
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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The storm!

" You alright drunkie?"

Nathan asked Rachel as she joined the others on the bridge in preparation for the big prison break.

" Ugh! Why didn't you warn that was a creeper?"

Rachel asked the man.

" I did warn you. You just didn't listen."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Well, you should have slapped me to make sure I heard you."

Rachel replied.

" You two focus. We're about to reach our target! Remember, Nathan you're our welcoming gift to the bastards! Make sure to give them all the love you can."

Corsair said to the man

" Oh, right!"

Nathan exclaimed.

" We're a go in 3. 2. 1. NATHAN GO!"

Corsair yelled out

Nathan turned and ran out of the room. Jumped out of the air lock and flew towards the Shi'ar prison ship. He flew into the ship both hands forward and crashed through the ship disabling its motion.

" Knock Knock! You Slaving bastard! Freedom's calling!"

Nathan yelled out to the Shi'ar.

Up in the Starjammers Ship the others watched as multiple explosions rocked the ship.

" Is he going to be okay?"

Rachel asked in concern.

" Little Nathan always gonna be okay. Stronger than Shi'ar generals he is."

Hepzibah said to the woman.

" What she said. Don't worry about him nothing short of the imperial guard can pose a threat to Nathan. I need you to focus on finding Lilandra."

Corsair said to the woman.

" Starjammers! Let's rock!"

Corsair yelled out to the crew.


The crew cheered loud in excitement as the ship approached the Shi'ar transport.

" Come on you two let's get to our rendezvous point."

Ch'od said to Rachel and Lorna as the others cleared the way.

" Come, on you Shi'ar bastards! Call your imperial guard!"

Nathan yelled to the men as he blasted them apart with nuclear energy. Each blast containing the force of a hydrogen bomb.

" Fire!"

Ine if the Shi'ar captains yelled as one of the ships guns hit Nathan in the back.

" AGH!"

Nathan grunted in pain before turning and blowing both the captain and the AA Gun to ashes.

However, Nathan's pain did not go unnoticed. On the other side of the ship Rachel was experiencing the same pain.

" Ray, you okay?"

Lorna asked as the woman suddenly hit the wall.

" He's hurt. Nathan just got hurt... But he'll be alright. it was minor."

Rachel explained to the woman.

" What is going on with you two?"

Lorna asked.

" I don't know... He's in my head a lot."

Rachel explained.

" He's got the whole charismatic soldier thing going on. He a good kisser?"

Lorna asked seemingly amused by the woman.

" He's more than that. He's so sweet and kind. His crew trust him with their lives and the kids they all love him. And when he smiles it's like the world just melts away with all of my problems. And he's a good kisser."

Rachel suddenly went on a tangent about the man.

" Whoa! Rachel! You've known him for three weeks."

Lorna said to the woman in shock.

" What do you want from me? He's in my head."

Rachel replied again.

" Concentrate on the mission, ladies. Today is about fighting not kissing."

Ch'od said to the two women.

The three continued following the path they were on until they reunited with Warpath and Nightcrawler in the main holding area.

" We got this."

Warpath stated as he and Nightcrawler attacked the guards. Nightcrawler bamfed around the small corridor punching and kicking each guard in sight knocking them out with relative ease while Warpath sliced through guards with his vibranium knives.

" It's clear now Ray. Open the door."

Warpath said to the woman as he dispatched the last guard.

" Got it."

Rachel said to the man.

She started floating towards the door and used her telekinetic powers to rip it open.

" Kurt? Rachel? You're with the Starjammers?"

Lilandra asked as she and another Shi'Ar guard walked out of the door.

" We had to help them save you, did we not my lady?"

Kurt asked the woman.

" Is Charles with you?"

Lilandra asked.

" I have much to apologize to him for."

Lilandra said in shame.

" They... They've got him, Empress."

Rachel explained to the woman.

" Yes, I am afraid Deathbird has Charles Xavier in her claws, just as she had you."

Ch'od explained.

" Deathbird? No... You've got it wrong. It's much worse than my sister."

Lilandra said to the group.

" What do you mean?"

Kurt asked the woman when suddenly the ship started to shake violently once again.

" Come, we must continue this conversation somewhere safe. The captain is running wild upstairs and I doubt we will survive."

Ch'od explained to the others.

They quickly turned and followed the giant green lizard man.

Back up in the main courtyard Atom and the rest of the Starjammers main attack force finishes dispatching the last of the Shi'ar guard aboard the ship.

" I've got word from Ch'od! They have Lilandra, everyone pull out."

Corsair said to the Starjammers.

" You got it!"

Atom said to the man. He picked Hepzibah up and flew back to the ship with her and the others behind him.

Once inside Atom's team rendezvoused with Rachel's team.

" All right, is this everyone?"

Corsair asked with a resounding yes.

" All right, Atom! Destroy it."

Corsair said to the man.

Nathan nodded and walked out to the hangar door. The ship turned and allowed Atom a clear shot of the prison transport.

Atoms hand emitted a bright red glow and a blast of energy erupted from his hand. The force of the blast was much stronger than his previous compact blasts. This one was much bigger evident by the resulting explosion that engulfed and destroyed the entire ship with ease.

The crew erupted into cheers as they watched the fireworks from the cameras.

" HAHA!!! Blew those bastards up is what we did!"

Ch'od roared in excitement.

" Burn Birdies!"

Hepzibah cheered.

The X-Men looked at the Starjammers in shock over the destructive power the man known as Captain Atom possessed.