
Marriage Between Elites

"I came to make a proposal" Anabella said " speak" Jason said aloofly without any emotion "invest in my business and I will give you 80%of the profit" Anabella replied "I don't need your money" Jason said "but I have other condition that you would be interested in" Jason continued without waiting for her to speak"marry me " "....."

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7 Chs

Bring a wife home!!!

After a long day at work, Jason decided to head back to his apartment located in a wealthy district. He was on his way home when he received a call from his father Maxson Grayson

" Hello" Jason answered the phone call

" Jason come back home right now,your grandfather fainted and he his currently been treated at home" Jason's father said calmly

" I will be right there" Jason replied

"I hope grandfather will be alright this time, the doctor have told me once that his heart can't take any anxiety or stress" Jason thought while sighing

Jason have always had a good relationship with his grandfather because he was brought up by him. He always try to do whatever his grandfather tells him to without complains except for one thing which was to get married.

On his way to the house he ran over a lot of red lights just to get there in a jiffy.immediately he got there he walked out of the car and headed straight to his grandfather's room.He met his mother in the couch staring blankly at the television

" mom why are u sitting here absentmindedly?" he asked

" oh my son you are back home, I have missed you so much" Titiana Grayson said with excitement" hope you are not having an hard time living all alone" she asked with worry

" mom don't worry about me, how is grandfather's condition now and where is father?" he asked without much emotions

" he has fallen asleep after been treated,your father went out not quite long to get some work done" she said "the doctor said your grandfather have been thinking a lot lately and that have affected his health " she told him worriedly

" Let me go check up on him..I will be back shortly " he told his mother while he walked towards his grandfather's room. Immediately he got inside the room he met his grandfather wide awake looking pale

" mother said you were sleeping just now" he said to his grandfather

"urggghh..I just had to pretend for that woman because she was been worried for no reason" he replied while pouting

" how are you feeling now" Jason asked him

" I feel alright" he replied

" mother told me the doctor said you were thinking "he asked him with an eyebrow raised saying in his mind "what was this old man thinking about".

" I was thinking about when you are going to give me a granddaughter in-law" he said

" Are we still on this topic?" Jason asked feeling rather frustrated

"Don't give me that look...if you don't want this old man to die of worry you have to give me a granddaughter in-law" he said not looking good

" since you are fine now I would get going " he said trying to evade the marriage topic

"I know u will try to evade the topic but don't worry if you can't look for a wife yourself I would help you look for one.... Humph " he said feeling annoyed

"I will take my leave now" Jason said ignoring his tantrums.

"I need to take matters into my hands now that he doesn't want to get married "Mr Gray thought

immediately Jason left his grandfather's room he saw his father coming up from the stairs

"father" he greeted

" have you seen your grandfather " Mr Maxson asked

"yes I have...I will take my leave now " he said to his father.

"why don't you stay for the night" his father suggested although knowing he won't stay

" I have something to do so I can't stay" he said without much thought

"whatever...just remember to come home often your grandfather and mother misses you alot.. remember that family is much more important than work" he told him with a very stern expression

" I understand father" Jason said

" I hope you Will also fulfill your grandfather's request sooner I don't want to see him sad and also you are not young anymore" Jason father said to him

"we will see about that" he said while walking pass his father

after he got to the door he saw his mother waiting for him

"I will be taking my leave" he said

" Don't you want to keep your mother's company" she said sadly and expectantly

" not now mom" he replied aloofly

" I also hope to have a daughter in-law very soon,most of my friends already have theirs " she told him sadly while sighing

"bye mom" he told her without commenting on what she said ....without waiting for her reply he hurriedly left the house.

" he is so cold I hope he finds wife sooner so that he can at least show some emotion while talking" Titiana thought

After Jason left the villa he went straight to his apartment, it was already two in the midnight by the time he got to his apartment.He changed his clothes and remembered that he hadn't eaten anything since the whole day because he has been busy and worried about his grandfather. He decided to cook a bowl of noodles for himself so as not to go to bed hungry. After eating he went straight to bed thinking about what his grandfather told him. He sighed worriedly and decided to put it at the back of his mind for now. Not quite long he fell asleep.