 11 year old girl who lives on the streets. She used to like a lot of things. She used to believe in fairy tales with her sister, but not anymore. She used to love pink and dancing, but not anymore. She used to live in a mansion with her uncle, but not anymore. she hardly remembered living there, she only remembered her last night there, the night that had haunted her forever. One day, Matilda goes home to find that her uncle had died, and left the mansion to her parents. After some consideration, Matilda's parents decide to move into the mansion. Matilda is terrified, now she must return to the place where she lost her best friend. But what if she didn't? When there, Matilda begins to investigate some locked rooms, which eventually lead her to the room where it happened. . .Where she lost her twin sister Molina. later that night she suddenly wakes up and sees a flash of light in front of her. She goes into a sort of trance, and when she realises somethings wrong she is back at the room. Then, Matilda makes the most startling discovery of her entire life. In a cupboard in the room, there is a hole, and a ladder going down. Curiosity gets the better of her and she finds herself climbing down the ladder. She feels a jolt about half way down, and then can't go back up. Matilda keeps climbing down, and ends up in a world where unicorns and dragons are real. Everything is amazing, colourful and friendly and pretty. But then Matilda accidentally angers an evil spirit, and puts the secret world in danger. But what Matilda found out was something that would change everything . . . Matilda and her new friends go on a quest to stop the evil enchantress and spirit . . . And maybe even find out what happened to her sister. But she finds out a lot more than that . . .

IzabellaRayanneS · Fantasía
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1 Chs


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Pura traduccion sin editar , si quiero una asi me voy directamente a mtl, estaria bueno que la modifiques para que no haya lemas chinos o lo que sea


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