
married to a manwhore

Ningxi29 · Integral
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71 Chs

chapter 43

Eva 💘

I step out of the bathroom, my towel wrap around my chest and water droplets dripping down from my body.

I walk towards Fred's walk-in closet, ok, it's our walk-in closet now, since Fred has put his clothes on one side and left the other space for me.

I wore a tank top and shorts. I hear our door slam shut and I step out of the closet, I see Fred walk in angrily.

He head straight to our bathroom and shut the door. I frown.

What's got his pants in a twist....

I better don't add fuel to his already burning fire.

Maybe I should go prepare dinner, I haven't cook in a while, Bianca's being the one doing all the cooking lately.

I throw my hair in a messy bun and stride downstairs.


I'm dicing some carrots when I hear Bianca's voice behind.

"Eva, can you help me watch Roy for two hours?"

"Hmm" I hum still backing her. "Ok".

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver!"

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Y-yeah" she said in a short stutter and pause. "I'm meeting up with a friend"

A friend?

I pause what I was doing and turn to face her, my mouth falls open.

"Oooh, girl you're on fire!" I exclaimed and her cheeks turned red.

She's dressed in a red crop top, black leather skirt and a black blazer, her make up is glamorous and her hair is neatly comb in a tight ponytail.

I narrow my eyes at her and cross my arms across my chest.

"A friend?" She nods. "Who's this friend that got you all dolled up like this?" I asked her.

"He's an old classmate, you know"

"He? The friend is a he?"


"Oh, I see, so it's a date"

"well.. we can't say it's a date"

"I think it is. You won't get yourself dolled up like this for just a casual dinner"

She smiles.

"Fine it's a date...but I'm not rushing into anything, you know it's been two months since peter died. I've mourn him enough, after all he wasn't so good to me when he was alive" she said.

I nod in understanding. Peter didn't let her enjoy life when he was alive, now that he's dead she needs to enjoy life to the fullest.

"Well, I'm happy for you, honestly happy... But have you told Royale about Peter? Does he know his father is dead?"


"Why? What haven't you told him? He deserves to know"

She sighs.

"I know he deserves to know, but I can't tell him, I can't bring myself to tell him. I mean how can I tell my son that his father is dead, I don't think I have the courage to"

"I understand" I put my hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, when you're ready to tell him, let me know and I'll be there with you. We will tell him together"

She smiles and nod.

"Thanks, Eva"

"No problem" my eyes caught the clock in the kitchen. "Ok, I bet you don't want to be late for your date"

"Yeah, I should get going"

"Have fun"


"But not too much fun!"

She laughs.

"Yes, ma'am"

She walks out. I sigh and turn back to my cooking.


I set the foods on the dinning table and call for Roy in the living room.

"Royale, go get your uncle down for dinner"


"No need, I'm here" Fred cuts in.

Fred and Royale walk towards the dinning table and make themselves comfortable in different chairs.

Fred looks around the table and frown.

"Where's Bianca?" He asked.

"She went out!" I replied.

"Did she say where she was going?"


"No? And you let her leave?" His frown deepens.

I stare at him in confusion.

"Fred, she's a full grown woman"

"I know she is, but she is still my sister and she lives under my roof, and that makes me responsible for her"

"She is fine wherever she went" I said in a firm voice, leaving no room for further questions.

I can't tell him that Bianca went on a date, because firstly Roy is here, he's gonna ask why his mom went on a date with another man.

Secondly I don't know if Fred will take it fine.

"Can we eat now? I'm starving" Roy said.

I laugh.

"Roy, you're such a glutton"

"No I'm not. Uncle said I'm a growing boy so I need food"

"Oh, really?" I turn to Fred with a raised eyebrow.

"Stop looking at me like that, it's true"

I shake my head.

"Let's eat"

"Yay!!" Roy jumps happily on his chair.


*After dinner*

I'm done doing the dishes, I head upstairs but stop when I hear the sound of the tv. I turn back and walk to the living room.

Roy sits on a sofa, the remote control in his hand and his head rests on the armrest and his eyes closed.

I take the remote and turn off the TV and squat to his level, I carry him on my shoulder gently as to not to wake him up, but I guess I wasn't gentle enough.

He opens his eyes and raise his head.



"Put me down"

"No, you're tired. I'll tuck in bed"

He shakes his head and tries to get down.

"No, I wanna sit here"


"I'm waiting for my Mom"

I sigh. Poor boy, now I see why Bianca is feeling reluctant to tell him about Peter's death.

"Roy, how about we wait for your Mom in your room?"

"No, I'm gonna fall asleep there"

"You won't. I will play with you until she gets back"


He rests his head on my shoulder and I head upstairs.

I arrived at his room and found out he's already fallen back asleep, so I laid him on his bed, cover him with the duvet and kiss him goodnight.

I turn off the lights and step out, I close his door and head towards mine and Fred's room.

Now it's Fred and Eva's time.

I need to go to Jason's grave to pay my respects, and I need to get Fred's approval, and the only way to do that is giving Fred what he's being craving for.




Fred 💔

I laid on our bed with my eyes closed, I'm trying to force myself to sleep but I can't. Bianca's words keep ringing in my ears.

Could she be right? Is Grayson really two-face timing me?.

I don't wanna doubt Gray since he has been with me since childhood, but now I guess I have no choice but to investigate him.

I needn't to be so confident in him. In the Mafia world even brother fight against each other, even father and son betray one another. I need to be wary of Grayson.

I suddenly feel warm, soft lips on mine, I stilled and my eyes snap open. My eyes meet with Eva's closed eyes, I blink rapidly.

Ok, I didn't see this coming not that I'm complaining. She move her lips against mine slowly, I hold her shoulders and stops her.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm ready" she replied with a smile.

