
MARTIAL PEAK : Reborn as Yang kai

Shenxi katuro an average japanese young man who liked reading chinese novels and watching animes got reborn in martial peak after dying unexpectedly

evilgod729 · Cómic
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24 Chs

Shenxi the beginning and end

under the bright night sky like any other ordinary day shenxi was going home after finishing his study in college . he looked just like any other average japanese anybody would hardly notice his presence in the crowd .

when he walked along the alley to return his house he suddenly turned around as he heard a cry

Help !Help! he saw some gangsters trying to rape a women . she had a pretty face , dark hair and black eyes .

The gangsters looked at him coldy as they took out their knives and pointed it at him

"get away kiddo she is ours"

shenxi turned around and thought silently

" should i help her or not " .

I would get in some trouble by doing so .but she is really pretty it would be shame for some gangsters to have her .

nevermind i should not expose my ability .

so he turned around and left

" hahaa now nobody can disturb us" .saying this the gangster leader took his dick out . now bitch suck it properly he commanded the girl

the girl was ready to commit suicide at this point by biting her tongue but then suddenly

"aaahhhh! what the fuck!" the gangster leader suddenly screamed as he was kicked and fell on his butt he turned around and was frightened by the sight before him several of his underling had their limbs broken and were spewing blood .

poof! he clutched his arm and sat down as he glared at the cause of this .

he saw a person wearing a black mask with a thin body .yes this person was shenxi he had a blue aura around him which was something impossible to explain with logic . before the gangster boss could understand his doom he fained by a mental shock .

it's really tiring to use this power he said as he turned around and saw the girl sitting on the ground dumbfounded by the current scene

yes shenxi was no average man as he appeared to the outside when he was 10 years old he awakened a technique in his mind which helped him to gather internal energy in his dantian . he was very much excited after that but due his intelligence from childhood he hid this fact from others and searched to find it's source he watched many animes read many novels and came to the conclusion that he was some great being who had been reincarnated on earth . this was the only time he used his powers on others because everytime he used it harmed his body

" now mikoto chan should be safe" . yes that girl was shenxi's childhood friend mikoto who was from the same orphanage as him .

mikoto blinked lightly and was going to say thankyou when suddenly some pain struck her head and she fainted . shenxi looked at her sleepy face on his lap and turned around to walk away with her from the scene. when he suddenly heard loud horn sounds and sounds of car moving and then saw many gangsters surrounding him and pointing pistol at him .

" hands up you fucker how dare you hurt our people "the gangster yelled at him .

shenxi faced with this scene remained calm "hah i have never used my power on this many people at this time. his eyes then started glowing as he started to channel his energy .

the gangster boss felt something wrong and said "everyone point the gun at him " .then suddenly what happened astounded him as shenxi disappeared .

"huh huh who said anything about fighting ". only stupid people will use fist to fight mobs when you can just run away .

yes shenxi teleported 100 m away and then ran to a hospital and dropped mikoto there . while walking home it was already sunrise he looked at the sky lost in thought the teleporation took quite toll in my body. shenxi reached his home then entered his room and pulled down the warddrobe to take out a bunch of documents and a laptop and various medicines as a biochemistry student he always tried to figure out the state of his body by using modern science but it was all futile he still couldn't explain how the mysterious technique appeared in his mind and his cultivation of energy . hah shenxi exhaled a long breath took out a syringe and tested his blood under the microscope and the results horrifed him the white blood cells in his bodies were fighting against some bluish energy which was destroying his cells at this rate he would die within few hours . huh shenxi took a deep breath looked at the clear sky and thought to himself he was unable to believe that he was going to die so young despite having this power which became like a curse for him to understand it he spend his 25 years of life studying and didn't have time to have friends and live a normal life and he was still a virgin .

HOW PATHETIC screamed shenxi rolling on the ground of his room his eyes bloodshot . i should have tried to live a normal life was his last thoughts as his vision darkened .

on this day shenxi an orphan died silently alone in his room . later the police found his body and declared him dead but the mystery of his death was still unknown to even the best doctors on the planet .