
MARTIAL PEAK : Reborn as Yang kai

Shenxi katuro an average japanese young man who liked reading chinese novels and watching animes got reborn in martial peak after dying unexpectedly

evilgod729 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

subduing su mu

after dressing himself in clean white clothes yang kai leisurely sat on the futon and started his daily practice , as he was practicing in the room the surrounding spiritual qi gathered in the room and flowed towards him .after breaking through the foundation building and merging with the golden skeleton yangkai's talent was much stronger than before and now he can feel his strength increase with every second of cultivation so yangkai who was famous for names like cultivation maniacs in the yang family mansion immersed himself in this experience and just like this this time passed quickly .

in the inner part of the sect which was unaccessible for ordinary people there was a luxurious pavillion which was only accessible for the direct decendents of the sect elders there sat a young boy about 13 years of old he had a arrogant look on his face as he calmy sat on a chair and sipped the tea looking at two of his underlings in a domineering way .

"Trashes! there is not a single thing which can be done properly by you" .

Boom! the sound of teacup crashing was heard as su mu threw his cup on the head of his underling

"AAAH young master su pleasee have mercy on us" , screamed the person clutching his head as he cried in pain , just as su mu was about to continue venting his anger

a voice suddenly said something behind him

"master su that boy was really audacious even after mentioning your great name he still dared to ignore us . let us brothers take this job we will surely beat the hell out of him" said another bulky looking lacky with a flattering smile on his face

"ha trashes will always be trashes" thought su mu looking at all those people who showed him a a flattering look .but these guys do'nt know about this new disciple otherwise they would not have dared to look down on him thought su mu.

unlike his lackeys he very well knew about yang kai's background and the fact that he was promoted to elite disciple on his first day. After knowing this su mu become very curious about yang kai. he did not believe it was yangkai's talent which impressed the elders so he thought that may be yangkai's had bribed the sect with some treasure ,

so he wanted to very much meet him to confirm his speculation and as about offending him su mu was not much worried about this as his grandfather was one of the the core elders of the sect and his very own sister was the greatest genius of the sect and the only core disciple , due to these reasons despite being an ordinary disciple su mu was very arrogant .

after deciding to teach yang kai a lesson su mu stood out "let's vist this person and see what gave him the guts to oppose me" .

after saying this to his followers su mu stood up and started walking towards the direction of yang kai's residenece with a group of people following silently behind him.

in yang kai's manor after cultivating for few hours yang kai got up stretched his body and walked outside his mansion" it is really refreshing cultivating so peacefully "

just as he was saying this GURGH! the sound of rumbling came from his stomach after thinking about this yang kai decided to fill his tummy first .

in actuality one can sustain oneself by relying on spiritual qi but that was only possible for someone of much higher realm and yang kai himself never wanted to give up on eating food as he very much liked to taste different cuisines .

"today i should eat some rice dishes" after staying in the forest for a week yang kai was fed up with eating meat and wanted to taste some dishes made of grains .

should i visit some restaurant just as yang kai was thinking about this there was already some unwelcomed guests on his door.

"whooh! what a luxurious mansion"standing in front of yang kai's residence was no other than su mu and his underlings. as they stood stupefied at the sight of the mansion .

This ! even su mu was deeply shocked at the mansion in front of him .As according to his uderstanding this type of mansion was something impossible for normal disciples to have even his elder sister su yan only had a mansion as big as this so now seeing such place given to a new disciple a strong felling of jelousy and hatred rose in his heart as he clenched his bloodshot eyes and threw a punch to the door. which quicky opend upon the impact .

"BASTARD this young master has come now quicky kneel infront of this young master and give this palace to this young master othewise get yourself ready to get kicked out from the sect" roared su mu.

listening to the commotion in his house a slight smile on yang kai's face finally su mu is here .after which he walked down the stairs and came infront of a group of bratty children .

After he came down infront of yang kai was a normal looking boy who wore a blue robe and appeared to be the leader of the group and hi cultivation was only in the realm of 3rd body tempering.

seeing yangkai appear su mu had a crooked smile on his face just as he was about to order his subordinates to beat yang kai.

a tremendous soul pressure enveloped everyone .

"soul alter" as yang kai's cultivation increase his soul strength also solidified so he was able to use this secret technique

without being able to understand anything his underlings who were only in the first or second layer fainted .except for su mu everyone fainted seeing this su mu was terrified.

WHAT!NO NO su mu gave a long screech as he felt that his consciousness was being modified he gave yang kai a terrified look and wanted to run from this demon or call his grandfather here.

yang kai watched this indifferently the moment he came to know about su mu he decided to completely enslave his mind to make him his loyal follower. yang kai did not care if his methods were called evil as what he wanted was total control to prevent any variable as he always understood that his origin was different from the native creatures

so he could not afford to relax his vigilance looking. at the painful su mu there was no emotion in his heart .

after few minutes su mu stopped screaming and stood up . but this time there was not an ounce of arrogance in his eyes .

but it was replaced with deep servility. Now i should give him suggestion after which his personality will change said yang kai as he looked at su mu and said "from now one you will be mt most loyal person . if I ask you to betray the sect or your family you would not hesitate".

"YES master" after which su mu nodded

after giving his orders yang kai withdrew his mental power. as sweat dropped his eyebrows

"HUH it is really tough to modifly someone consciousness".

but looking at the result he was satisfied .

su mu from now will become my most loyal dog which will help me greatly in conquering su yan thought yang kai with a evil grin on his face.