Ooh la la! I didn't expect her to say that.

"B-but..." My eyes involuntarily move to her below. "Your period...."

She chuckles.

"It doesn't last forever, silly"

I take that as my cue and crash my lips on hers, I flip us and I'm on top of her.



Eva 💘

He crashes his lips against mine without warning and pulls me impossibly close to him. Without hesitating, I open my mouth and he eagerly delves in nipping and sucking.

I wrap my hands around his neck but he takes it and holds it above my head. His kisses are full of hunger, Makin me lose control.

He lifts my top over my head and unclips my bra before sliding it to the floor.

He breaks the kiss and lifts his body off mine, he slides my panties off. Every nerve in my body is itching to feel his touch. Right now, I'm in a haze, experiencing a craving for him.

His eyes drag over me, observing every inch of my naked body.

I feel so shy all of a sudden.

What if I'm not pretty enough? Fred is an expert in this, he's seen girls of all forms and shape..... What if I'm a disappointment compare to those girls.

I panic and cover myself with my hand, my insecurities catching up to me. Last time I didn't feel this way, why now?.

But Fred grips my wrist and brings my body closer to his.

"Don't" he said.

"B-but I don't feel... Confident"

He smiles.

"Then I'll make you feel confident, bae"

He stands up from the bed, he stares at me while throwing his shirt off, offering me a perfect view of his tan body. He removes his sweatpants and boxers, sliding them down on the floor.

He stands naked in front of me. He is magnificent.... Masculine.... Strong.

I feel my cheeks warming up.

He smirks.

"You don't have to hide yourself from me, my love" he said.

He leans over me, positioning himself on top. I want him.... I can't wait anymore. I feel an intense heat invading my body.

"I'm gonna make sweet love to you and fuck every each of your body, I'm gonna own every part of you and you'll see how much I want you too" Fred said, well, more like promise.

"Fred, take me please"

Our eyes connect and there are no words left, only actions.

Our lips meet roughly, a cataclysm of passion exploding between us. He holds both of my hands over my head with one hand while kissing my collarbone.

He isn't inside me yet and I already feel I can climax any minute now.

I abandon myself to him as he lowers his mouth to my nipple, his hot tongue working on me. His other hand squeeze my full, aching breast, tugging my nipple delicately with his fingers.

A forbidden pleasure reaches my stomach when with a flex of his hips, he pushes into me.

Oh, God! That hurt like hell.

A gasp leaves my mouth and I groan in pain. He kisses me softly and whispers sorry and sweet nothings in my ear.

I feel something warm flowing from my opening as he thrusts in slowly. I smile as I realize I'm no longer a virgin.

"Fuck! Eva! You feel so good!!"

When he notices I've adjust to him, he looked at me for approval, I nod and he thrusts deeper into me. I close my eyes, moaning his name as he moves faster inside me, kissing the soft spot behind my ear.

"Say my name and I'll give it to you" he whispers in my ear.

But instead I just bite my lips and didn't make any sound. Fred gives me a smirk.


He lets go of my hands and my fingers rack down his back, my legs encircling his strong torso. Each time he goes deeper and harder into me, I realize how much we've been yearning for each other.

His strong arms grab the head of the bed as his eyes darken with desire for me. I grab the sheets of the bed, my heart beat accelerated, as I feel my orgasm coming.

Just then we hear a knock on the door and Fred halts in his movement.

"Eva?" We heard Royale's voice from outside.

"Fuck!!" Fred exclaims.

"Eva are you ok?" He asks.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine Roy"

"But I heard you screaming. Is uncle beating you?" He asks innocently.

"No, he's not beating me, I was just having a... a.. nightmare?"

Fred frowns at me.

"This is no where near a nightmare, bae"

"Oh, you must be scared. Should I come in?" Roy ask again.

Fred wanted to reply him but I stop him.

"No, go back to your room. I'll be fine"

Fred didn't bother waiting for his reply. His lips crash on mine and his palms cup my neck as he pushes into me one more time, and thrusts into me with an intense passion.

A couple of minutes later, I arch my back, yelling with pleasure. We both come together. We are both breathless, shocked by the passionate exchange we just had. I feel his warm seed moving in me.

Suddenly we hear Roy speak from outside.

"Eva? I'm coming in"

Just as he said that the door push open and Roy's small figure comes in. Fred quickly jumps off me and laid next to me.

Roy looked at our bodies and frown. He turns his harsh gaze to Fred.

"Uncle why were you beating her? Mom said men aren't supposed to hit women"

"Roy... We weren't fighting" I told him.

"You were fighting! Or why else are you two sweating?" He arch a brow at us.

I clear my throat. How am I supposed to answer him.

Fred stands up and walk towards Roy, I notice he's now wearing his boxers. I frown, when did he had time to where his boxers.

He squats in front of Roy.

"We were trying to make a baby" he told Roy.

My eyes grows wide and I throw a pillow at him.

"Fred!" I called him warningly.

He shouldn't say that to a kid. He simply laughs and send me a wink.

He leans towards me and whisper.

"We are not gonna have any kids"

I gasp.

"Why? Your seed is already in me, like literally" I whisper back.

"We'll abort it if it turns into a baby, kids are trouble"

He turns to Roy and carries him on his shoulder.

"Wait, Fred, are you serious?"

He doesn't say anything, he just chuckles and send me a wink, then he runs out with Roy who's hitting his back.

Was he being serious?

T. B. C.




Bianca I'm happy for you 💃💃

Fred and Eva finally did it 🤗🤗

Roy, you naughty boy, you almost spoil things for Fred 😂😂😂

Eva don't listen to Fred, he's just joking. Abortion is not an option 😠😠😠



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