
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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61 Chs

The homeworld

' For all my power, I am in awe of the influence the empress wields. One word from her, one spark, and the fire spreads through the old, dry tinder of the imperium. Through the populations, Vulcan has oppressed during his rule, Through the fiefdoms and noble houses he has dispossessed or silenced. Through those divisions of the Shi'ar military he has squandered in his wars of expansion or simply used too hard. Through the great underground network of dissenters who have risked execution by keeping the name Lilandra nermani alive. The fire spreads fast and burns bright. It burns in the form of discontent, of secret sabotage to the imperial intel feed network, of open revolt on foundry worlds. And it burns here in the aerie tonight.'

Gladiator thought as he, Lilandra and the Starjammers walked through the halls of Chandilar's palace.

" Who goes there?"

A voice asks the men and women walking through.

" The future."

Gladiator replies

" Praetor! It is a blessing to see you!"

D'bek exclaimed as he laid eyes upon Gladiator.

" I cannot claim that title anymore, Chancellor D'bek."

Gladiator said to the man.

" It will be awarded to you again, soon enough. Of that, I am certain!"

D'bek said to the man with faith.

' Councilor D'beks sequence remained loyal to Lilandra when the influential Araki sequence swung the council's support to Vulcan.'

Gladiator thought to himself.

" Was your route to the throneworld contested?"

D'Bek asked.

" We managed."

Gladiator stated and over his shoulder The Starjammers appeared.

' With the help of the Starjammers and the Guardians of the Galaxy we ran hooded under the eyes of Vulcan's fleets. We fought when we had to. Now the Guardians have departed, And I am left with the Starjammers and the Prince of the Inhumans, the green Lantern, to walk her the last, little way.'

Gladiator thought as he recounted the event he took to get where they were now.

" Is everything prepared?"

Gladiator asked as the group began walking once more.

" The high council is in session. And Chancellor Araki believes they have been called for an extraordinary parliament to discuss military policy."

D'Bek explained to the group.

" Araki? I thought I killed him."

Atom asked as he was sure he had turned Araki into dust.

" Araki has died before, but his cloning facility keeps him coming back."

D'Bek explained to the man.

Atom rubbed the bridge of his nose and then placed his hand supportingly on Rachel's shoulder as he watched the woman tense up in anger.

The group arrive in the main chamber and listen to the other Chancellors argue.

" When has this house ever shied away from vicissitudes of war? The Kree stellar empire is an age-old foe that must be put down!"

One of the chancellors yelled out.

" The losses are too dear, Chancellor! Even the Kree ceded territories have turned against us!"

One of the chancellors yelled back.

" Aye! By going against the Kree in this headlong manner, Vulcan has made an open enemy of Lord Ravenous!"

Another Chancellor yelled.

" Pah! The imperium conquerors petty kingdoms like ravenous's in its sleep!"

The revived Araki exclaimed.

" For shame, Chancellor Araki. Would you spill shi'ar blood so freely?"

A woman asked.

" Who addresses this house? Show yourself!"

Araki demanded.

" Gladly!"

The woman who turned out to be Lilandra said as she stepped forward.

Araki's eyes widened in terror.

" Lilandra? Here? Seize Her! Seize her now!"

Araki demanded the guards.

" Not likely!"

Atom said as he and the others attacked. Atom raised his hands and blasted a few of the guards away from the woman. Lorna used her magnetic powers to lift the men in the air and slam them back into the ground. Gladiator used his heat vision to kill some of the guards. And Hal summoned a hulk buster and started firing rounds of light bullets into the rest of the guards

" Haha! I love this ring."

Hal exclaimed as his suit of armor stopped firing.

" Your pernicious secret order has manipulated the fate of the imperium for too long, Araki."

Lilandra said to the man.

" This is a coup! When Vulcan learns of this, he will slaughter you all! He will."

Araki was yelling in anger. But was shut up by Lilandra.

" This is no coup! This is a restoration of legal authority! I am Lilandra Nermani! Majestrix of the Shi'ar! I reclaim the throne of the aerie by right of blood sequence! My first acts will be to outlaw the usurper Vulcan and end this disastrous war with the Kree! What says the high council?"

Lilandra exclaimed to her people.

" Majestrix! Majestrix! Majestrix! Majestrix!"

The Shi'ar people chanted Lilandra's name as they welcomed her back to the empire.

The Starjammers, Hal, and Gladiator all smiled as the people welcomed Lilandra back with open arms.